《Forward In Time》Chapter Eleven


"You wanted to see me?" Aang asked Lin as he bursted into the room. They were in the main temple room, where they had figured out about the Black Lotus.

"You need to see this." Lin said and handed him a folded up paper. Aang looked at her confused and took the parchment. When he unfolded the paper, three pictures fell to the floor.

Aang read the letter and his heart stopped. Katara and the others came in, "What's wrong?" She asked as she rushed to her boyfriend. She noticed the pictures on the floor and picked them up.

Katara's heart dropped when she saw the pictures. The first one was the dead bodies of her and the Gaang, the second one was the dead bodies of Korra and her friends, and the third was the dead bodies of their future family. She qucikly hid the pictures so no one else would see them.

Sokka carefully took the letter from Aang and began to read it out loud, "Dear Avatar Aang, we hope you got our message earlier today. Just know that this is only the beginning, we will have our way.

We have been watching you for a very long time. We know your every move, your every weakness. Plotting right under your nose. We are everywhere.

If you want to keep your friends and family safe, come to Wulong Forest alone, tonight at ten o'clock sharp. I'm sure remember it being that's where you defeated Fire Lord Ozai and ending the Hundred Year War. Don't be late, or there will be consequences." Sokka noticed the Black Lotus symbol on the bottom of the page before looking up at his friend.

"What are we going to do?" Katara asked a worried expression plastered on her face.


"I'm going to go back to Wulong Forest." Aang replied, "Alone."

"You can't go alone!" Katara said as she grabbed his arm.

"I have to Katara, they told me to!" Aang argued, looking at his girlfriend.

"You don't have to do anything alone." Katara replied, "I'm going with you."

"No, you're staying here Katara." Sokka said, "I'll go with him." Katara bit her lip and looked at her brother, then at her boyfriend and nodded.

Bolin stepped forward, "I'll go too."

Korra looked at him shocked as Mako said, "Bolin no!"

"Bolin, this isn't your fight-" Aang started, but Bolin interrupted him, "It is now. They threatened us. I want to help anyway I can."

"Then I'm going too." Mako said as he stepped forward.

"No!" Aang quickly said, "I'm only taking Sokka and Bolin! Everyone else needs to stay here and protect this place!"

Aang pet Appa as the three boys got ready to leave. Katara walked up to her boyfriend and kissed him, "You better come back in one piece."

Aang smiled at her, "Yes ma'am." He said before kissing her again.

Toph walked up to Sokka, "Don't die Meathead." She said giving him a punch in the arm.

"Yeah I know." Sokka replied as he rubbed his arm, "You'll kill me if I do." He gave her a soft smile even though she can't see it.

Korra walked up to Bolin, "You don't have to go Bolin. I'm sure if you back out know Aang will understand."

"Korra, you know I can't back out." Bolin replied, "They threatened you, my brother and our friends. You guys are like family to me, if there's a way to stop them by going with Aang, then I have to try."


Korra nodded and softly kissed his cheek making him blush, "Just come back safe." She said blushing and gave him a soft punch on the shoulder.

Zuko walked up to Sokka and Aang, "I promise everyone will still be here when you two get back."

"Thank you Zuko." Aang said and opened his arms. Zuko sighed and hugged his friend.

They pulled away and Zuko turned to Sokka, "Do I get a hug too?" Sokka asked opening his arms.

"No." Zuko replied. Sokka smirked and hugged him anyways making Toph laugh.

Mako and Asami walked up to Bolin, "Hey bro... don't die out there." Mako said

Bolin chuckled, "Okay bro."

"I mean it." Mako said in a stern tone to make his stern look, "If you die I'm going to be real mad and bring you back to life to kill you myself."

Bolin had a small smile on his face, "I got it Mako." Mako smiled and hugged his little brother.

When the brothers pulled away, Asami gave Bolin a hug, "Stay safe." She said

"I will." Bolin promised. The two friends parted as Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi walked up to the three boys who are now standing next to each other.

"Be careful dad." Kya said, "If you die we cease to exist." She motioned to her and her brothers with a smile on her face.

"No pressure right?" Aang said jokingly

"Ha! You survived a lot of things!" Bumi said, "I'm sure you'll come back! Might have a few bruises, but no one will be able to take you down!"

Aang smiled at Bumi, "Thanks Bumi."

"Try to come back without any bruises though." Tenzin said, "I hear your lightning scar gives you enough pain."

"I'm not planning on getting anymore painful scars, trust me." Aang replied

Tenzin nodded with a smile then his face turned stern, "Bolin!" Bolin stood straighter like a soldier would, "You better watch after my dad and uncle!"

"Yes sir." Bolin said. Tenzin's face softened and his smile grew back. Bolin saw this and relaxed with a smile.

The three boys boarded the bison. They waved to their friends before Appa took off. High in the sky, Bolin looked down and admired the view.

"Wow! This is beautiful!" Bolin exclaimed, "I don't fly very often, you know... being an Earthbender and all."

"I didn't fly at all until I met Aang." Sokka said as he leaned back against the saddle. He rested his arms behind his head and crossed his ankles.

"So I'm guessing you don't know how to fly a bison then." Aang said looking back at Bolin. He shook his head and Aang smiled, "Would you like to learn?"

Bolin smiled widely and practically jumped over to where Aang was. Aang handed him the reigns and instructed him on how to fly Appa. Bolin was able to get it pretty quickly which surprised Aang since he was an Earthbender.

The three boys chatted joyfully all the way to Wulong Forest, trying to forget the reason they were going. But they weren't prepared for what was going to happen.

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