《Forward In Time》Chapter Ten


After their talk with Avatar Wan, Aang and Korra gathered everyone inside the temple and told them what Wan had said. Of course, this worried everyone but mostly Katara. She didn't like hearing her boyfriend was in danger.

"A Timebender?" Tenzin asked amazed

"That's what Wan said." Aang replied, "It's not impossible, there are so many lion turtles out there, so there could be one for time. Maybe someone found it and tricked it into giving them the ability to Timebend."

"And this Timebender is putting you in danger?" Katara asked with a worried expression

Aang noticed this and gave her a reassuring smile as he took her hand, "Don't worry Katara, I've been through worse. I'll be fine."

"Avatar Wan said to watch the news for anything unusual right?" Jinora asked

"Did you find something already?" Korra asked with an amused smile

"Actually yes. The earthquake today was put in the paper, and I noticed something." Jinora replied, "Only two buildings were damaged today, and it was the apartments and the orphanage."

"So... someone wanted Aang to be seen." Zuko said, "They wanted his presence here known. They knew he wouldn't be able to stand by while people needed help."

"That's not all! Tell them what else we found Jinora!" Ikki said

Jinora nodded, "While Korra and Grandpa Aang were meditating, Ikki, Meelo and I went flying on our gliders over the city to see what damage was done. While there were two buildings destroyed, there were cracks all over the streets."

"And then we saw this lotus flower when we flew higher!" Meelo cut in. Everyone looked confused.

"The cracks in the ground formed the design of a lotus flower." Jinora explained

The Gaang gasped and looked at Aang, "You don't think it's the Black Lotus, do you?" Katara asked, "Maybe... whoever their leader is... they might be the Timebender."

"The Black Lotus? We've never heard of that organization." Tenzin said

"We just found out about them before we were sent to this time." Sokka replied

"No... what he means is... it doesn't exist." Kya said, "You guys never fought an organization called the Black Lotus."


"So... they're trying to change history?" Toph asked

"The man... back in the village before we were sent here." Aang started, "He said the Black Lotus is everywhere... and he said that we might have won the battle, but we'll never win the war."

"Don't bad guys... always say that?" Bolin asked

"These weren't regular bad guys." Zuko replied, "They knew our moves. They were able to chi block Toph and I, they knew using Katara against Aang would make him stand down, they knew what rooms we were in. Even then, the take down seemed... too easy."

"So... they wanted us to capture them?" Sokka asked

"They wanted to send us a message." Zuko replied

"What do we do, Aang?" Toph asked. It was on rare occasion she used is real name, but it was always when something serious was happening.

Aang let go of Katara's hand and placed them on his knees, "If our being here isn't a coincidence, and we really are in danger... then we need to be more careful. Which means we have to keep a low-profile... and we can't help if people are in danger." Katara placed a comforting hand on her boyfriend's shoulder.

"We'll do our best to protect you." Korra said, "And we'll help you take down the Black Lotus anyway we can."

"Thank you Korra."

"So how was it to speak to the first ever Avatar?" Katara asked as her and Aang got into bed for the night. She rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her, her hand resting on his chest.

"It was really cool!" Aang replied, "He was impressed that I was able to learn all the elements at age twelve."

"Well, it's never been done before." Katara said as she rubbed his chest lightly, "Didn't it take the others years to master them?"

"Avatar Wan learned all of them in a year." He paused, "Though I guess he was older than I was."

"Remember when I told you you'd be a great Avatar?" Katara asked

Aang nodded, "Guess you were right."

"Of course I was!"

Aang smiled at his girlfriend before pulling her in for a kiss. Their soft kiss soon turned passionate as Katara wrapped her arms around his neck. Before they got too far, Aang pulled away.


"I don't know how thin these walls are." Aang said

"Knowing you, they're probably pretty thick." Katara replied as she sat up to straddle him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with an amused smile.

"Just that you have problems keeping your hands to yourself when we're alone."

"It's not my fault you're so beautiful." He replied placing a soft kiss on her collarbone, "I just want to see every part of you." His kisses moved up to her neck, leaving soft bites every now and then. A soft moan escaped her lips.

"Are we really going to do this in the future?" Katara asked amused

"Well, when else will we get the chance to make love while in the future?" Aang replied as he kissed just under her ear.

"You make a valid point."

Aang went back to kissing her neck, this time the kisses were a little rough. She let out another moan.

"We should skip the fore-play." Katara said

Aang chuckled as he pulled back, "You're that eager huh?"

"We haven't done it in a while." Katara replied then frowned, "And the thought of you being in danger...." Aang smiled lightly and placed a soft kiss on her lips as he lightly flipped them over so she was under him.

"I'm not going to let anyone take me away from you..." Aang said when they pulled away.

Katara closed her eyes, "I know..." She opened them again, "I just need a distraction..."

Aang reached under her night dress, "Then we better make this quick."

"Did everyone sleep okay?" Bolin asked as the Gaang and their new friends got ready to train. Kya, Bumi, and Tenzin were overseeing them incase of danger.

"I slept fine!" Toph replied, "But judging by the vibrations, Twinkletoes and Sugar Queen had some fun before getting sleep." Aang and Katara looked at each other blushing.

"Did you two....?" Korra asked not finishing her question. The couple blushed more.

"I didn't know you two were sexually active before getting married." Kya said with a smirk as she crossed her arms.

"They can't keep their hands off each other." Zuko said, "Back in our time, they always find excuses to sneak off."

"You guys do stuff too you know!" Katara said defensively

"Yeah, but you're the only couple here." Toph said, "It's much more fun. Especially since we can expose your secrets to your kids."

"I think the fact you two have three speaks for itself." Zuko added

"Can we stop talking about my best friend and sister having sex and get to training!" Sokka said

"Gladly." Aang and Katara said at the same time. Aang stood in the center of the stone circle once again as his friends stood on the outside.

He stretched before saying, "Don't hold anything back! I can take it!"

His friends attacked at the same time, Korra using only Waterbending. Aang was able to protect himself by using their attacks against each other. He used the water sent by Katara and Korra to break the earth sent to him by Toph and Bolin while putting out the fires sent by Zuko and Mako.

Toph and Bolin sent more rocks at him which he broke into many pieces. Katara and Korra threw more water at him in which he sent back to the ocean. Knowing who was next, he turned to Zuko and Mako.

Aang went to block Zuko's fire attack, but he saw the Black Lotus man in his friend's place with a sinister smile. He was startled and lost his focus, that's when the fire hit him and he fell back. The group around him gasped and rushed over to him.

"I'm sorry Aang!" Zuko said, "I thought you would block that."

"It's not your fault Zuko." Aang replied as he sat up with a wince. His arms were burned due to the fact he covered his face. Katara pulled water from the ocean and placed it on his arms as it glowed.

"What happened?" Bumi asked

"I've just been... out of it recently." Aang replied

"It's the nightmares, isn't it?" Katara asked but it was more of a statement. Aang didn't reply, he just looked down. Katara finished healing him and sent the water back to the ocean.

Just then, Jinora appeared, "Dad! Lin is here, she said she needs to talk to Grandpa Aang!"

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