《Forward In Time》Chapter Nine


Aang and Korra sat criss-cross across from each other. Their eyes were closed as they steadied their breathing. Aang had an easier time at clearing his mind now that it had been a while since his nightmare. Soon, the world around them faded and was replaced by the Spirit World. They opened their eyes and looked around before standing up.

"So how do we find Avatar Roku?" Korra asked

"I usually just walk around until he appears." Aang replied as they started walking, "He usually knows when I need to talk to him. Sometimes I might get a different Avatar though. I guess it has to do with who I really need at that time."

"Think we might run into you here?" Korra joked

"That'd... actually be weird. What would I even say to myself?"

"Um... 'hi'?..."

"Knowing me I probably would." Aang said, "I'd probably also say 'my name is Aang'." Korra laughed. They walked around for a while and caught no sign of any Avatars.

"Usually you appear when I need you..." Korra said in thought as the two Avatar's stopped to rest.

Aang sighed and sat on the ground, "Maybe if we try calling him?" He suggested

Korra shrugged, "Worth a shot..."

"Avatar Roku!" Aang called, but nothing happened.

"What's going on?" Korra asked confused

"...You don't think me being here is disrupting the balance... do you?" Aang asked

"No, it's not." A voice said

Aang quickly stood up and turned around as a familiar Avatar came out from the clearing, "Avatar Wan?" The two young Avatar's said at the same time.

"Sorry for being late, I was visiting with an old friend." Wan said before sitting on the ground, "I know I'm not the one you're looking for, but I hope I can help." He motioned for them to sit with him.


"I've learned that certain Avatar's appear when you need them, not when you want them." Aang replied as he and Korra sat down.

Wan nodded and looked at the two with a smile, "I'm glad to finally have a conversation with you two. I'm so proud of what your both doing in your own times. Especially you Aang, you're the first Avatar after me to learn all the elements in a year, and you were only twelve."

Aang blushed feeling flattered as Wan turned to Korra, "And Korra... I'm proud of the decisions you've made."

"You're not disappointed that I reopened the Spirit World?" Korra asked

Wan shook his head, "Times have changed since I was the Avatar. People don't have to fear spirits like they did back then." He paused, "But I'm not here to talk about your accomplishments."

"Are you here to help me get back?" Aang asked

"Unfortunately no... none of us know why you're here, not even you yourself." Wan replied, "I'm here to warn you... Vaatu has been restless since you got here."

"But... Harmonic Convergence has already happened!" Korra said

"But he can still be pretty powerful, that's why I trapped him all those years ago."

"How come my appearance here is making him restless?" Aang asked. He knew of the tale of Avatar Wan, the Monks had him study the past Avatars, even when he didn't know he was the Avatar.

"He's planning something." Wan replied, "I went to go see him, and he was laughing. He said we had no idea what's coming. I'm afraid you being here is not on accident Aang, you might be in danger."

"Who would have the power to bring me here?" Aang asked, "No one can control time."

"Bloodbending wasn't a thing when I was the Avatar. Neither was Lavabending, Metalbending, or Sandbending."


"Are you saying someone managed to... bend time?" Korra asked

Wan nodded, "It's not impossible. Benders first got their powers from the great lion turtles, and there are many out there."

"A lion turtle gave me the ability to Energybend before I fought Ozai." Aang said

"So, there could be a time lion turtle?" Korra asked. Wan nodded in response, "Great! So we just find the lion turtle and get you sent back home!" Korra said to Aang

"It's not that simple..." Wan said, "If there is a Timebender out there, they might bring you back. You're going to have to find them and take away their bending."

"Of course.... It's never simple." Korra mumbled. Wan gave her an amused smile.

"How do we find the Timebender?" Aang asked

"I would suggest keeping a close eye on the news. If there's anything that seems out of ordinary... that will be your answer." Wan replied, "I'm afraid that's all I can tell you. But before I go, let me give you some advice. Keep your friends close, it's hard being the Avatar. You need something in your lives to keep you human, that's why I try my best to send friends to my successors."

"You... send friends to us?" Korra asked

Wan nodded with a smile, "The Spirit World has many capabilities." Was his answer, "Goodbye, Avatar Aang and Avatar Korra."

The two Avatar's opened their eyes back in the real world with a gasp.

Bolin walked around Air Temple Island. Since Korra was meditating with Aang and Mako was with Asami somewhere, he didn't really have anything to do. He noticed Katara sitting at a bench looking at Aang's statue, so he walked over to her.

"Master Katara?" He said getting her attention, "Can I sit with you?"

"Of course!" She replied and moved over to give him more room.

Bolin sat next to her and stared at the statue with her, "I remember when Mako and I were living on the streets, I could still see his statue no matter where we slept. It always made me feel safe. I felt like he was watching over me."

Katara smiled, "I'm glad he can still bring hope to people after so long." She paused, "So, you and Mako lived on the streets?"

Bolin began to tell Katara about his and Mako's life, starting from how their parents died to how they met Korra.

"Sounds like you guys had a hard life." Katara said once he was finished.

"Yeah... but we still have each other." Bolin replied. It went silent again, but it was a comfortable silence.

"So... how long do these Avatar talks usually last?" Bolin asked breaking the silence.

"Depends what they're talking about." Katara replied, "Though hopefully it won't be long, there's no bathroom in the Spirit World." She smiled to herself at the memory, "So, are you and Korra... together?"

Bolin blushed, "Uh... no. She dated my brother a little bit... but they ended up not working out."

"But you like her... don't you?" Bolin didn't reply, he just looked down, "Have you told her how you feel?"

"She found out I liked her... but I don't think she knows I still do." Bolin replied.

"You know... it took about a year for Aang and I to start dating..." Katara said, then she began to tell him all the stories of her and Aang, "...So just be patient with her, I can tell there's something between you two." She finished

"You really think so?" Bolin asked

"Yeah..." She gave him a reassuring smile and it went silent again.

"Did he really say he'd rather kiss you than die?" Bolin asked making Katara laugh.

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