《Forward In Time》Chapter Eight


After the discovery of the time travelers, Aang was bombarded by reporters. Korra quickly got him and the rest of the Gaang back to Air Temple Island and they explained everything that happened to Tenzin.

"I'm sorry for making our presence here know, but those kids were in danger. I couldn't stand around and do nothing." Aang said. They were currently standing in the dining room with Tenzin and Pema.

"It's not your fault." Tenzin reassured, "You were always helping people in need, I figured it was only a matter of time before something happened. Though Lin isn't going to be happy."

"Who's Lin?" Sokka asked

"Toph's daughter."

"Toph has a daughter?" Aang asked a little surprised

"And why is that something to be surprised about?" Toph asked crossing her arms.

"Uh... well... you just... don't seem like the motherly type?"

"Keep digging your hole Twinkletoes, it's only going to get deeper."

Suddenly, an intimidating woman barged in, "Tenzin! You want to tell my why my mother is apparently a time traveler now!?"

"You know, if had to take a guess, I'd say that's Toph's daughter." Sokka whispered to the Gaang.

"Nice to see you too, Lin. How are you today?" Tenzin asked calmly

"Cut the chit chat, Tenzin. What are they doing here?" Lin motioned to the Gaang.

"Allow me too explain." Sokka said then took a deep breath.

"No! Your version of explaining takes forever!" Katara said interrupting him then looked at Zuko.

Zuko sighed, "We were flying on Appa. We saw this big bright light appear in the sky. Aang got pulled in so we went after him." He explained unenthusiastically.

"And where did this bright light come from?" Lin asked

"We... don't know..." Aang replied

"We've only been here for two days." Toph added

"Well, because you kids got yourself caught, the President has been calling the Police Department." Lin said

"We're sorry, but people were in danger and we couldn't stand by and do nothing." Aang replied

Lin sighed, "Just stay out of trouble. I don't want to have to watch you twenty four seven."


"You have my Avatar promise." Aang said giving her a respectful bow.

"Now that that's settled.." Pema said, "Why don't you stay for lunch Lin, we would love to have you."

"You could get to know the original team Avatar as teenagers. Especially your mother." Tenzin said

"Yeah, Toph's a real delight." Sokka added with a sarcastic tone. Toph punched him hard in the arm and smirked when he made a sound of pain.

"We'd love to get to know you too." Katara said

Lin scanned the young faces of the people she had looked up to and sighed, "Fine... I'll stay for lunch..."

After Tenzin said a prayer, everyone around the table started eating the delicious food.

"So Lin... you work at the Police Department?" Katara asked.

"Yes. I'm the chief of police." Lin replied

"Kind of ironic Toph's daughter became the chief of police." Zuko said

"My mother was the chief of police..."

The Gaang looked at each other before busting out laughing, including Toph.

"What's so funny?" Lin asked

"Sorry... it's just... Toph having a daughter is believable, but her being chief of police..." Aang said in between laughs.

"Yeah... when we were hiding in the Fire Nation, her, me and Aang scammed a bunch of people out of their money." Sokka added

"She even said 'let's break some rules' one time." Katara said. Lin lightly smiled at the laughter of the Gaang.

"Hold up!" Bumi said, "Dad scammed people?"

"Hey, everyone thought I was dead." Aang said defensively, "I was also left alone with Sokka and Toph."

"I have been known to be a bad influence." Toph said with a smirk.

"What made you guys want to scam people?" Korra asked

"We were running out of money and Toph can use her Earthbending to scam scammers... so we scammed scammers." Aang replied

"And then Sparky Sparky Boom man appeared and tried to kill Aang." Sokka added

"His name's Combustion man." Zuko said but he had a small smile on his face.

"What else did you guys do in the Fire Nation?" Mako asked curiously.


"Katara posed as a spirit lady to help people in a lake village." Sokka said, "Oh! And Aang posed as a Fire Nation student at a school and then we threw a dance party in a cave."

"Yeah, and Sugar Queen and Twinkletoes had a really hot dance during that party." Toph said with a smirk making Aang and Katara's faces go red. Zuko covered up his small snicker by taking a drink of his water.

"It wasn't hot... it was... friendly..." Aang said nervously as curious eyes watched him.

"That's not what your heartbeats said." Toph replied as she took a drink of her water.

"Can we move on?" Katara asked

"Sounds like you guys had fun in the Fire Nation." Bolin said

"Oh yeah! There was this one time we went to see a play about us by the Ember Island Players-" Toph was interrupted by the rest of the Gaang groaning.

"That play was a total nightmare!" Zuko said, "They had my scar on the wrong eye!"

"How did you see a play?" Asami asked Toph, "You're blind."

"I just heard what was going on." Toph replied, "Like I was played by a big buff dude while Twinkletoes was played by a girl!"

"That play was kind of insulting. Though it was made in the Fire Nation after we attempted to invade them..." Sokka said

"Tell us that story!" Ikki said

"Well... it's kind of a long story..." Aang said

"Did we not write a book about our adventures?" Katara asked. The people around the table shook their heads.

"See, I suggested we do that but SOMEBODY thought it was a bad idea!" Sokka said and glared at Zuko.

"I said you writing it by yourself was a bad idea, not the whole thought in general!" Zuko said defensively.

"Okay, let's not start a fight." Aang said, "I don't want food to get thrown everywhere like last time."

"Hey! Toph started that last fight!" Sokka said

"I did not!" Toph defended

"Yeah you did! You were the first one to throw the food!"

"I only threw food because Sugar Queen said I was eating like an arctic hippo!"

"I did not say that!" Katara said, "I said you could rival an arctic hippo!"

"So you say that about me but not your boyfriend!?"

"Hey! Don't bring me into this!" Aang said

"Uh... should we do something?" Pema asked Tenzin as the teenagers argued.

"I don't know... I've never seen them argue before." Tenzin replied

"Is that going to be us one day?" Bolin asked

"Uh... most likely..." Mako replied

"...You always yell at me when I stop assassins by myself when you do it all the time!" Zuko said to Aang which confused everyone else, except the Gaang, on how the topic got changed.

"Because I'm the Avatar! I control all four elements! You only control fire!" Aang replied

"That's what you always say!"

"Don't make me call your grandfather!"

"You wouldn't!"

"We both know I would!"

"Hey! There will be no calling past Avatar's at the lunch table!" Katara said, "Especially one in the future!"

"Aw! But I wanted to see it!" Sokka whined

"Stop fighting!" Lin exclaimed, "You're giving me a headache! See this is why I don't want kids."

"Sorry..." The Gaang said at the same time.

"Okay... if we meditate and get into the Spirit World, we should be able to find a past Avatar to help us out." Aang said to Korra as they walked to the meditation pavilion.

"Sounds good! I'm really excited to be able to meditate with you." Korra said

"I'm excited to watch!" Bolin said as he walked up to them.

"Oh... sorry Bolin, we sort of need to do this alone." Korra said

"Oh right... well if you need anything, just ask. I'm always happy to help." Bolin smiled sheepishly before walking off.

Aang smiled, "Your boyfriend's nice." He said once Bolin was out of ear shot.

Korra blushed, "Boyfriend!? Oh no... Bolin's not my... he's-he's not my boyfriend."

"Oh? Really? Cause you guys always sit next to each other and stand next to each other." Aang replied a little surprised, "Well... you'd make a cute couple."

"You think so?" Korra asked curiously

"Yeah." He paused, "We should get started."

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