《Forward In Time》Chapter Seven


"Come on we're going to miss it!" Bolin exclaimed as he, Mako, and Asami ran to wear the Gaang was.

"Slow down Bolin!" Mako said trying to keep up with his little brother.

"Slow down? How many chances are we going to get to see Avatar Aang train with his friends?" Bolin replied

"Uh... well he's dead..." Asami said

"Exactly! Korra and the kids are already there so pick up the pace!"

The three friends made it to a clearing through some trees. They stood on top of a hill over looking a large circled stone. Carved in the stone was the symbols of the four elements. Korra sat near the edge with Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo.

"Did we miss anything?" Bolin asked as he sat next to Korra.

"Nope. They're just getting ready." Korra replied as Mako and Asami sat down.

Down below, Sokka made Aang a makeshift blind fold so he can practise his seismic sense.

"Here you go buddy." Sokka said as he handed Aang the red blindfold.

"Thanks Sokka." Aang said as he took the blindfold. He slipped his shirt off and took his shoes off, "Let's get started."

Aang moved to stand at the center of the circle stone while the others, besides Sokka who hid somewhere for safety, stood on the outside of the stone.

Katara pulled water from the ocean, Toph got in a fighting stance, and Zuko created balls of fire as Aang tied the blindfold around his eyes.

Tenzin, Bumi and Kya appeared on the hill, "Have they started yet?" Kya asked as the three siblings sat down.

"They're just about to!" Jinora replied

"We haven't watched dad practice in forever." Bumi said, "And even then it was when he was by himself."

"Don't hold back." Aang said to his friends. Toph attacked him with a ball of rock from the ground. Aang sensed the movement using his seismic sense and broke the rock, sending the pieces away from the group.

Zuko and Katara attacked him at the same time. Aang sensed the movement and heard both the water and the fire. He redirected the water to put out the fire and sent the water back to the ocean.

All throughout the training, Aang's movements were smooth as he easily deflected the attacks. The audience above watched in awe.

"Wow... he moves so easily." Korra said, "Wish they'd traveled back in time when were dealing with Amon or Unalaq."


"Definitely would've been easier." Asami agreed.

When the Gaang took a quick breather, Sokka jumped out from his hiding place, "SNEAK ATTACK!" He exclaimed running towards Aang.

Aang used water to knock his friend down earning a laugh from their audience, "Sokka, I told you before. Sneak attacks don't work if you shout them."

Katara smirked as she got an idea, "Sneak attack!"

Aang turned to tell her the same thing, but was stopped when her lips pressed against his. Ikki and Meelo made sounds of disgust.

"I remember when that would gross us out as kids." Bumi said

"Yeah, but seeing them be affectionate as teenagers is cute." Kya added

"They're so romantic." Jinora said as she watched them with her head resting in her hands.

"OOGIES!" Sokka exclaimed which made Katara splash him with water.

"Ugh do you guys really have to?" Zuko asked a little annoyed

"Aw, don't worry Sparky. We'll get back to our own time soon, then you and Mai can suck each other's faces all you want!" Toph said with a smirk.

"Why do you feel the need to tease us?"

"Somebody's gotta keep you guys from getting big heads." She replied punching him in the arm.

When the couple pulled away, Aang took off his blindfold and smiled.

"Are we done training now?" Toph asked resting her hands behind her head.

"Why? You got something important to do?" Katara asked

"I just wanted to go explore Republic City."

"Toph, I want to explore just as much as you." Sokka said standing up, "But people can't know we're here. It could cause a lot of confusion." He began to ring out his clothes so Aang airdried him, "Thanks buddy."

"We have our cloaks we could wear and someone could show us around." Toph argued, "We hid in the Fire Nation for weeks and no one suspected a thing."

"I don't see why we can't look around. Beats sitting here all day." Zuko said

Korra and her friends lead the disguised Gaang around the city. They looked around and noticed for the first time all the vines, plantlife and spirits.

"What happened here?" Aang asked. So Korra explained everything that happened with Unalaq and that she decided to reopen the spirit world.

"...So ever since then I've been trying to figure out how to get rid of these vines, but I've not had much luck." Korra finished. Aang placed a had on her shoulder and smiled, "I'm sure you'll figure it out."


Suddenly, the ground started shaking, "What's going on?" Katara asked

"I think it's an earthquake!" Bolin replied.

The shaking became harder as cracks began to form in the ground. The cracks was heading towards an apartment building which started to crack too.

"We need to help those people!" Korra said, "Mako, Bolin you guys help me. Asami, stay here and watch them." She motioned to the time travelers. Asami nodded before Korra and the two brothers rushed over to the apartment building.

The Gaang watched Korra and her friends save the people in the building as it crumbled down, then, cracks headed over to a nearby orphanage.

"We have to help those kids!" Aang said as the building cracked.

"But you can't be seen! You'll get caught!" Asami replied

"Korra's busy! If we don't help those kids then they'll be seriously injured!"

Asami looked at the Avatar she had always looked up to, "I'll help anyway I can."

Aang nodded, "Toph, try and keep the building from collapsing as long as you can. The rest of us needs to get inside and get the kids."

The others nodded and they rushed towards the orphange. Once they were at the edge, Toph stood her ground and used her Earthbending to keep the building from crumbling, "Hurry! I don't know how long I can hold it!"

Asami and the Gaang rushed into the orphanage. The head of the orphanage was stumbling around trying to get to the kids.

Asami rushed over to her, "Miss you have to get out of here!" She said as she lead her to the entrance.

"But the kids-" She started

"We've got the kids, just go!" Asami rushed her out the door.

"Asami and Zuko, you two look for kids down here. Katara and I will do upstairs. Katara, will make a slide of ice going down the stairs for the kids. Sokka, you lead the kids to the door as they come down." Aang ordered before everyone parted their ways.

Aang and Katara rushed upstairs. Katara bended the water out of her pouch and placed it on the stairs, freezing it to make a slide.

They rushed into rooms to get kids down the slide. The kids were able to go very easily. As they slid down Sokka was able to quickly rush them to the door.

Once Zuko and Asami were done getting the kids downstairs, they helped Sokka with the kids coming down the slide.

"There's one more room!" Aang said, "You go ahead and go!"

"Are you sure?" Katara asked

"I'll be fine, just go!"

Katara nodded and picked up the little girl next to her. She removed the ice from the stairs and put the water back in her pouch.

"Where's Aang?" Sokka asked when his sister made it to the bottom.

"He's getting the last kid. He said we should go." She replied. The four friends rushed outside with the last of the kids.

"Where's Aang?" Toph asked when she saw the friends.

"He's getting the last kid." Katara replied

"He better hurry up! I can't hold this much longer!" And just then, her arms went down involuntarily causing the building to crumble again.

Aang ran into the last room to see a little boy sitting on his bed looking terrified. There was a big crack in the floor and suddenly it opened wide.

"Hey, you need to jump over! I'll catch you!" Aang said

"I'm too scared!" The boy replied

"What's your name?"

The boy wiped away tears that were falling, "Hosun."

"Hosun. That's a good name." Aang said, "It's okay to be scared. I understand it more than you know. But you need to jump if you want to make it out." Hosun shook his head so Aang removed his hood.

"Avatar Aang?"

"Yeah. I'm not leaving without you kid. Do you trust me?" Hosun nodded, "Then jump." Hosun slowly got off his bed. When his feet touched the ground, it began to shake. He panicked and quickly jumped to Aang.

Aang grabbed him and protected them both by surrounding them with a ball of air as the building collapsed around them.

Katara watched the building collapse, "No! Aang was still in there!" Then, the rubble started to move and out came Aang in a ball of air holding Hosun.

Aang landed in front of the rubble and put the boy down. Hosun ran to the rest of the orphans as Katara ran up and hugged her boyfriend.

People around them began whispering and that's when Aang realized his hood was down.

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