《Forward In Time》Chapter Six


Aang woke up when he heard a noise. As he looked around, he noticed that he was in the Fire Nation palace. Then he heard a scream.

"Katara!" He quickly got out of bed and ran to the door. When he opened it, the scenery changed to the courtyard of the palace.

He saw Zuko on his knees with his hands behind his back.

"Kill the traitor." He heard a voice behind him say. He turned to see Ozai standing there.

He turned back to his friend, "No!" He exclaimed and quickly rushed to try and save him, but he was burned alive before he could make.

"Zuko!" As he reached out towards him, the scenery changed again. He was at Ba Sing Se, and everything was on fire. In front of him was a Fire Nation soldier, who had a hold of Toph.

He immediately rushed towards them. He wasn't going to let her die. But before he could make it, the soldier snapped her neck.

"Toph! No!" He watched in horror as her body fell to the ground.

Then, the scenery changed again. To the Southern Water Tribe. The sight of it on fire hit him harder than had Ba Sing Se.

He felt someone grab him and struggled against them. He tried to use his bending... but he was powerless.

He heard laughter and looked up to see the Black Lotus men. They brought out Katara and Sokka, who were bound, and forced them onto their knees.

"No! Please! Don't hurt them!" He pleaded with tears flowing down his face, "Let them go!"

But his pleads did nothing. He saw as the men unsheathed swords, "Don't kill them! I'm begging you!"

He watched as the blades went through the two people who he cared for the most, "NO!" He saw the life leave their blue eyes.

Aang shot up in his bed sweating, "Aang, It's okay we're here.... we're all here." Katara said as he looked around.

Sokka and Katara were on either side of him while Toph and Zuko were kneeling near his feet. Behind them were Korra and her friends at the door way. His future children stood next to them in the doorway, and he saw his future grandkids peaking out from behind them.


He looked into Sokka's eyes and then Katara's to see the life that was still there. Katara was almost in tears to see her boyfriend this way and hugged him. He hugged her back as his tears flowed.

Tears fell down Korra's face as she watched the scene before her. To see someone she looked up to so young and broken was hard. When she looked at the people around her, she could see that they felt the same way.

The next morning, Katara helped to make breakfast in the kitchen. It was quiet as no one wanted to bring up what happened last night.

"So does that happen often?" Bolin asked breaking the silence.

"Bolin!" Asami said scolding him, though she was thinking the same thing.

"It's okay." Katara said as she cut up the carrots in front of her, "Not like that.... this was his most intense night. I think he's getting worse.... he.... he can't enter the Avatar state."

Gasps rang through out the kitchen, "How come?" Bolin asked which resulted in Asami elbowing him in the ribs.

"I don't know...." Katara replied, the tears that were in her eyes started to flow and she dropped the knife she was holding, "I'm just so worried about him."

Kya stopped what she was working on and rushed over to hug her younger mother. Katara returned the hug as Pema, Asami and Bolin joined them.

"I know he'll get better sweetie." Pema said, "It's like a storm, it's rough at first, but when you get to the eye of the storm, that's your moment of calm. When the eye passes, it gets worse... but eventually the storm will pass and everything will be calm."

Katara smiled, "Thank you..." She said as the group hug parted. She wiped away her tears, "Tenzin is very lucky to have you Pema."

"I... hope I'm not interrupting anything." A voice said. The group turned to see Tenzin at the doorway.

"No... you're fine." Katara replied

Tenzin nodded, "I was wondering where father was."

"He always meditates before breakfast."

Tenzin smiled lightly, "I should have known... thank you mother." He turned to walk away.


"Oh, Tenzin. Don't bring up last night. He doesn't like to talk about his nightmares." Katara said. Tenzin gave her an understanding nod before walking away.

Aang sat outside in the meditation pavilion. He attempted to clear his mind, regulating his breathing as he did so. Once his mind was clear, he was able to relax. But it didn't last. Flashes from his dream last night filled his mind. He gasped as he opened his eyes.

He heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see Tenzin, "Mind if I join you?" He asked. Aang moved over to give him room to sit. Tenzin sat down next to him and they silently went to meditating.

Aang attempted to clear his mind again, but flashes of his nightmare came back. He made a sound of frustration and brought his knees up so he could rest his elbows on them. He stared at the wooden floor.

Tenzin glanced over at his young father, thinking of some way to make him feel better without bringing up last night.

"I remember every morning growing up, coming out here to meditate with you." Tenzin said to lighten the mood. Aang looked at him as he continued, "Bumi always had problems staying still. He would oftenly get Kya riled up and the two would end up bickering. But you were always calm. One time you said you would call Avatar Kyoshi and that made them calm down pretty quick." He laughed a little at the last statement.

"I figure Kya is a Waterbender... is Bumi a..."

"Bumi's a non-bender. But you figured one day they'll have kids who could be Airbenders and would be able to teach them."

Aang smiled and looked back at the wooden floor. Then his smile faded before asking, "Last night... have you guys... ever seen me like that?"

Tenzin was silent as he thought before speaking, "If you're wanting to know if the nightmares go away... I don't know. Only mother would know."

Aang nodded, "I guess if I was still having nightmares... I wouldn't want my kids to see me. I don't even like my friends seeing me... especially Katara..."

"Mother always worried about you, especially on days you had to be gone for a while. She always stayed near a window to see if you were coming. When she would get word that you couldn't come home when you were supposed to, she would storm into the council room and demand that they let you come home."

Aang laughed lightly, "She's a real force of nature. I've been on the receiving side of her temper and it's not fun."

"No it's not." Tenzin said laughing with him.

Aang lowered his knees, his elbows now resting on the side of them, "Thank you Tenzin... for lightening the mood."

"You're welcome..." Tenzin paused, "It's not going to be weird if I call you father... is it?"

Aang shook his head, "I've been through a lot of weird stuff. This time travel thing doesn't even make top of the list."

Tenzin smiled then they heard a voice behind them, "Dad." They turned to see Jinora, "Mom said to come tell you breakfast is ready."

"Thank you Jinora." Tenzin said as he and Aang stood up.

When Aang walked into the dining room, all eyes were on him. He looked into the worried eyes of his friends and smiled to let them know he's okay. They smiled back and they worry left them.

Aang sat down in between Katara and Sokka. Tenzin said the morning prayer before everyone started eating.

"Is there a place around here where we can train without damaging anything?" Zuko asked, "Maybe someplace secluded?"

Tenzin nodded, "Yes. There's a place around the back of the island. Father built it there so he could continue to practice his bending. Korra could show you where it is."

Toph groaned, "Do we have to? Twinkletoes is already pretty good. One of these days I'm going to leave with bruises."

"You're the one who says not to go easy on you." Aang replied, "And just because we traveled back in time doesn't mean we can't still practice our skills."

"My skills are already perfect, I don't need to practice."

"But if you don't practice, you'll get rusty." Katara pointed out.

"...I hate when you're right Sugar Queen."

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