《Forward In Time》Chapter Five


"I can't believe Avatar Aang is going to eat a meal I made!" Bolin exclaimed. They had explained everything to Bolin, Mako and Asami, all of whom were confused to see the time travelers, when they entered the dining area.

"It looks really good." Aang said with a smile, "And please, just call me Aang. Any friend of Korra's is a friend of mine too."

"Avatar Aang just called me his friend." Bolin whispered to Korra who was sitting in between him and Mako.

"This is all smells good too! I worked an appetite fighting those Fire Nation outlaws and getting sucked into a time travel light thingy." Sokka said as he reached for food.

"Before we eat, we must pray." Tenzin said

Sokka froze, "Oh right... I forgot that was a tradition Aang was trying to start during our meals." He pulled back his hand.

"That's okay, Sokka. I know you can't think straight on an empty stomach." Aang reassured his best friend.

"Then his stomach must be empty all the time." Toph said with smirk.

The Gaang laughed as Sokka glared at them, "Oh ha ha... It was so funny I forgot to laugh." He said sarcastically, though he had a small smile on his face.

"Would you like to lead us?" Tenzin asked Aang once they had calmed down.

"Oh... um sure." Aang said. Everyone bowed their heads as Aang began to say a prayer. With his eyes closed, Tenzin could almost hear his father's voice when he last heard it. He had missed when it was Aang saying the prayer around the table. The moment almost made him cry.

Kya and Bumi were struggling too. They had missed their father just as much, and struggled not to cry. When Aang finished, everyone lifted their heads.

"Are you okay?" Aang asked his future children who were sitting next to each other. They each had tears in their eyes.

"We're okay." Kya said as Bumi and Tenzin wiped the tears from their eyes.

Sokka was the first one to start eating, "You know, sitting on the floor like this reminds me of the old times. Back when we camped everynight."


"If you want it to feel more like old times, I can chase you guys around for a while." Zuko said, causing the Gaang to giggle.

"Meelo, slow down. You don't want to choke yourself." Pema said to her oldest son who was eating at an unholy speed, "I don't know where he gets this appetite from."

"Probably from Sokka." Katara said as everyone looked at Sokka. His mouth was full of food as he looked at everyone who was looking at him.

He swallowed his food, "What?"

Everyone went back to eating and chatting amongst themselves. Jinora kept asking Aang questions, which he gladly answered. Bumi told one of his army stories that Aang was sure was over-exaggerated, but he didn't care.

Soon, everyone had finished eating, which was good cause Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo were practically bouncing. They weren't allowed to leave the table until everyone finished.

"Can we go show Grandpa Aang our Airbending!?" Ikki asked as Pema began to clear the table, along with help from Kya and Bolin while Katara offered to hold Rohan for her.

"Yes you may-" Tenzin was cut off when his three oldest raced out of the room.

"Well, they certainly inherited your energy." Katara said to Aang as they stood up. Aang smiled sheepishly as they walked with their three future kids to wherever their grandkids went.

"I'm going to go watch too. So I can give some great uncle Sokka knowledge." Sokka said standing up and stretching.

"Yes, cause that's what they need." Zuko said as he stood up.

Sokka glared at Zuko before holding out a hand to Toph. Even though she couldn't see it, she could sense his hand was there. She grabbed a hold of it and he helped her up.

Korra stood up as she watched the last three exit the room, "You know, it's weird seeing them all so young..." She said to her friends.

"Yeah. Young Toph is not as intimidating, or serious as I thought she would be." Mako said, "I was expecting her to be like Lin... but instead she's...."

"Acting like a kid." Asami finished, "They all are."


"Because they're still kids." Korra added

Jinora used her Airbending to get the panels spinning as the group walked up to the three kids.

"Wow... where did you find these?" Aang asked as they stopped walking.

"Actually, you found them still standing in one of the Air Temples, not a singe on them." Tenzin replied

"Kind of like how we found Monk Gyatso." Sokka said, "His clothes weren't singed at all. Which means he held back a lot of Firebenders."

"Even the Fire Nation couldn't take your culture down." Zuko said with a light smile.

"Grandpa Aang! Watch me!" Ikki said as she began to move through the panels.

"So... mini Aang, you seem like you know a lot. What happens to me?" Sokka asked Jinora as Aang watched Ikki with pride in his eyes.

"I don't think it'd be safe to tell you everything that happens. But you do get a statue in Republic City." Jinora replied

"Is it big?"

"Not as big as Grandpa Aang's, but it's probably the second biggest."

"Me next!" Meelo said when Ikki exited the panels, "Watch as I be the leaf." He began to move through the panels like Ikki did.

"Is there a boomerang in the statue?" Sokka asked Jinora, still going on about his statue.

"Yeah, you're actually holding it." She replied.

"You are my favorite great niece."

"Sokka! Don't pick favorites!" Katara said

"Hey, my dad picked favorites and look at how I turned out." Zuko said, everyone looked at him and he sighed, "Yeah... don't pick favorites."

Aang turned back to look at his grandson as he neared the end. Next, it was Jinora's turn. She calmly walked up to the panels and moved smoothly through them. When she made it to the other side, Aang heard Rohan make a sound of joy.

He turned to look at Katara and saw that she was making faces at their grandson. He smiled at the sight. He had pictured her many times holding a baby.

"Do you want to try Grandpa Aang?" Jinora asked as she joined her brother and sister.

Aang turned to look at his grandkids, "Uh... sure. I haven't done this in a hundred and fifteen years so I might be a little rusty."

Jinora smiled and got the panels starting again as they had slowed down. Aang took a deep breath and closed his eyes before starting through the panels. He hadn't done this in years and felt a bit of nostalgia as he smoothly moved through them.

"Now that's how you be the leaf." Meelo said as everyone watched in awe. Aang was very light on his feet and moved as if he had done this exercise every day.

If Aang's memory was correct, he was nearing the end. He opened his eyes and swore he saw Ozai, but no one was there. He had lost his concentration which cause a panel to hit him. He stumbled out of the panels almost falling, but he was able to catch his balance.

The others gasped when he got hit, "Aang, you okay man?" Sokka asked, he had never seen his best friend mess up something like this before.

"Yeah... I think I'm just tired... it's been a long day." Aang replied

"I think it's time for bed." Pema said as Katara handed her Rohan, "Children, come. It's time for bed."

"Kya can show you to the girls rooms, I'll take the boys to their rooms." Tenzin said to Katara

"Actually, I think it'd be best if Aang and I slept in the same room. He wakes up in pain sometimes, other times it's nightmares. I need to be there for him." Katara said as Aang joined the group.

"Ah... right. I almost forgot, it's only been three years since the war for you. You're all still recovering." Tenzin said as looked at the tired teens. These people he had looked up to when he was kid looked so broken and tired. He had never seen them like this, "Then I think it'd be best if you stayed in the same area."

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