《Forward In Time》Chapter Four


The Gaang climbed onto the docks after walking across the ice bridge Katara made. She made the ice disappear as Aang turned and looked at the temple. Katara placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

"So... what's the plan?" Sokka asked. Aang opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted when Momo jumped out of his cloak and began running.

"Momo!" Aang called and ran after him. The others followed.

Momo ran up and jumped on the head of Appa which startled the group surrounding him. The Gaang stopped in their tracks.

"Is that a lemur?" A little boy asked

"He kind of looks like Momo." A girl in Water Tribe garb said. The group hadn't noticed the time travelers yet.

As Aang carefully and quietly stepped back, the others followed. They could've made it back without being seen, if Sokka hadn't sneezed.

The group around Appa turned to look at them and gasped. It was silent for a little bit before Toph reached up and smacked Sokka on the back of his head.

"Good job Meathead! We almost made it out without being detected!" She said

"What?! Why am I getting in trouble for something I can't control!" Sokka exclaimed

"Now's not really the time to argue." Zuko said

"Grandpa Aang?" One of the girls said

"Grandpa?" Aang repeated

"Well, you are one hundred and fifteen." Toph said with a smirk. Even though she couldn't see him, she could tell he was glaring.

"Wait... how do we know this isn't a trick?" Another girl in Water Tribe garb asked

"Oh! Aang do the thing!" Sokka said

"What thing?"

"You know the bending thing that makes people accept us as one of their own."


"Oh right, that thing..." Aang said with a small smirk as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his marbles. He did his spinning marble trick and grinned at the group.

"Yep, that's dad alright." The first Water Tribe girl said as the guy next to her laughs.

"Really? I thought the bending thing was going to be something cool." Zuko said as Aang clamped his hands around the marbles.

"Can you make marbles spin in midair?" Aang asked sarcastically as he put the marbles away.

"Why are fifteen year olds so sarcastic?" Zuko mumbled

"How did you guys get here? You should be in the past. Like seventy years in the past." The second Water Tribe girl asked

"I'll start from the beginning." Sokka said and took a deep breath, "Katara and I discovered Aang in an ice-berg. Now I didn't like Aang at first but then I grew to love him over time! Then we went to the Southern Air Temple, where Aang used to live, then we met Suki who's a Kyoshi Warrior..."

"Wow, when he says beginning, he means beginning beginning." Katara said as Sokka continued on

"Is he really going to tell them what happened the last three years?" Toph asked

"Uh... Sokka." Aang said causing Sokka to pause his story, "Why don't you just start with today?"

"Right... that makes since." Sokka replied then turned to the group, "Well we woke up, not at the same time of course because some of us wakes up to an unholy time of the morning, but when we were all awake at the same time we had breakfast together and-"

"Ugh! We were flying on Appa we saw this weird bright light, it sucked Aang in and we went after him!" Zuko said as he was getting annoyed with Sokka.


"What did this light look like?" The man in Air Nomad robes asked

"It was circular and flat." Aang replied, "But we don't know where it came from it just appeared."

"Hm..." The man was clearly in thought.

"Um... well, I'm Korra, the Avatar after you." The Water Tribe girl said

"Nice to meet you." Aang said with a smile.

"I'm Kya, your daughter." The other Water Tribe girl said, "And this is my younger brother Tenzin." She motioned to the Air Nomad, "And this is my older brother Bumi." She motioned to the man next to her.

Katara and Aang were smiling. Of course their joy was ruined when Toph said, "Three kids huh?" With a smirk.

"Don't start Toph." Katara and Aang said at the same time.

"My name is Pema, I'm Tenzin's wife." The woman next to Tenzin said, "And these are your grandchildren, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and Rohan." She motioned to the baby in her arms on the last one.

Ikki leaped towards Aang, "So how old are you? Have you asked Grandma Katara to marry you yet? Did you know you built this temple? Not by yourself of course. You had help from Uncle Sokka and Uncle Zuko. What's your favorite element besides Air? Mines water."

"Fifteen. No, I'm too young. It's not really a surprise that Sokka and Zuko would help me build a temple. And mine is also water." Aang replied with a smile. He was able to keep up with her since he used to talk that fast at that age.

Jinora walked up beside Ikki, "Did you really meet one of the lion turtles before you battled Fire Lord Ozai?" She asked.

"Yeah, he gave me the ability to energy bend so I could take away Ozai's bending." Aang replied.

Suddenly, Meelo jumped onto Aang's shoulders, "Grandma Katara said you had big ears like I do. How come you don't have big ears?"

"Uh, well... I grew into my ears and I'm sure you will too." Aang replied

"Children please, give your grandfather some space." Tenzin said

"It's okay, I'm used to kids jumping on me and asking questions." Aang assured his son... well future son.

"So, are all of you Airbenders?" Aang asked

Ikki gasped, "Dad! Can we show Grandpa Aang our Airbending?!"

"Yeah, I want to show him that I can be leaf!" Meelo added

"Maybe after dinner." Tenzin replied

"Your father is right. Bolin is cooking and it's almost ready." Pema said, "In fact, we should probably head in."

"Who's Bolin?" Aang asked as everyone started walking in. Meelo continued to ride on his shoulders as Jinora and Ikki took his hands and pulled him with them.

"He's a friend of mine." Korra replied trying to keep up with the speed Jinora and Ikki was pulling him at.

"Oh that's cool! As the Avatar, the most important thing I've learned is to have friends. They keep you grounded." Korra laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh... sorry, Bolin is an Earthbender. So the 'keep you grounded' part was a little funny."

Aang laughed too, "Yeah, Earthbenders do have a way of keeping you grounded."

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