《Forward In Time》Chapter Three


The group looked around at their surroundings. Everything looked different than their regular time. Toph couldn't see, but the sounds were not what she was used to. She couldn't even place where they were coming from.

"What is this place?" Zuko asked.

"You don't think we went to the future, do you?" Sokka asked, "Cause I've seen drawings of some of those machines."

"That's ridiculous! Time travel isn't a thing!" Toph said.

Katara walked to the end of the alley, "No... I think Sokka's right." She said and turned to her friends. The Gaang looked at each other.

"And I don't think we're supposed to be here." Katara continued as she walked up to Aang's fallen cloak. She picked it up and dusted it off, "We should be careful and wear our hoods so no one recognizes us." She finished as she wrapped the cloak around Aang. She put the hood up and gave him a quick kiss.

Aang smiled at her before turning to the others, "We should go and try to find some help." He said as they put their hoods up too. He walked up to Appa, "You need to stay out of sight boy. Go hide somewhere and I'll find you."

Appa groaned in response as Momo jumped onto Aang's shoulder. Aang gave Appa one last pet before the bison flew off. No one seemed to notice him.

Aang opened his cloak for Momo to hide in, then turned to his friends, "We should go look for help."

The five of them entered the streets and began looking around. They looked around at all the different looking buildings and machinery. Toph had to hang onto Sokka since the place was so new.

"Excuse me ma'am, we're new here. Do you think you can help us out?" Katara asked a lady who was walking by. As they talked, Aang looked at the giant statue sitting before the city. When he got a better look at it, he realized it was him. His eyes moved over to an island just behind it that looked like the Air Temples.


"Excuse me." Aang said to the lady interrupting their conversation, "Sorry to interrupt, but what's that place?" He asked pointing to the island.

"That's Air Temple Island. Avatar Aang's son lives there with his family. The last four Airbenders in the world." She replied.

"His son?" He repeated. He glanced at Katara to see she was smiling. He smiled at her and turned back to the lady as she continued, "Yes. He's also training the new Avatar."

"Thank you for your help miss." Aang said with a smile.

"You're welcome... you know... you look a lot like Avatar Aang."

"Uh... I get that a lot." For once in his life, Aang was glad his tattoos were covered. As soon as the lady walked off, the Gaang began to talk.

"New Avatar?" Sokka asked

"We must be pretty far into the future if there's another Avatar." Zuko added

"I think Air Temple Island is where we can get help. But we need to be careful, they might recognize us instantly." Aang said

"How are we going to get there? There's a big body of water inbetween us and the island." Sokka said

"I can create an ice bridge across the water." Katara replied.

Korra practiced in the courtyard. Ever since Amon and Unalaq, she wanted to be ready for anything. Her bending was almost gone forever and her connection was almost lost to the other Avatar's. She wasn't going to have another 'almost' again.

A shadow passed over her and she looked up, "A sky bison?" She said confusedly. The bison landed infront of her and gave her a big lick.

"Ugh... um... hi buddy..." Korra said as she patted the bison.

"Korra?" A familiar voice said. She looked up to see Tenzin walking up to her, "I came to check on you. Who's this?"


"I don't know, he just landed here and licked me." Korra replied.

Ikki and Meelo ran up to the bison, "Where did this bison come from? Is he friendly? Can I ride him?" Ikki immediately asked.

Pema and Jinora followed them outside. Meelo jumped up on the bison's head, "Meelo be careful." Pema said as Bumi and Kya joined the group around the bison.

"You know, this bison kind of looks like... Appa." Bumi said

"Grandpa Aang's bison?" Jinora asked

"That can't be, we buried him with dad. They died at the same time." Kya said

The group continued to talk about the mysterious bison who had landed in the courtyard.

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