《Forward In Time》Chapter One


It's been three years since the Hundred Year War was over. Everyone was living somewhat peacfully. The Gaang still had problems to handle, but nothing big.

They did find Zuko's mom and brought her back and Azula got better. She even joined the Gaang. They also had plans for Republic City going.

But, just as everything was calming down, Aang started feeling the after effects of the war. He couldn't sleep much anymore since he kept having nightmares. It was always about Ozai somehow escaping and hurting one of his friends. And every night it was someone different, but it went in a cycle. First Katara, then Sokka, Toph, then Zuko. Sometimes it'd be Mai or Suki or Ty Lee. Azula even got in the mix after they became friends. One time, it was the entire Southern Water Tribe.

Of course, he never told anyone. He was the Avatar. Everything was supposed to be okay. Nobody could see him hurting.

Currently, the Gaang were traveling the Earth Kingdom, tracking down some Fire Nation outlaws.

"See anything?" Zuko asked Sokka who was looking through a telescope. The two boys had changed in the three years. Zuko's hair had gotten longer. He currently wore his old clothes he wore three years ago when he ran away to join the Gaang. He didn't change that much.

Sokka had a shadow of facial hair growing. His Water Tribe garb had also changed with him. Instead of wearing the tank top like he normally did, his shirt was short sleeved. He still wore his signature blue gloves and Water Tribe wraps.

"Well, I see sand, sand, and more sand. Nothing but an empty desert." Sokka replied as he lowered his telescope.

"I see something!" Toph exclaimed. The Gaang looked over to the side she was looking at. They glared at her as she laughed.

"You guys fall for that everytime!" Toph said while laughing. She had changed much in the three years. She now wore her hair in a side braid, but still kept her signature green headband. She wore a green tank top with plant designs on it. On her left upper-arm was a brown circlet. She also wore brown pants that circled around her midfoot, leaving her forefoot and hindfoot bare.

She had also gotten taller, though she was still the shortest of the group.

Aang sighed and slumped back against Appa. He had gotten taller in the last three years and was well on his way to being the tallest in the group. He now wore a yellow shirt with a red belt around his waist. The sleeves of the shirt stopped just before his elbows. He wore brown pants and brown boots. He also wore brown Water Tribe wraps around his wrist and arm, to represent his girlfriend and best friend.

"Don't worry Aang, we'll find them." Katara said putting a reassuring hand on her boyfriend's shoulder. She still wore her hair out of her braid, and she still had her hair loopies. But now she wore a blue tank top with water designs, sort of matching Toph in a way. She still wore her blue gloves and matching Water Tribe wraps. Black pants were new to her style, as was the brown half skirt she wore. To represent her boyfriend, the buckle connecting the two sides of the skirt had the Air symbol carved into it.


"I know... I just wish people would live in peace. I wasn't expecting it to be easy once I defeated Ozai, but it's been three years now." Aang replied

"Well, maybe with Republic City, peace will be easier. But that's still going to be a while."

"I know..." Aang repeated.

Katara smiled at her boyfriend. He had a good heart. He always strived for peace, violence was always his last option. It's one of the many things she loved about him.

Katara leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips, earning a noise from Sokka along with a mumble of the word "Oogies". Aang smiled for the first time since they got news of the Fire Nation outlaws.

"We're coming up on a village, maybe someone's seen something." Zuko said

Appa landed just outside the village. Aang slid off and helped Katara down as Zuko and Sokka jumped off. Sokka stayed behind to help Toph down as the three began to walk into the village.

Zuko walked up to a middle-aged woman, "Excuse me ma'am, we're looking for some Fire Nation outlaws. Have you seen anyone that looks suspicious or looks like they came from the Fire Nation?"

"I'm afraid not deary, but I would try the Inn and the tavern. A lot of weird and sketchy people go through there." The woman replied

"Thank you miss." Zuko said before she wandered off. Zuko turned to his four friends. He looked at Aang, waiting for his instructions.

"Why don't you girls check out the Inn. Sokka, Zuko and I will check out the tavern." Aang said

"Aw... I wanted to check out the tavern." Toph said with a pout. She was clinging to Sokka as she couldn't see with the sand.

"I don't doubt you can take care of yourself, but I'd feel a lot better if you two checked out the Inn." Aang replied

"Aang's right. There's a lot of sketchy and pervy guys in taverns." Sokka added. Zuko nodded in agreement.

"Fine. If it'll make you boys feel better." Toph said as she let go of Sokka. She moved over to Katara and took her arm as they headed to the Inn.

The boys made their way to the tavern. When they entered, everyone looked up at them and began whispering.

Aang tensed up. He still didn't like the attention being the Avatar brought him. Sokka knew this and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

He relaxed before they walked up to the bar. They began asking the bartender questions. After a minute of asking, they got nowhere and began hoping the girls were having as much luck as they were.

Toph and Katara entered the Inn and was greeted by a kind lady behind the desk. They explained their situation and why they were there. Unfortunately, no one had been by that raised any alarms. The lady explained that since Aang defeated Ozai, less Fire Nation citizens had been by.

"Are you sure there wasn't anyone who just felt off?" Katara asked.


"I'm sorry sweetie, there hasn't been anyone." The lady replied.

Katara nodded and looked out the window and noted that it was getting later in the day, "Can we rent some rooms please?" She asked turning to the lady again.

"Of course. How many would you like?"

Zuko would get his own of course. Her and Aang would most likely share. But Toph... Katara glanced at her best friend. She didn't like being alone in places she had a hard time seeing. If they were in Ba Sing Sei or the Fire Nation Capital, she would be fine. But the ground here was mainly sand.

"Toph, do you want to share a room with Sokka?" She asked. She knew how close they were and Toph was more comfortable around him.

Toph shrugged, "Sure." She said nonchalantly but gave a small smile. She appreciated Katara caring for her, though she only ever admitted it to Sokka.

"Um... two rooms with a single bed and one room with two beds." Katara said to the lady.

"Okay, here are the room keys." The lady said as she marked in a book and slid over three keys. Katara handed Toph a key as she picked up the other two.

"We also have an air bison with us, is there a place he can stay?"

"I'm sure the stables will take him."

"Okay, thanks ma'am."

Katara and Toph exited the building. They began walking towards the stables when Toph spoke up, "She was lying. Someone's been through here. They might still be here."

"If she was lying, maybe people in the tavern will lie." Katara replied, "Why don't you go help the boys, I'll take care of Appa."

Toph nodded. The two girls walked up to the tavern. Toph let go of Katara as she stepped up onto the wood. She would be able to find her way easily now.

Katara went over to the stables and got everything with Appa settled. Once she got Appa into the stables, along with Momo who continued to lay on his head, she began walking towards the tavern to meet up with her group. Unfortunately, she was stopped by a man.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a village like this?" He asked. He looked older than her, way older. Maybe about her dad's age. Creep.

"Just visiting." Katara replied and began to walk away. The man grabbed her wrist and she turned and glared at him. Sometimes she wished she could wear a sign that said 'Avatar's Girlfriend' just so guys wouldn't look at her in a perveted way.

Aang heard the door open and turned around to see Toph, "Toph? What are you doing here?" He asked.

Toph heard his voice and followed the sound, "The Inn lady lied to us when we asked her questions, so Katara figured I could help you out." She replied with a smirk.

"Just stay close to one of us. There's a lot of creeps here." Aang said, "Where's Katara?"

"She went ahead and got us rooms for the night, so she's heading to the stables to get Appa settled."

Aang nodded. The four friends began going around the tavern asking people questions. Each person they asked had lied to them. Something was going on here.

Though, Aang and Zuko were a little amused at each guy they asked. Cause he would look at Toph in a not so friendly way which would result in a deathly glare from Sokka that made him not look at her at all.

After their tenth person, Aang stood up and stretched, "I'm going to go check on Katara."

"Which means we'll probably find them making out in a dark corner." Toph said with a smirk earning a laugh from Zuko. Sokka even laughed a little. Though he still gets 'oogies' from their affection, he had grown to tease his best friend too.

Aang's face went red, "N-no... what would give you that idea?"

"Do I need to remind you of our trip back to Ember Island when we stayed at my family's beach house?" Zuko asked teasingly, "I was afraid you two would loose oxygen, though I guess it's the perks of being an Airbender."

Toph and Sokka snorted as Aang's face went redder, "I... we... we weren't... I mean..." His three friends bursted out laughing at his stumbling. Aang glared at them and walked out of the tavern. He was mumbling under his breath when he saw a man grabbing a hold of his girlfriend's wrist.

His current annoyance and embarrassment was replaced with anger. He quickly stormed over to the man and pushed him back, "Stay away from my girlfriend." He said, putting emphasise on the my.

The man looked him up and down, "The Avatar huh? She didn't mention anything about a boyfriend, let alone the Avatar."

"She shouldn't have to. If a lady isn't interested then you should leave her alone."

The man glanced at Katara. She glared at him from behind Aang, who had stepped in front of her protectively. He scoffed and walked off.

Aang turned to Katara as his expression softened, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. But I had it handled."

"Sorry." Aang replied. He knew she could take care of herself, but he just didn't want anything bad happening to her.

Katara shrugged, "It's okay. I do like to see your protective side. It's kinda hot."

Aang blushed. Even after being together for three years, he still got flustered when she complemented him in some way, especially when she called him hot.

Katara giggled and pecked his lips, "Let's go meet the others." She said grabbing his hand.

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