《The Gaang reacting to ALTA》The Ember Island players
Me: okay you guys ready?
All: yeah!
Me: I think not so let's start!
All: oh....
Suki: Oh no!!!
Katara: do we really have to watch it again.
Me: oh don't worry you won't be just watching the play.
Sokka: so we're still watching the play?
Me: more or less.
All: UGH!!!!
(Episode opens up to a scenic view of Fire Lord Ozai's beach house with the rocks and hills around it on Ember Island. Cut to an overhead view of the courtyard as 2 figures are seen firebending towards a derelict fountain and taking a step back. Cut to an area at Aang's side, looking at him and Zuko. In sync, they take a step forward and throw their arms down, firebending at the same time.
Sokka: oh right here we go.
They stretch out their right leg in front of them, firebending again. They proceed to stretch it behind them and they push out their left arm out in a "Superman" pose as they firebend with that arm. They put their legs down and exhale audibly, putting their arms in a cooling down position and bowing to each other. Katara and Toph are seen spectating at the side in their Fire Nation disguises. Zuko cracks his fingers and stretches both arms above his head and walks off screen. Aang massages his shoulder.)
: (Cut to a close up of the 2 girls. Toph is napping.) Doesn't it seem kinda weird that we're hiding (looks around the courtyard) from the Fire Lord in his own house?
: (Cut to Zuko sitting at the fountain, wiping his hair with a yellow towel) I told you, my Father hasn't come here since our family was actually happy. And that was a long time ago. This is the last place anyone would think to look for us.
Zuko: if our family was actually happy.
: (Cut to an area behind the girls looking at the boys as Sokka and Suki walk into screen) You guys are not going to believe this. There's a play about us.
Toph(sarcastically): oh wow a play.
Zuko(sarcasticlly): wow about us! This is sure going to be great.
: (Cut to a close up of the couple. Suki has donned a Fire Nation disguise similar to Azula's evening outfit in The Beach) We were just in town and we found this poster.
(Sokka unveils the poster at the camera. It's a parody of the Season 1 box set DVD cover and Zuko's scar is on the wrong side.)
: (Cut to an area behind Sokka as he shows the poster to his sister) What? (He shows the poster to Aang) How is that possible?
Sokka: we have made quite an impact while travelling.
Katara: no kidding.
: (He flips the poster back) Listen to this. (Cut to a frontal shot of Sokka with the back of the poster facing the camera) "The Boy in the Iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwright Pu On Tim who scoured (Cut to the poster as camera pans up on the main characters with heavily exaggerated features. Sokka is pictured as a muscled man in his Season 2 outfit) the globe gathering information on the Avatar from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. (Cut to an overhead shot of the scene) His sources including singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage."
Aang: ah I see the cabbage merchant. I feel bad for him.
Toph: yeah the amount of times you've destroyed his cart.
Aang: yeah.....
: (leans in to read the last line) "Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players."
(Sokka lets go of the scroll's bottom and it curls back.)
: Ugh. (Cut to a close up of Zuko with a disgusted look on his face) My Mother used to take us to see them. They butchered "Love Amongst The Dragons" every year.
Zuko: and they butchered us too.
Katara: no kidding.
: (Cut to a close up side shot of Katara as she turns back to her brother) Sokka, do you really think it's a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?
: Come on, a day at the theatre? (Unrolls the scroll towards his sister) This is the kind of wacky time wasting nonsense I've been missing.
Sokka: it was until the end.
Suki and Toph: yeah.
(He grins widely. Fade to a side view shot of the theatre at night. Cut to the curtains on the stage. Camera zooms out to show the Gaang walking into a private viewing box on the second floor
Sokka: oh well here we go.
facing the stage. Toph and Katara take their seats. Zuko walks in the opposite direction wearing a hooded cloak and sits beside Katara as Aang confidently tries to sit next to her. He is wearing a hat similar to Dock's in The Painted Lady to cover his bald, tattooed head. Aang stands up rubs his neck.)
: Hey, uh... I wanted to sit (points at Zuko's spot) there. (he clenches his hands together)
Toph: well of course you do, It's right next to katara.
: (lowers his hood) Just sit next to me, what's the big deal?
Toph: well you see-
: I was (Katara looks at the commotion and looks back to the stage) just... I wanted to... (sits next to Zuko) Okay.
Suki: awww poor aang.
Toph: yeah. But it's okay now aang is sitting right next to katara now, hehehehe.
Aang blushes.
: (Cut to an undershot of the viewing box as Sokka and Suki sit in the row behind the 4 of them) Why are we sitting in the nose bleed section? My feet (the lights in the theatre dim down) can't see a thing from up here.
Toph: now I can. 😎
: Don't worry, I'll tell your feet what's happening.
Toph: no need for that. 😎
(Cut to the stage as the curtain is drawn up to reveal a prop of a canoe surrounded by moving set decorations of water. The backdrop is a crude painting of icebergs. The Katara and Sokka actors are rowing the canoe with their oars.
katara and sokka take a deep breath.
Cut to Katara who is excited. A hand touches her shoulder and she looks up, smiling at her brother and the camera zooms out as Sokka points to her and back to himself rapidly. He makes sounds of astonishment.
Sokka: sadly that is not what I think now.
Cut to Katara's actress who is much more developed and bigger sized than the real Katara and her clothes are a little revealing. She has too much blusher on her cheeks.)
Toph: oh so that's what they look like....Pretty accurate.
Sokka: what! no!
: (sighs) Sokka, my only brother. We constantly roam these icy South Pole seas and yet never do we find anything fulfilling.
: (Camera pans to the right to show Sokka's actor who is buck-toothed and thinner than the actual Sokka. His "wolf-tail" is an overly large ponytail bun.) All I want is a full feeling in my stomach, I'm starving!
Sokka: not gonna lie I'm starving now.
Me: there are a couple of snacks and drinks of the side.
Sokka: okay.
Sokka stands up to get a snack.
(Cut to the audience near the stage as they laugh heartily. Cut to a sideview of the Water Tribe siblings who look at each other in disbelief. Cut to an area in the audience in front of the stage, looking at the boat.)
: Is food the only thing on your mind?
Sokka: no but right now it is.
: Well, I'm trying to get it out of my mind and (Cut to a close up of actor Sokka as he points to his mouth) into my mouth. I'm starving.
(The audience laughs once again. Cut back to the Gaang's viewing box as Sokka complains to his sister.)
: This is pathetic. My (points his thumb to himself) jokes are way funnier than this. (throws out his arm towards the stage)
Sokka (with food in his mouth): yes way funnier!
: (Toph laughs and the siblings look at her) I think he's got you pegged.
Toph: hahaha yeah.
(Cut back to the stage as actress Katara stands up while actor Sokka continues paddling.)
: Everyday, the World awaits a beacon to guide us, yet none appears. Still, we cannot give up hope. (she places her hand to her chest in a melodramatic way) For hope (she sniffles) is all we have (her voice begins to be choked with "tears") and we must never relinquish it. Even... (sniffling) even to our dying breath.
(hope count- 17)
(She pretends to cry.)
Toph: hahhaha this is even funnier now that I see it.
Katara: 😑
: (Cut back to the Gaang's viewing box as Katara is unamused) Well, (Suki and Sokka laugh) that's just silly. I don't sound like that.
Katara: I don't!
Me: just saying I've been counting how much hope was mentioned and most of it is from you.
Katara: okay how much times?
Me: well now it's 17.
Katara: that's not that bad.
Toph: the fact you've said most of that 17 and still counting is hilarious and says a lot.
Katara: 😐
: (giggles and clutches her stomach) Oh man, this writer's a genius.
Toph: yeah!
(Cut back to actress Katara who is still crying as white-blue light illuminates behind her. She looks up in a "dainty" way.)
: (Cut to a full view of the stage as the iceberg prop slowly moves to the center of the stage. A cut out of Aang sways from side to side on a stick inside the iceberg.) It appears to be someone frozen in ice. Perhaps for a hundred years.
: (Cut to a close up of the cut out.) But who? Who is the boy in the iceberg?
Toph: or is it even a boy. hahhahaha
Aang: 😑
(Cut back to the viewing box as Aang grabs the railings in anticipation. Zuko looks bored.)
: (Cut to actress Katara who is already on top of the iceberg prop. Actor Sokka is still climbing up) Waterbend, hai-ya!
(She performs a chopping motion and the Aang cut out is pulled down. Cracks appear on the iceberg and it opens with the interior smoking. The actors look at each other in mock surprise. Cut to a close up of the smoke as a lady dressed as Aang jumps out, winks and poses. Like actress Katara, her make up is heavy. Cut to Aang who is repulsed. Cut back to a close up of the iceberg.)
Toph: oh my..hahahahhahhhahahha
: Who are you, frozen boy?
: (giggles and balances tip toed on one leg) I'm the Avatar, silly. Here to spread (pirouettes on her balancing leg) joy and fun.
Suki: well that's defiantly not what happened.
Katara: no kidding.
Toph: yeah twinkletoes lied.
: (in disbelief) Wait, is that a woman playing me?
Sokka: yup.
Toph: hahaha
(Cut back to the iceberg as a shaggy, white Chinese lion get-up from traditional Chinese lion dances pops out from the remnants of the iceberg and moves from side to side. It jumps off the iceberg. Cut to a full view of the stage as the Appa lion circles round the iceberg and makes a gruff animal noise. The 3 dancers controlling the lion costume have worn shaggy pants to show that Appa has 6 legs.)
Toph: oh gosh that's supposed to be appa.
Suki: I know right.
: (gasp) An airbender. My heart is so full of hope that it's (drops to her knees) making me (grabs actress Aang's leg and cries) tearbend.
(hope count- 18)
(Cut to a close up of actress Katara as she makes sobbing noises. Cut back to a full view of the 3 actors on the iceberg prop.)
: My stomach is so empty that it's making me tearbend. (He drops to his knees and grabs actress Aang's other leg and sobs) I need meat. (Cut to a close up of actor Sokka)
Toph: this is so funny it's making me tearbend. hahahahhahahaha
: (She kneels down and places an arm around actor Sokka's shoulder and points to the ceiling above the audience) But wait. (Cut back to Aang who is visibly unamused and is slumped against the railing) Is that a platter of meaty dumplings?
: (off screen) Ooo. (Cut back to the 3 actors as actor Sokka looks around) Where? Where?
: (giggles uncontrollably) Did I mention (crosses her legs) that I'm an incurable prankster?
Aang: 😑😑😑
(Cut back to the Gaang's viewing box as the audience laughs off screen.)
: (irritated) I don't do that. That's not what I'm like! And... I'm not a woman!
Toph: clearly hahahhaha.
: (laughs out loud as the rest turn to look at her) Oh, they nailed you, Twinkle Toes.
Toph: they sure did.
(Aang slumps onto the railing again. Cut back to the stage as Zuko's ship enters with actor Zuko poised near the front of the ship, looking through a telescope.)
Zuko: oh no.
: (Cut to actor Uncle who is portrayed a little more accurately) Prince Zuko, you must try this cake.
Sokka: I would like some.
(He brings up a whole cake on a plate but one slice missing.)
: (Camera pans to the right to show actor Zuko in Zuko's Fire Nation armor with a long ponytail. His scar is on the wrong side.) I don't have time to stuff my face. (His voice is rougher and deeper than Zuko's. He lowers the telescope and faces the audience) I must capture the Avatar to regain my honor!
(honor count- 24)
Toph: oh my! hahahahhaha. Now that's down right a copy of zuko.
Zuko: No it's not.
Toph: it sure is.
Sokka: that's rough buddy.
: (Cut to a full view of the ship prop) Well, while you do that, maybe I'll capture another slice.
sokka chuckles.
(He proceeds to bring the plate of cake to his mouth and makes loud, masticating noises)
: You sicken me. (He looks through the telescope again)
: (Cut back to Zuko with Katara looking very amused) They make me
totally stiff and humorless.
: Actually, I think that actor's pretty spot on.
Toph: got to agree with sugarqueen
Katara chuckles.
: (looks to Katara and stretches both arms out) How could you say that?
Katara: I mean...
: (Cut back to actor Zuko still looking through the telescope as actor Uncle appears behind him) Let's forget about the Avatar and get massages.
: (turns back to actor Uncle, outraged) How could you say that?!
all but zuko chuckles.
(Cut back to Katara wearing a satisfied grin on her face and she looks to an expressionless Zuko as he slouches in his seat.
everyone but zuko chuckles again.
Cut to the backdrop of the Southern Air Temple as the camera pans down to actress Aang looking around. A tail sticks out from a nearby bush prop. She spots the tail.)
: Hey look, (the tail slinks deeper into the bush) I think (she tip toes towards the bush and reaches in. Cut the Water Tribe actors as they look at each other, puzzled.) I found something. (Cut to actress Aang who steps away from the bush with a large puppet of Momo sitting on her shoulder) It's a flying rabbit monkey. I think (she walks closer to the camera) I'll name him, Momo. (giggles)
: (Actress Aang attempts ventriloquism but fails since one side of her mouth is open) Hi, everybody. (the mouth of puppet Momo opens and closes as it moves towards the camera) I love you.
Sokka: momo is not like that. He likes to steal food. MY food.
they all chuckle.
(The audience laughs off screen as the camera cuts back to Aang who sighs with disgust and places two fingers on his temple, moving the skin around. Cut to actress Suki peeking out from behind a fan. Camera zooms out to show her holding 2 fans in her hands as she raises them above her head. Her head gear and the area around her waist are exaggeratedly big.)
: (He walks backwards into screen, sticking his rear end out as he does so) Does this dress make my butt look fat?
They all laugh
(He points to his bottom. Cut to an area behind Suki and Sokka as Suki struggles to contain her laughter and looks to Sokka who blushes.
Suki chuckles and kisses sokka on the cheek.
Katara: awwwww
Cut to a backdrop of Omashu as actor Bumi in a bodysuit pops into screen.)
: Riddles and challenges must you face, (Camera zooms out to the stage to show actress Aang avoiding a swinging rock and actress Katara being surrounded by props of green genemite crystals) if you are ever to leave this place.
(Sokka runs on stage, being chased by someone wearing a Flopsie suit. Actor Bumi laughs hysterically. Cut to actress Katara who sighs melodramatically as she disappears behind the prop crystals as one part of the prop rises, hiding her completely. Cut to Katara who sticks her tongue out at the scene.
Aang: I mean that's basically what happened.
Sokka: true.
Cut to the stage with a pirate ship in the backdrop. The leading characters stand at the centre of the stage. Cut to the left side of the stage as 3 pirates armed with prop weapons appear on stage. Camera pans to the other side of the stage as another 3 pirates enter the stage. Camera pans back to the trio with actress Katara clutching an overly large scroll prop and actor Sokka holding a blunt boomerang prop.
All 3 of them squat down as the pirates ambush them. The 3 of them slide out from underneath a pirate's skirt as the 6 pirates fight and slowly move offstage.)
: Why did you have to steal that waterbending scroll?
Sokka: jealous of aang and was really eager to learn something.
Katara: pretty much...
(Cut to the trio who tip toe away.)
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