《Control (Book 1 of Control Series)》Chapter 2


Her eyes open and she's met with darkness. Clutching at the blankets with her small hands she brings them to her chest as she begins to tremble.

"Momma," she cries. "Papa."

They don't come to her aid and she starts to panic. What if the monster has them, she wonders. Fear grips her as her 5 year old mind conjures up the image of her parents getting eaten by monsters.

A tear runs down her face and just as she's about to have a meltdown she hears voices downstairs. Voices belonging to her parents. She takes in a deep breath, slowly takes the covers off her frail body and leans forward, counting in her head. 1...2...3!

On 3 she jumps off the bed and rushes towards the door, her imaginary monsters chasing her. Quickly, she twists her doorknob and slams open the door, before running downstairs and into the kitchen where her parents are.

"Gabriella," Her mother says, in greeting as she brings a glass of wine to her red painted lips.

"Momma," the girl cries. "I'm scared."

Her mother rolls her eyes before, looking at her husband who's sitting at the other side of the table holding an empty beer bottle.

"Scared of what," her father slurs.

She stiffens not liking the slur in her father's voice.

"T-The dark," she says cautiously, taking a step back.

Her father sneers and gets up, stumbling his way towards her.

"You're afraid of the dark," he asks, wrapping his hand around her arm in a bruising grip.

Wincing, she nods regretting the fact that she said something. Hand around her arm, her father drags her outside, where he shoves her into his car, uncaring that she hit her head, against the car doorway.

She curls into a ball and quietly sobs in the back seat afraid. Would he beat her? Would he give her away? Her question is answered after a while when her father suddenly stops the car.

"Get out." She lifts her head up and looks at her papa, confused.


"Get out."

Doing as her father commands, she gets out the car and closes the door.

"Papa wh-." The car engine turns on and before she knows it the car drives off.

"Wait," she shouts running after the car. "Wait, don't leave me."

She pumps her little legs as fast as she can but, ends up tripping over a rock and tumbles to the ground watching the car get farther and farther away.


Gasping Rosaline shoots up into a sitting position.

"Why did I have that dream," she asks herself, her voice a whisper.

She hadn't had a dream about that night, since she was first taken in by the Barricks. Her father had abandoned her, and she walked around hoping to find her way back home. Soon she gave up and stayed on the streets hoping someone would take pity on her and take her in.

That's when Mr. and Mrs.Barrick came and took her in. They changed her name from Gabriella to Rosaline, since they thought that the name Gabriella didn't fit her. They also changed her identity by dying her hair red and making her wear green eye contacts. It was hard living with the Barricks. She not only had to hide her identity but be the definition of perfection. Sometimes she thought she was better off being homeless.

Rosaline covers her eyes as light shines through the windows, blinding her. Sighing, she rubs the sleeps from her eyes and looks around the room.


"What do I do now," she asks herself and just then the door opens and in comes Mr.Garonna.

"Goodmorning little one," he says in a booming voice causing Rosaline to jump.

"Sorry, I can get little loud sometimes," Mr. Garonna laughs sheepishly.

She slowly nods and stares at him. He stares back. Moments pass in awkward silence.

"Are you going to keep staring at me so wantonly or do you want something to eat," he asks teasingly, and she slowly nods, until she catches herself and glares at him, heat rushing to her face.

"Why don't you take a shower? There's towel and washcloth in the bathroom closet and if you need something just ask."

She slowly nods her understanding and watches as Mr.Garonna walks to the double doors, opening them and stepping into her new walk in closet. Rosaline flings the covers back and she gently swings her legs over the bed and carefully slides off, this time landing with a stumble.

Ignoring the crutches by her bed she limps to the bathroom. It isn't anything special and is like her bathroom at the Barricks. It has a toilet and sink next to each other and a bathtub/shower except instead of plain white curtains, it's a see-through curtain with pink flowers on it matching the bathroom walls which are also pink.

All this pink is going to drive me mad, she thinks with a shake of her head. Rosaline uses the toilet and washes her hands before, searching for a towel which she finds in a small closet next to the shower. She also finds a plastic bag, mostly likely placed there to cover her cast while she showers. Turning on the shower, she waits until there's steam fogging the mirror to step into the shower.

The next 15 minutes consist of Rosaline slipping and sliding in the shower while struggling to keep the plastic bag over her cast and trying not to get her hair wet. By the time she's done she's tired, hungry and annoyed.

Limping out the shower, she walks to the sink and flicks on the switch next to the light switch turning on the bathroom fan. She places her palm on the mirror and jerkily rubs it in a circle large enough for her to see her face. She wipes her wet hand on her towel and grabs an hopefully unused toothbrush, that's lying on the sink, and puts on the toothpaste, also that's lying on the sink, before spending the next two minutes brushing her teeth and by the time, she's done her gums hurt. For some reason unknown to her, she's paranoid about her teeth getting yellow or her teeth falling out.

Exiting the bathroom, she limps to the bed and sees a yellow dress paired with a yellow ballet slipper. Inches away from the dress is lotion, deodorant and coconut perfume. Rosaline limps over to the bed and yanks the perfume off the bed spraying it on her wrist and breathing it in. She loves the smell but, how would Mr.Garonna know that?

Not wanting to rile herself up she shakes away the question and takes the plastic bag off her cast and dries herself off with a towel. She then quickly swipes on deodorant and rubs in lotion before, slipping the dress over her head careful not to stain the dress with deodorant, something Rosaline does a lot much to her frustration.

When she successfully puts on the dress without staining it, she slips the flat on her uncasted foot, again ignoring the crutches and walking to the door. When she opens the door, a scream is ripped from her throat as she jumps back and puts a hand over her rapidly beating heart. Mr.Garonna is standing in the doorway, smiling down at her, amused.


"Hey little one, ready to eat," he asks and Rosaline glares at him.

He almost gave her a heart attack.

Not answering his question, she tries to step around him only for arms to wrap around her waist and lift her up. She squeals as he places her on his hip and begins walking down the hall.

"Put me down," she orders.

He ignores her and she begins to squirm and, in his arms, wanting to be put down.

"You better stop Rose, before I drop you," his says and her struggling ceases.

The rest of the walk is spent with Rosaline silently fuming. Mr.Garonna walks into a dining room and sits her down at right of the head of the table before, gently grabbing her cast covered leg and setting it down on a cushioned chair, to her left.

"Stay here," he says sternly and Rosaline scowls.

A few moments pass again in silence, Rosaline glares angrily at the mahogany wood table. Why am I still here, she asks herself? Because you have nowhere to go, herself conscious answers. Her glare to turn deadly.

"You look as if you're going to kill someone," Mr.Garonna says as he sits down at the head of the table.

She's about to snap at him when delicious smells assault her nose.

In comes two women dressed in maid outfits with two bags of peas and silver platters.

"Mmm," she quietly moans as the woman in maids' outfits set down plates of food inches in front of her.

When the empty plates are set down the woman give a bow and walk away. Mr.Garonna puts the bag of peas on her cast and she frowns when she doesn't feel anything.

"It'll take time before the cast absorbs the coldness of the bags," he explains.

Grabbing an empty plate, he piles food on top of it, setting it down in front of her. On her plate is waffles, sausages, bacons, toast covered in honey, croissants and an omelet filled with salsa. Her mouth waters as she picks up her fork and begins to eat.

Mr.Garonna sits down at the head of the table and watches her eat. Time passes and soon all that's left is a few pieces of sausage and as much as she wants to eat it, Rosaline feels that if she takes another bite, she's going to explode but, at the same time she doesn't want to waste food. Sensing her dilemma Mr.Garonna picks up the pieces of sausage and eats it whole causing her jaw to drop.

"How did you...," she trails off, shocked.

He gives a secretive smile and grabs a napkin, using it wiping his face, then wipes his fingers

"Rosaline," he says grabbing her attention. "Your old parents Mr. and Mrs.Barrick have given me custody of you so for now on I will me your guardian."

When he finishes his sentence, Rosaline feels as if the little bubble she put around herself since she woke up burst. She knows that she is no longer the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Barrick but hearing Mr.Garonna say it out loud, makes everything real.

Tears well up in her eyes and she tries to hold them back, but still they spill down her cheeks. She brings her hands up trying to wipe away her tears, but they just keep coming. Mr.Garonna gets up and lifts up Rosaline as he slides under her and sets her on his lap. He doesn't say anything thankfully and instead rocks her back and forth as she sobs into his chest. He even pats her on the head smoothing her hair back and keeps doing this until she stops crying, and becomes droopy eyed but, forces herself to try and stay awake.

"Sleep little one, I'll be here when you wake," he whispers.

Hearing those words, Rosaline closes her eyes and falls asleep.

↔️ ⚜️ ↔️

When Rosaline wakes up from her nap, she feels oddly refreshed. It's been a long time since she was able to take a nap. 12 years if she is to be exact. The Barricks didn't believe in taking naps or the idea of sleep.

"Why sleep when you could do something useful," she whispers remembering the words they constantly drilled into her head when she happened to dose off. It's not as if they didn't sleep however, just enough to keep their bodies keep functioning.

A movement in her peripheral vision causes her to turn her head and jump when she sees Mr.Garonna sitting on the edge of the bed. Staring at her. He doesn't say anything in greeting and neither do she, not to be rude but, because she didn't know what to say. 'Hi sorry I had a mini breakdown and had to take a nap.' Just the thought her little breakdown causes her to blush slightly in embarrassment.

"A penny for your thoughts," Mr.Garonna asks in amusement.

She blushes harder.


"-Sir," he interrupts.

She tilts her head in confusion. What?

"Call me, sir," he states.

She slowly nods, wondering why he wants her to call him sir. Shrugging if off, she slowly pulls of the covers and carefully swing her legs to the edge of the bed. Taking a deep breath. Rosaline counts to 3. 1...2...3..., just as she was about to jump off, she's lifted into the air. Rosaline squeals.

"Put me down," she demands as Mr.Garonna carries her bridal style through the open bedroom door and down a staircase.

"Put me down," she hisses.

He ignores her. Frustrated she lets out a sigh and glares at Mr.Garonna.

"Mr.Garonna," she states.


"Mr.Garonna," she says this time making her voice softer.

No reaction. She lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Sir," she mumbles.

He turns his head and smiles at her as he opens the front door and steps outside.

"Yes, my sweet," he says, innocently and she almost rolls her eyes.

"Why are you carrying me?"

He doesn't say anything, but the glance at her cast clad foot was answer enough.

"I can still walk," she says. "I can also use my crutches."

He shrugs and walks up to a large black sleek-looking care. He stops in front of the car and a few seconds later a man appears in front of them and opens the door, giving them a nod as Mr.Garonna slips into the backseat with Rosaline in his arms.

"Put me down," she orders, just as the man closes the door and walks to the driver's door, opening it and sliding into the driver's seat.

"Where to sir?" The man looks at the rear-view mirror gazing at Mr.Garonna.

Mr.Garonna settles Rosaline in her seat and puts on her seat belt much to her annoyance.

"Drive to Kroll's Place, George," he says, causing Rosaline to pale.

George nods and searches up the place, setting the coordinates into the GPS. Once he's done with that, he pulls out the driveway and begins his drive to Kroll's Place.

"Why are we going there," Rosaline ask, feeling sick.

Mr.Garonna raises a brow and looks down at her.

"Every Monday you go to music class and play the piano or whatever instrument that you want to master."

Now Rosaline is confused.

"But I'm not longer with the Barricks," she says, stating the obvious.

"Yes, you are no longer with the Barricks," he says slowly. "Though just because you're in different custody doesn't mean you can't have the same schedule."

She just blinks confused. Why is he taking her to music class? Is he trying to be on her good side?

Well whatever it is, she's not going to be won over so easily, she decides, looking out the window and watching the trees pass by.

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