《The Big Book of Yanderes》Yandere Idol x Reader pt 2
"Welcome back ladies and gentlemen!" A thin blonde woman said with a sickly big smile on her face. "I'm your host, Lucy Morgan, and you're here for our exclusive interview with our next upcoming prodigy, Taro!" She motioned towards the male sitting on the couch in front of her.
The live audience swooned over the very mention of the males name.
The male simply gave a small waving making the girls all squeal.
Lucy laughed. "Oh Taro you're such a charmer! Tell us how you do it!" She grinned.
"Well..." he scratched his cheek, the look on his face almost blatantly said he regretted agreeing to this talk show. "I couldn't say."
The blonde let out a short laugh. "Ha! Well I suppose that's a question we should ask your girlfriend, who will be coming up soon so stay tuned." She winked at the camera. "So, Taro lets talk about that new movi-..."
The sound seemed to fade out. You stared blankly at the TV, not listening to her yapping voice anymore.
You were in the idols personal dressing room in the back sitting on one of those spiny chairs. You couldn't believe it. It's been only a few months and you'd already be introduced to the public as the males girlfriend.
You would be so close to freedom- yet so, so far at the same time. Your leg sat in a boot, twisted so you couldn't run.
Taro liked to keep your ankle in a useless state. It kept him at peace. With how concerned he was about you escaping you were surprised he wanted to tell everyone you were his girlfriend.
But you guessed he knew you wouldn't try anything. And he was right. You wouldn't. Escaping didn't seem worth it.
He told you what happened to his ex girlfriend. You knew the kind of people around him wouldn't help even if you begged them.
And staying with Taro wasn't all without it's perks.
You ate food that was full of flavor everyday. You didn't have to worry about paying the bills. You didn't have to pick out what kind of clothes you'd wear. You didn't have clean. And... Taro was a very attractive man. You had a beautiful home, money, connections, almost anything you could ever want in the palm of your hand.
But was it worth it?
But was it worth it to attempt an escape?
Also no...
The door opening brought you from your thoughts. The TV was playing commercials which meant you had about 5 minutes until you'd go on next.
You looked over just as Taro was closing the door. He let out an annoyed sigh.
"That woman is disgusting." He mumbled, completely dropping his nice boy act. "She reeks of alcohol covered up by cheap perfume." He walked over to the mirror and looked in it, checking to see if his makeup was still perfect.
"She seems nice..." you said in a soft tone. It was a futile attempt to put Taro in a better mood. Of course it didn't work.
He glanced at you making you tense. "You're sweet." He said. "Keep that up and I might just devour you."
You looked away with a nervous feeling in your chest. You and Taro haven't done it yet but lately he's been implying it more and more. It was starting to make you a little worried.
While you were sitting Taro came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, making you tense. His lips came near your ear.
"I hope you already know this but just in case I'll say it." He whispered. "Lucy might be an annoying bitch but she won't help you. Neither will anyone else here. If I catch you try anything there will be consequences."
You swallowed thickly. "I know." You said, staring at your lap.
He let go of you and spun your chair around to face him. He cupped your cheeks with his cold hand making you look at him. He had a satisfied smirk. "You're such a good girl." His thumb rubbed your cheek gently. "I knew I chose right with you." He leaned in and captured your lips. His lips were cold. Almost colder than his hands. Taro was always so cold.
He pulled away and moved back just as someone opened the door.
"You're on." Was all she said before leaving the room to rush off somewhere else.
Taro sighed before extending his hand towards you. "Come on... lets get this shit over with."
You simply nodded and took his hand, him helping you stand to your feet. You waddled your way to the door, struggling to walk right with the boot on.
Taro came up behind you and took your shoulders, guiding you out of the room. The back stage is as chaotic as usual. Everyone moved past eachother and made way for the two of you.
A lady came up to you and stopped you, putting some blush on your face and straightening a few strands of hair.
You remembered when that was your job. You truly missed it.
Without saying anything she turned and headed on stage. The two of you followed her and were met with blinding bright lights. You squinted, only being used to the darkened back stage.
The cameras weren't on yet, allowing the makeup staff to fix up Lucy Morgan. Sure enough she sat there taking a sip of alcohol as the staff fixed her hair up.
You both sat on the couch across from her, Taro had his hand clutching yours. He was nervous. You could tell.
Lucy glanced at you with a slightly disgusted look, eyeing you up and down.
"Between you and me." Lucy said, a deep frown on her face, exposing her wrinkles. "Are you really dating or is it just for the money?"
You didn't say anything. Once again, Taro was right. She is a disgusting woman.
"Don't say stupid things around so many people." Taro mumbled, staring her down in the eyes. "How many divorces are you up to again? Four?"
She glared. "You're such a charmer, my ass..." she grumbled under her breath.
"Sppt we're about to start. 10 counts." Someone said getting their camera ready. The staff scrambled away.
You took a deep breath and readied yourself to pull a fake smile. For a second your eye caught a glimpse of the chaotic nature of the back stage.
A wave of sadness briefly passed over you. You wanted to be back there. You missed it back there. The raw emotions and anxiety that you felt was so real. In the spotlight it was so fake.
You didn't belong there.
Your smile tensed up a bit. Just make Taro happy.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You were sitting next to Taro in the familiar dark limousine. You were absolutely exhausted! You brought your hands up to your cheeks and gently messaged them. Your jaw hurt from smiling so much.
"Taro..." you mumbled. "How do you do it? It's so tiring." You looked at him.
He glanced at you but didn't turn his head. His eyes were glaring at you. You froze. Why was he upset?
He turned and reached for your jaw. Instinctively you tried to move away but he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you back towards him. He gripped your cheeks and forced you to look at him. His expression was unreadable.
"I didn't do anything!" You said quickly. "I didn't- I swear! If I did I wasn't aware!!"
He narrowed his eyes. "I know (y/n)." He mumbled. "But your stupid smile... it annoyed me."
You looked at him, confusion swirling in your eyes. "I thought you would want me to smile."
"I did." He said. "But I didn't like you giving such a pretty smile towards that foul woman." His fingers tightened their grip. "It's not something I can punish you for..." to your surprise he slowly let go. "But that just makes me more mad.
You didn't know what to say or how to react. Was this mercy? Was this ego? You couldn't tell.
The rest of the car ride was met with silence. Normally you'd listen to Taro complain on the way back but he seemed so upset that he didn't even want to say anything.
You couldn't get it. How could something so small make him so upset. He was truly still so mysterious to you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After the two of you got back you both immediately went to Taros room. You were so tired you flopped down on the bed and buried your face in the pillows.
You both shared the same bed. There was no way Taro would leave you alone for an entire night. At first you resisted to sleep in the same bed as him but after you were sure he wouldn't try anything you stopped caring about it.
"(Y/n) get your ass up we have a party to get ready for." Taro said in his typical demanding tone.
You immediately jolted up. "What!?" You yelled. "Are you insane? A party?! After we just did all that!?! And this late too?"
He rolled his eyes as he pulled a dress out of the closet before coming up to you. You tensed, noticing how pissed he looked.
"This is your only warning." He grabbed your cheeks and forced your face up to look at him. "Dont piss me off. I'm in a really bad mood and I won't hesitate to take it out on you."
You simply nodded feeling his finger digging into the sides of your cheeks. It was true... sometimes your personality got the best of you and you had to say how you felt.
Taro really didn't like that.
"Good girl." He let go of your cheeks and tossed the dress at you. "Put it on and make it quick. We'll be leaving soon."
You silently got up and raced to the bathroom as fast as you and your one good leg could go. You were honestly a little surprised Taro was taking you anywhere with other people around.
A social event even! Could this be your chance? You bit your lip, thinking about it.
No... there's no way it could be that easy.
You unfolded the dress. A deep look of disappointment crossed over your face when you saw it.
It was a black form fitting and would push your waist in as much as it could. It had a low neck that would most definitely show off cleavage (even if you barely had any) and had a slit near the upper thigh.
You groaned. While it was elegant and sexy you did not have the confidence to wear such a thing. But what Taro wants Taro gets.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You were so, so, so uncomfortable! There were a lot of people here! Despite yourself you clung to Taros arm for dear life.
A lot of the people there were absolutely beautiful! Certainly more beautiful than you... especially the women! You recognized a lot of the celebrities here as well. You felt so out of place.
"Yo Taro!" A male voice in the catastrophic crowd said.
Taro turned, you still hooked onto him, and rose a brow. You looked at Taros face. He didnt have his face smile one. You looked around. Neither did anyone else.
A male came up to the two of you with an extremely attractive woman attached to his hip, hugging the males arm with her breasts pressing up against them. She eyed Taro before eyeing you.
"It's been a while." The male grinned. "I heard you got that new movie roll. And went on Lucy's talk show! That woman is a witch so I'm curious to know how you handled it."
Taro kept a poker face. "Idle talk from you means nothing to me." He replied.
The male tensed. "What's your problem..." he mumbled. "Am I not famous enough for you?"
Taro only rolled his eyes.
You eyed the male yourself. You supposed Taro did have no reason to be interested in talking with this guy. You didn't recognize him even a bit.
"And who's this little lady you've got?" The males gaze turned to you with a fox like look to his face.
You tensed.
"She's cute~." The lady to his side finally spoke, giving you a smirk. "But I wouldn't say she's your type Taro... a little short/tall if you ask me."
You glared at her. She looked at Taro. "Say if you ever want to ditch her I'm here for you baby." She winked.
You felt a little insecure hearing those words. Taro really could just go off with this woman and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. She was prettier, probably richer, and had a higher status than you. Your fingers instinctively tighten their grip on his arm.
"Sorry..." Taro mumbled. "I'm not into fucking plastic."
You held back a laugh. The woman sneered and tightly hugged her boy toys arm. "Babbbeee lets go! This loser is annoying and his bitch ain't that much better." She whined.
She glared at you one last time before dragging the male off god knows where.
You glanced at Taro, noting his sigh of relief. That's really the first time you've felt a little proud to be around him-!
You shook your head. No! That was wrong!
"Taro..." you said in a soft voice. "When are we leaving?"
He didn't even look at you, his eyes scanning the crowd. "Just right after I talk to... her." He motioned towards a woman standing next to a few other people.
Your eyes widened.
Veronica Henderson!?
She was not only absolutely gorgeous but she was also super famous. If there was anyone here more well known than Taro, it was her. And rumor has it she's had her eye for him for a long time now.
Your hands tightened their grip on his arm. "B-but why?" You asked.
He ignored your question. "Stay here and dont speak to anyone." He pulled you off his arm and because making his way towards the female.
You watched him, standing there with a worried expression you couldn't hide. You had a bad feeling... a pit in your stomach that you couldn't shake off. Why?
You watched them from afar, silently. Veronica was such a beautiful woman. You bit your lip, feeling rather dull compared to her.
You watched them speak to each other. You couldn't hear what they were saying nor read it...then to your surprise they made their way out of the main room.
Your heart sunk. No way... no way right? You swallowed thickly and just stood there like Taro had told you.
They're just going to talk right? Right!?
Your hands gripped the fabric of your dress, slowly balling up into a fist.
You shook your head.
'Look (y/n)!' You thought to yourself. 'This is your chance to finally get away from this man!!' You took a deep breath.
You just have to make it through the door. You began walking seemingly in a surreal state. Everyone around you felt slowed down and your steps had weight to them. You pushed past bodies upon bodies, your eyes locked ahead of you.
The door. The door is right there. You hand reached out and grabbed the knob, about to twist it.
But an image stopped you. An image of Taro and Veronica-!
Your hand squeezed the knob. You couldn't deny it. You were jealous.
Metathesiophobia was it called? The fear of change. Often occurring in women who are in abusive relationships because the thought of change is more scary than the thought of getting hurt.
While you were painfully aware of this, you also couldn't stop it.
You turned on your heel and headed towards the direction Taro and Veronica went. You just wanted to know if it was true.
You made your way out of the main room and looked down the long hallway. There were several doors in the place and you weren't exactly sure where they went.
After a few minutes of aimless wondering you heard it. Faintly. But you did.
"T-Taro stop!" Veronicas muffled voice rang out.
You immediately felt a stinging pain in your chest. It was just as you thought... wasn't it?
You turned towards the door where the voice came from. Your body moved on it's own towards it.
And after all those times he said he loved you he has the audacity to go and fuck this wo-.
You opened the door.
And froze.
Instead of seeing what you thought was going to be a one night stand you saw blood. Everywhere. On the walls, on the floor, on the bed.
Taro was standing there, covered in the crimson substance while Veronica was lying in a pool of red motionless on the floor.
Taros eyes immediately shot up. He looked suprise for a moment before giving you a nasty glare.
"(Y/n)? What the hell... get your ass in here and close the door now." He growled.
You quickly did as you were told, closing the door and locking it behind you. Not wanting anyone else to stumble upon this.
"T-Taro... w-what did you do?!" You asked, panic slowly setting in. Your eyes finally noticed the bloody knife in his hands.
"I got bored." He said, slowly making his way over to you. "And you..." he narrowed his eyes. "You really disobeyed me. Didn't I tell you to stay put?"
You glanced away, struggling to find a way to explain yourself. "W-well you weren't coming b-b-back so I- um... I- I..."
Even though you barely said a thing, Taro understood it perfectly. "You got jealous... didn't you darling?"
Your heart completely sunk. You felt so dumb hearing those words. You didn't reply to him.
He smirked, leaning down near your ear. You felt his lips on the side of your face, feeling his breath as he whispered.
"Take that fucking dress off."
Your eyes widened. "B-But there is a dead body- r-right there!! Y-you can't just-!"
He ignored your protest and grabbed your arm, tossing you onto the bed. Before you could react he got on top of you.
He moved to take off your boot, sliding it and tossing it to the side. "You won't be needing that..."
In one quick move he sliced your dress with his bloodied knife, the fabric shredding into pieces, exposing your undergarments.
You let out a squeal in surprise and attempted to cover yourself with your arms. "W-Wait!! W- w- wait!!!"
He grabbed your wrists and roughly pinned them to your side. "I have been waiting." He glared. "Think of this... as your punishment for disobeying me."
He practically tore your bra off your body that made you yelp in surprise. He tossed it to the side and eyed you like you were a full coarse meal.
A deep blush spread across your face, looking away from embarrassment.
"Look at you.." he mumbled. He leaned in to your neck and dragged his tongue slowly up. You bit your lip not want to make any noise.
"I'm going to be so rough with you~." His lips latch on a spot on your neck and roughly sucked at the skin.
You couldn't let out a noise. You didn't know how to think-. You've never done this before- you were a Virgin! A-and he... the kidnapper you got jealous about... was going to take it.
You glanced at the bloody corpse still resting a few feet away. His hands still gripped your wrists, giving you no chance to even think about going back.
He pulled away slightly and eyed the hickey with a satisfied look. He began planting small gentle kissing along your neck. If this was all he was planning on doing you were sure you could handle it-.
He bit down on crook of your neck making you let out a cry. His teeth dug in most definitely making a mark. He finally let go and gently kissed the new wound.
"I told you..." he mumbled against your skin. "I wouldn't go easy on you. It's still a punishment after all." He went back to planting butterfly kisses near your collarbone.
You swallowed thickly. This added even more of a unpredictable factor. You doubt he'd ever give you any warning when he'll hurt you.
His lips slowly went down, further and further near your breasts. He moved his lips down to your nipple and slowly took it in his mouth.
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