《The Big Book of Yanderes》Yandere God x Reader
A/N: if you're going to get offended by the mention of religion DONT read it. And stop trying to covert people in the comments 😃 on my yandere smut story.... Some of y'all weird. Love you all tho 💕
You've been extremely religious your entire life. From the moment you were born you were raised to be more perfect than Mother Mary herself. Your family took their ways more serious than anyone else could ever imagine.
Everything in your life was controlled strictly.
You grew up in a closed off neighborhood with only religious people like you. You were homeschooled and mostly only learned what the scriptures taught you. You barely had any basic math skills and knew little about the outside world.
You didn't have many books, you didn't own a phone, you didn't watch Tv, you didn't listen to the radio.
Some would call this way of living ignorant and unrealistic. You,.... would simply call it normal. You didn't know of any other way of life.
At the ripe age of 18 you became a nun for the order group you lived in. You were a virgin, a good student, and very educated in scripture.
You ,of course, still followed the sisters instructions like they were above you. Different nuns did different jobs and it was your job to teach the younger children how to read.
It was a difficult job... and all day you struggled to keep the children's attention. But it was fun none the less and you enjoyed it for most of the part.
Now, you were a young 23 year old just trying to teach the kids.
Today was like any other day. You woke up and prayed for a good day and quickly got dressed in your classic nun uniform. You put your cross necklace on and gently kissed it as you started at yourself in the mirror.
You walked out of your home and towards the small school house that was located near the church. The plot that all of you lived on was very peaceful. It was full of nature and big tall trees that separated all of you from the real world.
You were almost to the school when a nun came rushing up to you.
"Oh, Sister (y/n) it's awful!" She cried, taking your hand in hers while her other held an empty bucket.
You tilted your head. "What's the matter?" You asked.
Her lip trembled. "Father Lykens has caught a terrible cold! Please go fetch some water from the stream for him. I would but... I'm much too old to carry the heavy bucket." She said, a deep frown on her face.
You smiled gently at her. "I shall. Please keep watch for the children while I'm gone." You said.
She nodded. "Bless you Sister (y/n)."
You took the bucket from her and made your way down the narrow path in the forest towards the stream. While the grounds you lived on had running water, many Nuns believed that the stream had healing properties.
You were never quite sure why... but you supposed you believed it too.
You reached the stream and bent down, listening to the soft gently sounds nature had to offer. You scooped up the water in the bucket then stood up.
When you did you happened to glance in front of yourself only to spot something in the distance.
A building?
Your heart stopped. You dropped the bucket, spilling water all over your feet. You swore... that wasn't always there. Every other time you had glanced in the distance there was nothing but overgrown forest brush. You squinted. A shrine?
From the distance across the stream you could tell it was a tall and old building that was covered in vines and weed. You've lived here your whole life and explored every inch of this place... but you've never seen that before.
You looked down at the stream. You weren't allowed to go past it. The pastors and sisters always told you it was dangerous in the woods because of wild animals...but... your curiosity got the better of you.
You walked across the rocks and slowly made your way over to the shrine. It wouldn't hurt right? Nothing bad would happen, right? You were just there to peak inside and then get out... right?
You stopped infront of the building, it seemingly loom over you. It was a huge... how have you never noticed this before-?
Suddenly a memory came to you along with a shiver down your spine. You remembered as a young girl the boys would tell you about a building that would appear to you in an attempt to test your obedience to God.
While children said it was haunted, adults said it was probably just an old tool shed if we ever saw a building.
Your hands ran along the concrete pillars. This didn't look like a tool shed to you...
You clenched your fists. Perhaps God was really testing you... but you truly couldn't refuse your curiosity. You were already this close... what would going a little further hurt?
You walked through the open entrance that had no door. You made your way over to the middle of the room and looked up. The ceiling reached high above your head and had a small hole at the top, letting the sun light in. Under the light was a few steps leading up to a platform that looked like where a throne would set. There were many corridors to walk in but it was all shrouded in darkness.
Suddenly you felt very, very cold. You tightly hugged yourself and shivered. What the? It was in the middle of summer... how was it so cold?
Suddenly there was a loud THUD that echoed behind you and shook the building.
You whipped around and noticed the entrance was closed off. You slowly backed up, away from the door. Why- ... what's going on?
You suddenly felt so cold that you dropped to your knees and hugged yourself tighter. Your teeth chattered and you felt as though you couldn't move. What's going on?!
You heard a noise behind you, a noise you had never heard once before your life. It sounded inhuman almost. You slowly turned around and completely froze in fear.
A creature that looked like a man but was see through stood before you. His facial features were delicate yet handsome. He looked strong yet also slim. The air around him had a misty layer almost like a veil that softly covered him.
You quickly turned to face him, still on the floor. Your hand grabbed your cross as you clutched it out of fear. "W-what?! W-who are you?" You asked timidly.
He looked at you for a moment, staring you down. Then, he smiled. "My, my... it's been a long time since I've seen a little human here..." he came closer.
You backed away. "A-a.. d-demon!?" You asked, your hands tightening around your cross.
He chucked. "No my sweet thing... I'm a God." He cooed with a voice like silk.
You shook your head. "N...no. There's no way." You whispered. "T-theres only one true God!" You said. "And I'm not worthy to look upon his face."
The male tilted his head at you. "Oh?" He hummed. "And who told you that?" He asked.
Even with lips both trembling from the cold and fear you said "The Holy Bible! As well as my pastors! And it tells me that you must be a demon! An angel would never claim to be our Lord and Savior and Demons are liars!"
The male only stood there with a sticky grin on his face. "That's cute." He said. "But wrong..."
He suddenly came up to you in one quick motion and leaned down over you. You gasped in shock at his inhuman speed and quickly rose your cross to him.
"G-g-get away from me!" You cried. "I-I wont let you posses me!"
"But my sweet..." he cooed. "I'm not here to do such a thing." You felt a hand colder than ice grab ahold of your chin and gently tilt it up towards his face.
You completely froze in fear. Why wasn't your cross sending him away? Was there something wrong!?
"The only book you've read has lied to you." He muttered. "To say there is only one true God would be ignorant because... I'm standing right here aren't I?"
You were shocked he'd say such a thing. It was... it was... it was complete and utter blasphemy!
"My preachers would not allow you to say such things!" You quickly said.
He chuckled. "Can't you think for yourself my dear? Do you need someone to do it for you?"
You hesitated for a moment. "I..." you thought for a moment, then took a look at him once again.
Nothing about him screamed dangerous. And this did defy all you knew... you were told an entity couldn't appear to you anymore. It was impossible.
"But... there's..." tears swelled up in your eyes.
He let out a light chuckle. "I'm sorry my sweet I didn't mean to make you cry." He uttered, and opened his arms to you. "Let me dry your tears."
You stared at him, not sure what you should do. You slowly reached a fragile and cold hand out to him, grabbing ahold of his. He smiled at you sweetly and gripped your hand, pulling you up in one quick motion. You yelped but were enveloped in a warm hug, so much better compared to the freezing cold.
You shuttered, a few tears falling from your eyes. You were cold, confused, and still afraid.
He gently stroked your head. "There, there... you were so cold. You should've said so sooner..."
You trembled in his arms. Yet at the same time you felt comforted. Never has a man hugged you in a way to make you feel safe and warm. Never has someone stroked your head like this. You never did such things even with your own mother because she said "God can comfort all your needs."
But it always bothered you that you couldn't really hug God. Your hands tightened around the transparent cloth of his outfit. It was strange how he felt solid yet looked almost like a thin veil.
Feeling bold you asked "Why...why are you see through?"
"Hm..." he hummed, still stroking your head. "Well... since no one worships me anymore there isn't a reason for me to be that visible. The more who believe in me the more powerful I become."
He smirked. "If you began worshiping me... I would become a true God once again." He said. "And I'm sure I'd be much warmer to hug."
You tensed up and pulled away from him, backing up slightly. "W-what? Worship you?? But that would be-!"
"I thought I already told you." He said, cutting you off. "Your book is wrong. Besides... you said it bothered you that you couldn't physically touch or see your God... well you can with me all you want!" He smiled.
You froze. What? But... "I...I didn't say that." You said.
He paused. "Ah... lucky guess!" He grinned. You saw a glint in his eyes- but didn't think much of it.
"Still..." you hesitated. "It seems so wrong to abandon my entire livelihood... a-and I can't live here if I were to worship you. I'd be thrown out!" You explained.
He grinned. "Oh, my dear. You don't know what I'm capable of do you?"
You stared at him, with confusion swirling in your eyes. "What.. do you mean?"
He moved closer and took your hands in his cold ones making you jump. He leaned close to your face. "I can make everything you've ever wanted come true. I can protect you my dear human... I can do anything for you."
Your eyes widened.
"Tell me... tell your God what you want." He said.
Your lip quivered. "Wh...what I want? I... ive never thought about what I want."
He tilted his head. "Oh? Really? You're so innocent..." he chuckled. "Well that's ok my little lamb, I'll tell you what you want."
You didn't know how to take his words. On one hand your conviction that was drilled in your head at a young age was screaming that this was wrong.
But on the other hand...
"What you want is..." he started. "A perfect... loving God. Who can hug you in a warm embrace.. and who can dry your woeful tears. And who can take care of your precious human needs. Don't you want that? I think you do..." he leaned in and whispered in your ear "my little lamb~"
A shiver ran up your spine and suddenly you felt your face grow warm. Where you? Where you blushing!?
You tilted your face away slightly and stared at the floor and shock. No being has ever made you felt this way. You glanced back at him.
"I...I do want that." You said.
"I knew you'd make the right choice." He said. "But... there is something I need you to do before that." Suddenly his tone grew more serious.
This threw you off guard. "What is it?" You asked.
He hummed. "Well... its a tiny little thing." His hand moved to gently stroke your head. "Promise to worship me... and only me. Only come to me for your problems. Not your fake God, not any human, nothing else and no one else. And always... always listen to my word. You can do that right?" He asked, though it sounded less like a question and more so a demand.
You quickly nodded your head. "Yes... yes I can!" You said. It was the only thing you truly knew how to do.
He pulled away from you and smirked. "Good... now before you go." He stared at you. "Get on your knees and pray."
You were startled by the sudden demand but quickly sank to your knees and clasped your hands. "Who... who will I be praying to?" You asked.
A pleased look crossed his face. You were already so polite and obedient... no "training" needed. Though, he wouldn't have mind much if you did. "Call me... Azurane."
You nodded your head and quickly began uttering a prayer. Azurane stared down at you as he did. He could hear your words clearing echoing in his head so he knew you were truly praying to him.
He glanced at his hand and was surprised to find it was being slightly more visible. He looked back at you and eyed your clothing.
'So she's a nun...' he thought. 'And a virgin at that.'
He smirked. A young virgin nun such as yourself was a delectable follower to have. Not only were nuns already persistent with religion but the virgin ones, for whatever reason, were so powerful in a way.
You by yourself could give him so much power. Soon he'd be able to leave this place and start really gaining more followers.
A pawn. He grinned. You were nothing but his cute little pawn.
After you left the shrine the other lady nuns were all frantic and worried about your state. They noticed how cold and pale you looked but you told them that you think you caught something and just grew dizzy. You weren't going to tell them the truth about Azurane... or at least not yet.
You were deathly afraid of being accused of witchcraft or blasphemy and then get kicked out. This place was your home... you've never known anything else.
That night you prayed to your new God before you fell asleep. And you swore you could the gentle cold fingers of Azurane stroke your head.
To be honest you did feel more attached to this God, even though you've only just began worshipping him.
Azurane was more than pleased with you. Not only was he almost completely solid but he almost constantly heard you praying to him.
You did when you woke up, you did before you ate, you did before you began teaching the children, you did so, so, so many times he'd lose count. As annoying as it sounds, somehow he didn't mind it. Your voice... was so pleasant to him.
He found himself being captivated by the way you spoke. He glanced at the exit and slowly came towards it. He wondered if he was able to leave yet.
He reached a hand out but quickly retracted it when a burning pain shot through his fingertips. He glared. What rotten luck.
'No matter' he thought. 'She's going to give me more than enough to satisfy me.' He grinned.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It's been a month since the first time you met Azurane. You told him everything. That's what you were supposed to do after all... right? You told him what you did, how you felt, about the other nuns. You told him basically everything.
You only visited his shrine once during the month because you were rather busy and didn't want the other nuns to get suspicious of you.
But... you knew you wouldn't be able to hide this forever. And that day soon came.
It came at a gathering with all the ladies sitting at a table about to eat a freshly made meal. You all talked amongst one another until one of the ladies stood up and began speaking about how she was all happy that God let you all come there today.
Then she said "Sister (Y/n) why don't you lead us in a prayer?"
You froze. Normally that sort of thing wouldn't have been a problem. You've led prayer your fair share of times but now it was different. Azurane specifically said you were only to pray to him... to any other God would be... disobedience.
You gulped. "Ahm... um..." you glanced around at all the ladies staring at you with smiling faces. But soon their smiles were replaced with concern. "I... w-well I seem to have a sore throat... uhm...c-could you do it?"
They all glanced at eachother.
"But you were speaking just fine a minute ago." The woman sitting next to you said.
"You know..." one of the younger nuns started. "You have been acting weird lately Sister (Y/n)."
Your heart was pounding. "W...what is this? An intervention?" You asked.
One of them gasped. "That isn't like you at all! You know... I haven't heard you mutter Gods name once recently!"
They all mumbled in agreement.
You stood up. "Well it isn't any of your concern!" You said, beginning to walk off.
You felt a hand grab your arm making you whip around only to see one of the nuns. "We're going to Father Lykens about this right now."
You hesitated but you knew you couldn't refuse. If you did, you'd only be dragged forcefully there.
One of the other Nuns stood up. "I'll come with you." She said. The other Nun pulled your forearm towards the church leaving the rest of the group.
You didn't know what to say or do. You knew Nuns acting off was a serious issue here but for whatever reason you never imagined yourself being one of those Nuns.
You got to the church, the two girls gripping your arms. They practically pulled you in, not giving you a chance to even explain yourself.
You glanced up and saw Father Lykens. You narrowed your eyes. It had only been a month since you first met Azurane, but for whatever reason you felt a strong attachment to him.
You closed your eyes for a moment and thought "Azurane, if you're listening... please give me courage!"
"Father Lykens!" One of the Nuns said, gaining his attention. "I believe there is something gravely wrong with Sister (Y/n)."
"Yes, she's been acting off!" The other said. "She refused to say a prayer out loud and she spoke back to us!"
The much older male looked at you. "Really? Is this true?" He asked.
You nodded. "I suppose it is."
He thought for a moment. "This is strange and not like you at all. You're one of the most committed Nuns here. What has changed you, child?" He questioned.
You thought for a moment. They'd find out sooner or later and you assumed to just tell them now would spare you a lot of trouble.
You took a deep breath. "I met someone..." you started. "In the woods. He told me... he told me different ideas."
The priest narrowed his eyes. "A demon?" He asked.
You shook your head. "He was no demon. He's... a God."
One of the woman gasped. "Blasphemy!" She cried.
"You're mad!" The other said. "Absolutely mad!"
Father Lykens motioned for them to be silent. "What kind of things was this... man saying to you?" He asked.
"That's..." you felt tears swell up in your eyes. You felt as if you were telling your real father to go to hell or something. It was painful. But. "That's none of your concern!" You spat.
He signed. "I thought so... it's a demon!" He said.
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