《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》A Small Gift



Jim gasped as he sat up. Pain circulates through out his body. He did his best to not cry out in pain as his eyes slowly opened.


"Master Jim!"

"W-what?" Everything was blurry. Jim tried to blink away the fogginess in his eyes.

"Oh my gosh he's awake! Jim don't ever do that to me again!"

Jim was slowly trying to process what just happened. He only remembered slight flash backs of Clare and.... oh shit. He quickly summoned his armor and leaped up ignoring the pain.

"Jim! Jim, you need to calm down!" Jim blinked his eyes once more. He was expecting to wake up and see the scorpion thing again. But he was surprised to find himself in a different place.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Lay back down, your still injured." The Trollhunter looked down only to meet the stunning eyes of Claire Nuñes. Jim complied and released eclipse from his body. "Jim you scared me." She said. He gulped as the memory's flooded back into his mind.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to." Claire took a steadying breath as she slid lay by the Trollhunters side. Blinks smiled at the couple, and decided to give the two some space.

"I'm just glad your okay." Jim could sense the panic in her voice. Deciding it was for the best, he tried to change the conversation.

"Where are we?"

"We left Yellowstone. Where camping in the sewers for now until we find a rout."

"How long was I out for?"

"A couple days."

Jim let his head fall back. He was out for days? His horns scrapped the cement walls to the sewers. Jim wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. He wanted to ask how they managed to keep him alive? How did he not die?


"I brought you to Blinkey. He said the thing that attacked us was something found only in the shadow realms."

"Shadow realms? How did it get out?" Jim asked even though he was pretty sure he knew the answer already.

"Where not sure. There must've been a portal or something."

Jim looked down at his bandaged side. If a portal to the shadow realm was open, then that wasn't good news for anyone. It could mean Morgana is trying to find a way to escape. Or even worse, she already has. Jim tried not to choke on his own breath as he tried to process the new information.

"I can't believe that." He only managed to get out.

"I didn't want to believe it either." Claire replied, then inhaled deeply. "But that is something for another day. You mister need to get some rest. You deserve it."

Rest was the least of his worries now. He remembered reading a bit about the shadow realm when they first discovered it, but nothing he could recall that would be useful..

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

She smiled. "Of corse. Now scoot over." Jim moved aside creating room for Claire to sleep with him.

"You know, this whole thing was not how I was planning the summer to go." Jim said. His voice easily broke. Clair looked at him with her warm, brown eyes. Then she took his hand.

"No one did Jim. But I don't want to be anywhere else but with you."

Jim frowned. As Clare gazed intoan has change,his blue eyes.

"That's the problem Claire. Everywhere I go, danger follows. And your right in the middle of it." Jim's voice echoed throughout the cavern.

"That may be true. But the last two years have been the best I have ever had James Lake. Even though the chance of dying is way high, I can't imagine what life would be if I haven't met you."


"You really think so?"

"Jim," she leaned into his chest, "I know so. And I don't care where life takes us. All I care is that even after everything that has happened and how much everything changed, we can still be together through it all."

"I love you, more that anything."

"I love you to Jim."

"And Claire, nothing will ever separate us."

"That's what I'm counting on."

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