《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》Poisoned


"Ma'am, we have there location. They just left Wyoming and are heading to Mississippi."

"Excellent work. Looks like they have fallen right in our trap." The general looked up from fidgeting with her pen. Jim wasn't hard to find. They just had to track his many phone calls to his mom to pin point his exact location. Easy.

"We have a lot to do before they arrive. I want my men there ready. I'll be there by flight in two hours."

"Yes General."

And the phones when silent.


Jim growled. They where past civilization now and back into a dry forest. His body tensed as he listened for his next meal. The only sounds that echoed through the forest where crickets and the calming sounds of the wind swaying the trees.

"Where did you go?" He muttered to himself.

Then he heard a quick tapping of four paws as the bunny scampered throughout the forest. His eyes flashed open.

"Gotcha." And he was off like a spring.

The rabbit didn't have a chance to get away from Jim. He was far to fast.

The rabbit heard his quick pace as he chased his prey. Then before the rabbit could register what happened next, Jim had its neck clamped between his jaw.



"That was delicious thanks Jim." Claire said.

"Any time." He smiled as Claire finished up her food. Once she was done the couple got up and began to take a walk towards the woods to meet up with the rest of the group. It was almost time to began there journey again.

"You know," Jim began, "I was wondering what where going to even do once we get to New Jersey."

Claire giggled and then spoke, "Well let's just focus on getting to New Jersey first before anything else."


Jim's tail swayed as he scented the familiar scent of the trolls.

"I think your tail is cute." Claire said.

"You think so? I find it very... awkward."

"And why is that?"

"It just has a mind of its own I guess. I swear it's like a dogs. It wags when I'm happy and all of that."

"I still think it's cute."

Jim smiled. "Thanks Claire."

They walked about a minute before Jim noticed something. Something very off.

"Do you here that?" Jim asked. Claire shook her head.

"I don't hear anything." Claire responded.

"Exactly. Wasn't there crickets chirping before? Like two seconds ago?"

"Yea..." Claire trailed off.

"A little strange don't you think?"

Then Jim scented something like never before. The smell was like a acidic scent.

"I think something's been following us." He concluded.

Before Claire could respond there was a loud roar. And out of the trees came a creature. A squirpian. It was the biggest thing he has ever saw. It has eight eyes as big black and beady. It's tail was just like a squirpien's. And flowing from that tail was a green putrid smelling liquid.

Jim gagged and covers his nose with his sleeve.

"Oh god." Jim gasped.

"Jim! Look out!" Claire screamed. Jim looked up in just enough time to see its tail heading right for his chest. Quickly, Jim rolled aside and doned his armor. He held eclipse out threateningly.

"Yesss..." it hisses."magical beingsss I smell. It would be a prefect meal for my hatchlingssss."

The creature then took its focus off of Jim and headed for Claire.

"Claire!" Jim shouted.

But she didn't move. Instead she was doing something. Her hands began to glow purple.


"Daya's grace! Claire you have magic!"

She held her hand out and then both a loud bang. Jim closed his eyes only briefly. Once he opened them Claire was back to normal. And the creature was slumped against a tree. He ran up to her.

"Claire," he began.

"I don't know! It-it just came to me, like it was natural."

"We will have to talk to Blinky or Merlin, but for now let's focus on that thing."

They both focused there attention back to the monster. It growled furiously.

"Claire, you distract it." Then Jim ran off out of sight.

"Wait Jim! Wait! Seriously? Jim?!" He was gone. The monster hissed and began to crawl closer and closer to her.

"H-hi." How the hell was she suppose to distract this thing? "N-nice... uh... eyes?" What the crap was she thinking?- Claire your so stupid! Your going to get killed! She lectured herself.

"Very magical indeed." It growled. Claire held up her hands hoping the magic would work. But it didn't.

"Oh come on!" She gritted her teeth as she tried to make her magic re-appear. The creature was now so close to Claire. "Jim!" Her heart raced.

Then before she knew it Jim was on the creatures back. The scorpion hissed and snarled as it tried to fling him off.

"Leave," he began, "my mate alone!" And with that the monster wailed as Jim stabbed eclipse in her back. But for the scorpions last attempt to survive.

"Ahh!" Jim yelled.

"Jim!" Claire screamed. The creature turned to ash, and Jim leaped off, Only to stumble and fall to the ground.

Claire ran for him. His armor disappeared. His tail layed limply at his side.

"Jim, cmon stay with me!" She said. His skin began to turn a grayish color.

But it was to late. The Trollhunters eyes closed.

"I have to get Blinkey."

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