《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》The Gas Station


"Jim!" Claire yelled. "Your armor! It's off!"

Jim flew his eyes open. He was dead asleep. Well not anymore.

He saw a smiling Claire above him.

"What?" He asked to tired to process anything.

"Jim! When did it come off?"

Then Jim remembered. His armor was off! He never slept so good. No wonder why he's so tired.

"Just last night." He stood up from his blanket nest.

"You have a tail!" Jim swore he saw stars in her eyes.

"I do! It's crazy!" Jim smiled. Claire didn't hesitate to engulfed him into a hug.

"And you have a scruff! It's so soft! It's like not-Enrique's!" She let go and peered into his glowing blue eyes. "I'm so happy. Now I can actually cuddle with you comfortably."

Jim laughed.

"You have no idea how good I slept."

She laughed. Jim's tail began to sway side to side. Claire glanced at it.

"Your tail is a lot longer than most trolls."

"It is huh? Weird." Jim said.

"We should go find Blinkey and tell him the news." Claire suggested.

Jim agreed and they where off.


"Another mile and a half before we reach the city." Claire said glancing at her phone.

"Really? Geez it feels like a lot longer." Jim said.

They began there journey yet again. They have walked about four miles. They plan on stopping in the sewers underground for shelter. There was about three hours before dawn which gave them a perfect amount of time to find it.

The journey took a little while then expected. And the city was huge, so it would be a bit difficult to navigate there way through without getting caught. The weather got a little more chiller over at the city in the night. Claire used her jacket to keep warm.


"Look Jim, there's a gas station!"

A couple yards away a small gas station appears as the walked up the hill.

"It's dark enough, maybe you and I could go find an entry way to the sewers?"

"Maybe, the trolls should stay here. It's a freeway and it would be bad if any of them got caught at the station."

"Good point. I'll let Blinkey know."

Claire nodded as Jim went down to tell Blinkey. After a moment Jim returned.

"Alright let's go." He pulled out his glamor mask and some money from his bag.

He put the mask on and turned into himself when he frowned.

"I hate this thing." He said. Claire laughed.

"It's only for a second. Cmon, we better hurry."

The two ran down the hill. They raced to the freeway. The freeway had a turn to the gas station. They had to cross it somehow... this will be difficult.

"We'll wait until there aren't any cars." Jim said.


They waited as cars passed. Then finally there was a break in the cars. It wasn't big but big enough to make it across.

"Alright on thee we'll run. One... two..."

"Three!" Claire finished. And they ran.

There feet slapped the asphalt as they hurried across. Cars began to honk. And finally they reached the turn in to the gas station. But they didn't stop until they where on the sidewalk that leads to the doors. Once they stopped they burst into laughter.

"I can't believe we just did that!" Claire laughed.

"It felt good." Jim smiled. Claire was panting and laughing at the same time.

"We should go in." She suggested catching a breath.

"Good idea."

The couple walked in. No one was there considering the time of night. But they where greeted by the catchier.


The catchier eyed them suspiciously by didn't say anything. The two just ignored it.

"They have bathrooms here!" Claire whispered. "I'll be back." She added.

Before Jim could reply she was off. Jim chuckled to himself and shook his head.

Jim walked to one of the shelves and looked through it. It was the candy isle. Skittles, reeces pieces, licorice, gum. All things Jim loved but now couldn't have. He frowned as he pulled out a twenty dollar bill from his pocket. Money his mom left with him.

Jim began to grab some gum for Claire knowing she might like some for the journey.

"If you don't mind me askin- "

Jim jumped at the deep voice. But looked up and found the catchier staring at him.

"How old are ya?"

"Eighteen." Jim lied.

"What are ya doin here so early?"

"Getting some candy and stuff for my girlfriend. Where going to the movies later."

"Interesting." The man said. "The movies don't open until ten."

Jim cringed.

"Hey Jim." Jim smiled happy for the save. Claire.

"Hey. You like Skittles right? Why not get these for the movies."

She glanced at him weirdly. And mouthed the movies?

"Go with it." Jim whispered.

"Yea sure and you?" She asked.

"I'll grab some too." He pulled off two bags of skittles.

The man still looked at them weirdly.

Claire grabbed some jerky off the shelves and a few bags of chips. Once they where done they went to check out.

"Three packs of gum. Two bags of skittles and jerky. And three chips bags. Your total is sixteen thirty four."

Jim handed him the twenty dollar bill. The man put it in the register and gave him his change.

"Have a nice uh- morning." The man said.

They thanked the catchier and walked out.

That was a close one.


"Hello? This is General Kubritz speaking." The woman leaned back on her chair.

"Hello ma'am. It's been a while."

"Good morning to you too. Why call so early in the morning, John?"

"I think I found what your looking for."

"The Tarrons?" She asked. It was all she could think of.

"No. Better. I saw Jim Lake." She almost fell of her chair.

"You found him? We're is he at?"

"He just came by my store. He claimed he is eighteen and was buying things for the movies."

"A little suspicious don't you think?" She asked.

"Indeed. Did you talk to his mother?"

"I did. She wasn't much help. But it's not that hard to track her phone calls to him."

The general began to fidget with a file in her desk.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Follow him. I want to know what he is up to. And once they stop for a while, let me know and I'll be there in no time."

"Of corse General."

"I want updates every day. We can't let him escape. I have him right where I need him."

"Yes ma'am."

And the line went dead.

All the General needed was to capture the Tarron family. Then she can go for him.

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