《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》The Amulet


Last night Jim made a new nest for him and Claire to sleep in while she healed. They had found a pretty big cave that was surprisingly cool and not to hot for the desert. The cave began above ground and continued down. The cave was so big him and Claire got there own room to rest in.

It was night time now. Jim shifted in his bed of blankets. Jim opens his eyes and the first thing he noticed was Claire's absence. Shaking the tiredness out of his eyes he got up. He wandered around the cave scenting the air for his mother's and Claire's scent. Once he picked it up, it lead them to the opening of the cave.

"Well good morning sleepy." Claire said walking over to him when he arrived.

"Claire! Your looking so much better! How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I feel amazing thanks to your mom. I just had to use the bathroom super bad. That's why I wasn't there when you woke."

Jim nodded understandingly.

"You went through like 5 bags of fluid. No wonder why you had to go so bad."

They both laughed. Then Jim turned to his mom. She was standing there happily.

"Thank you mom." He spoke.

"Of corse honey. I'm just glad to know you are both okay."

Jim gave her a hug and nuzzled her.

And surprisingly she returned the gesture.

"How did you kn-"

"Claire explained it to me." She replied cutting him off.

He nodded.

"Are you ready to go home?" Jim asked.

"Just about. Merlin is making charms that can open portals to you."

"That's wonderful!" Jim smiles excitedly.

As if on cue Merlin walked in.

"I finished the charms." He said. He walked towards them. Then he held out three bracelets. They had a small green and blue crystal on it.


"There beautiful." Claire said.

"They are indeed. Here." He handed them the charms and they put it on.

"All you need to know is just say the word Accio and they will activate."

The three thanked the old man. And he happily replied with a your welcome and walked away.

"So mom, what's new in Arcadia."

"Nothing much. Just doing repairs from the damage of the war. Jim cringed.

"Yea and how's that going?"

"Good actually."

He nodded happy to hear that.

The rest of the night was like that. The three talked with each other for a long time. And Jim for a long time felt at home.


The next night:

Jim couldn't sleep. He was feeling to claustrophobic with his armor. He had to get it off now or never. Claire was asleep next to him, so he took the opportunity to go find the wizard.

After taking many turns he finally came a crossed the old man.

"Can you quiet down? I am trying to get some rest." He lectured.

"Sorry, can you help me just for a sec?" Jim asked. Merlin growled.

"Can't an old man get any sleep?"

"Nope." Jim replied sarcastically.

"What do you want James?"

"It's not what I want, it's what I need."

"Okay?" He asked sitting up.

"Can you help me remove the armor?"

"Oh this again." The old man spoke. "I'll help you. But on one condition."

"Name it."

"I won't be woken up again unless it's life threatening."

Jim scoffed.


"Alrighty then." The old man said. "Just relax."

Jim sat down.

"Your in no more danger right?"

"Yea no more danger..." Jim said.

"Your safe." The wizard continues.


Jim nodded.

"Calm yourself James. Your too tense."

Jim did.

"Think or your happiest thoughts." The wizard spoke.

Jim did. The first thing that came to his mind was Claire. There kiss on the stage as Romeo and Juliet. The happiness he felt when he was with Drall all that time ago. He thought of how much fun he had with Toby when they first went to Trollmarket. He remembered the night before the play, he couldn't sleep he was too excited and worried all at once. But in the end all the happiness was the memories of his friends and his girlfriend Claire Nuñes.



The amulet fell from his chest.

Jim opens his eyes. The wizard was laying down again. Pretending to probably be asleep.

But that didn't matter.

It was off.

And he was free.

He wanted to scream in joy.

It was off! After all these weeks.

Then Jim noticed something. He didn't have clothes. Only his ripped and formed ones.

He stood up to get the cloths he bought for himself at the Yellowstone store. Then something brushed his shoulder. He turned around to see something shocking.

It was a tail. A long tail.

He had another limb.

Another limb!

Oh Toby was going to freak.

Jim ran his hands down his back. There he found his scruff which was surprisingly soft. But it didn't stop there. Fur continued down it back until it reached the end of his tail. A little tuft or fur was at the end. It was shaped like a flame.

Jim smiles. He liked his tail. It was cool.

I gotta get some clothes. He thought.

Jim walked back to where Claire was sleeping. He reached in her big bag and pulled out an extra large hoodie and extra large sweats. Then put them on. The hoodie and sweats where both black.

Jim overjoyed to finally sleep with Claire with no armor was a wish come true.

He snuggled up to her.

And that very night was the best night in months.

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