《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》Recievers and Retrievers


Jim returned from the store around six in the afternoon with Claire's dinner, as well as the thought that maybe Blinky would come with him tonight and show him how to hunt.

"Sorry all I could find was a store where they only had sandwiches."

"That's alright thank you." She responded.

Claire pulled out her sandwich and ate it while Jim pulled off his mask.

"I am going to head back to everyone else." He said.

"Alright I'll stay here for a bit. Call my mom maybe."

"Okay. Don't get eaten by a bear."

"I am not planning on it." She answered.

They smiled at each other and laughed.


Jim found Blinkey studying his many books he gathered before leavening Arcadia.

"Hey Blinkey. What are you reading?"

"Some ancient troll lore. Nothing of importance to you."

"Hmm. Maybe it is a bit important to me." Jim sat down next to his mentor, and continued speaking; "When I was human we where forced to take history classes about the human culture and history. It taught me a lot about our people. Maybe since I am not human anymore, you can teach me some troll lore."

Blinkey smiled like as if his greatest dream came true. "It would bring me no greater joy to than teach you, Master Jim."

"Maybe you can also teach me how to..."

"How to what?" Blinkey asked when Jim trailed off.

"How to hunt maybe?"

"Hmm." Blinkey said.

"I mean you don't have too if you don't want you. I just thought that maybe..."

"Jim, I won't mind at all. It's just when Trolls moved into Trollmarket, many became reliant on the hearthstone. Most lost there many gifts that they where born with. That includes there hunting instincts and skills. They became lazy and relied on the Trollhunter for protection."


"Thanks kinda disappointing." Jim said once Blinky was done.

"Indeed. Some where forced to adapt. In our culture there where two types of trolls. Retrievers and Receivers. The Retrievers where the ones who hunted for the tribe and brought back food for the rest. The Receivers are the ones who received the food. But whiled the Retrievers would hunt, they would be the ones who would build and sustain theirs homes. It worked for generations. But then humans came. Left there stuff everywhere and we had an endless supply of food. The Retrievers would stop going out at night because the humans left there garbage everywhere. And so many lost there gift. But you, Master Jim, might have this that many lost."

"Wow, I actually never thought of it that way. What would that be? The gifts I mean." Jim asked.

"Great strength for one. Amazing hearing and sight, sharp teeth and speed. Trolls began to rely on the heartsone as I said earlier. They lost there sight because the stone gave them light. They lost hearing, speed and strength because they didn't need it anymore to survive. I guess some would say it was for the better."

"Maybe. Blinkey, which one where you?"

"I was a Receiver. I never really hunted that much. Instead I built the trollmarket of what it's known for today. At least was known for."

"I'm sorry Blinkey. I guess I didn't think about how hard it could have been for you to see the home you worked so hard for, crumble before your eyes." Jim turned to his mentor.

"It's alright. Gunnar is dead, thanks to you. And now the Trolls can finally rest knowing that Gunmars wrath is no longer."

"Yea, I guess your right. It's kinda nice not having something trying to kill you everyday."

"Indeed. Now what do you say? It's dark enough to start."

Jim stood up and smiled.

"I can't wait."

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