《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》Toby


"Good morning Arcadia Oaks! Three weeks passed since that very strange event with trolls. There is not sign of them any where in Arcadia. No one know where they went, and maybe it's for the better isn't that right Karen?"

"Absolutely. Everyone is as confused as they can get. Rummers are spreading throughout the world on why these creatures even showed themselves in the first place. Most say they are evil and should remain hidden, but others argue that they aren't as evil as most say. Either way, it's caused much of an uprising here. No one knows when the next attack is going to be or if there will ever be one again. But-"

Toby unplugged his radio not wanting to listen any more.

"If only they knew the real reason, eh buddy?"

Toby said turning to his good friend AAARRGGGHH!.

"You make them know." The friendly giant suggested.

"I can't do that. They won't believe me. After all I am just nothing but an over weight kid." Toby answered back.

"Not true. You helped in war." AAARRGGHH! said.

"Yea but no one is gonna believe that even if I did."

"Believe Jim?"

"Maybe wingman."

Toby said as he opens the door to his room.

"I am gonna go do something, stay here wingman." He told the Krubara.

He nodded in agreement.

Toby closed his door behind him.

"I'll won't be back until later tonight Nana!"

"Okay Toby Pie." She answered.

Toby made his way down stairs and out the front door.

Toby was sad Jim left. He didn't really have anyone to hang out with, besides his wingman and maybe Eli, Steve, and his girlfriend, Darci. And to be honest it really sucked. He didn't have anything to do, so he just played Go Go Sushi in his room all day.


What did really make him mad was everyone's theories of trolls. He didn't like how he called them monsters, or creatures from the deep. Maybe he had these feelings because his best friend was now a troll. Everyday Toby would sit in his room thinking of how much better life would be if Jim was here.

He hasn't called for a week which made Toby's heart sink every day he never called. Did Jim forget about him? Hopefully not. Probably not.

Toby turned the corner as he made his way to Darci's house. He had nothing better to do. Toby didn't realize until after Jim left that his life was so much more... full. Full of adventures, excitement, and danger every turn they took.

Toby reaches her house and knocked on her door. She answered it about a few moments later.

"TP!" She smiles and hugged him.

"Hi Darci. How's it going over here?" He asked.

"Same old stuff." She said. "And you?"

"Just the same." Toby answered.

"Hey but I did find out something interesting."

"Yeah and what's that?" Toby asked.

"Jim is a troll now."

Toby paused.

"Wait. How do you know about that?"

"Claire told me and Mary. He also talked to us for like five seconds. He really didn't seem like... Jim I guess."

Toby frowned. "Not really huh? I mean, he hasn't called me in like a week. Hasn't texted or anything."

"So you knew about this?" She asked. Toby nodded.

"For how long?"

"For along time." He answered. She rolled her eyes and pushed him in her house.

"And you never told me?" She asked.

"Look Darci, I didn't feel like you needed to know. He want best friend with you anyways. Jim hasn't really been himself since the old wizard turned him into a troll. And it's been hard for every one who knows about him, even himself."


"So who all knows?" She asked.

"His mom, me and Claire obviously. Strickler, and Claire's parents. And that was it until you and Mary found out. Just don't tell anyone else, okay?"

"I won't Toby. I promise."

Toby smiles sadly.

"So anyways about that date you promised." Darci said.

"I haven't forgotten about it," Toby said. "that's why I came here."

Darci smiled.

"Let me get on my shoes."

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