《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》Strickler and Barbra


Walter handed Barbra a cup of coffee.

"Here, sit let's talk."

She nodded excepting the coffee.

"Walt, I- I don't know what to do."

"With Jim?" She nodded.

"Well maybe I can tell you more about his trollish nature that he has now adapted."

Barbra only nodded again.

"Barbra, I know this is hard for you, but you have to be there. You have to except it. He made the choice to save his family. To save the world. The least you can do is make sure he made the right choice. To turn into a troll that is."

"I know. I just don't know how I can even talk to him. He isn't Jim anymore. And I know what I said on the roof before the war, came from my heart. But I- but he knows that even though family and friends is here, he's always going to struggle getting over the fact that he isn't human. The fact that he will never be again. Walter I saw it in his eyes. My sons eyes. And for once, on that roof it made me realize that my boy is never coming back. He won't ever be the same Jim everyone knew. He won't be the same Jim Toby began his best friendship with. He won't be that Jim Claire fell in love with. He won't even be here at the house with me anymore. Am I even a mother now?"

Strickler sat there. He knew how hard it was. He knew that it was going to take time to get used to it. Even Jim. No. Especially Jim.

"Barbra, I know it is hard for you. I know, trust me. But maybe the best thing you can do is at least try to be there for him. He has two sides now, Troll and Human. And you can guess who is driving the most."


"Human?" Barbra hopefully guessed. Strickler shook his head. Barbra took a sip for her coffee.

"His troll side. We know he has gotten a lot more aggressive, and I fear it will only get worse with all of his new instincts that lead into it. And all we can do is try our very best to be there for him and hope for the best."

Barbra nodded for the third time. Strickler knew she understood. He knew she was trying her best to be there for him. But to what extent? He didn't know.

"So what can I expect from him now?" She asked.

Walter took a good swig from his cup.

"A lot. Jim now probably has an amazing sense of smell, sight, and hearing. So good he can probably smell the fear of one. The sight will allow him to hunt at night."


Strickler nodded.

"That's why most trolls have very sharp teeth. But most trolls have gotten lazy, like humans, and began to just eat scraps that lie around. But Jim, he isn't like most trolls. I could tell that from the beginning. His eye sight is to help him navigate his way though the forest or dark areas. Most trolls are nocturnal, which no doubt he his too. So they need great eyesight to see around them in the dark. But almost every troll have lost most of that because they rely on the heart stone to be there light. I mean except for trolls like Gunmar. And his hearing. He can probably hear conversation in a house two blocks away if he wanted to listen. Trolls can choose how far or how close they can hear. Or atleast they could."

"What did Merlin mean by he made Jim onto something not quite human, not quite troll?"


"Well, I am not I truly sure. Most trolls are lazy now and rely on the Trollhunter to fight for them. Only if they must, will they fight. Like as they did in the war a few days ago. But Jim isn't like most trolls, so therefor he isn't a full troll. But he isn't fully human either which is probably why Merlin said that."

Barbra sat in silence to process this information.

"I think I had enough for one night." She finally said.

"Of corse. I'll come back tomorrow if that's okay with you." Strickler stood up and so did Barbra.

She nodded.

"Absolutly. Please do. And thanks for your help. I really do appreciate it." She led him to the door.

"Anytime Barbra."

She opened the door and Strickler walked out.

"Maybe you can try to give him a phone call later." He suggested.

"That sounds like an excellent idea"

Thy said goodbye to each other then Strickler walked out, and Barbra shut the door. She went up to her bedroom, pulled out her phone. She scrolled through it until she found Jim's contact. She clicked on it hand hit the FaceTime button. Hopefully it wasn't too late for her to call.

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