《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》The plan


Claire woke up to the amazing smell of eggs. Jim must have gotten up earlier that usual. It was bright outside, she could tell, but the trees hid most of the sun. She heard distant chattering, and the clicking of the camp fire. She rubbed her eyes and checked her watch. It was 8:30 am. They went to bed last night at eleven thirty. So they got about seven or eight hours of sleep. Well at least she did. They walked for a total of three to four hours. Not bad for last night. She pulled out her bag pack realizing that some things where missing. Like her pan her dad packed, fork and spook and her plate. Oh well, Jim must be using them. She grabbed her hair brush and dry shampoo and did her hair. Once she was done she put on her extra pair of cloths her mom with no doubt packed her. A grey hoodie and new jeans. When she was done she stepped out of the tent zipping it back up once she was out. She put on her shoes that where waiting for her at the entrance.

It was a bit chilly today and very moist, and the ground was a bit damp. The smell of eggs got closer. A few feet away rested a big pine tree. The distant chattering was Jim and Blinkey. They where on the other side of the tree. Jim saw her and smiled.

"Morning. I thought you would never wake up." Jim said. Claire laughed as her reply. She noticed the fire and on top where some eggs. "I made those for you. Found a birds nest up there." Jim said pointing to the tree. "The birds where not happy let's just say."

"Thanks Jim." She said. And she meant it. She didn't realize how hungry she was until she saw the food. She noticed her plate on the ground by the fire and picked it up. She used the fork resting in the pan to pry the eggs onto her plate. She then walked over to Blinkey and Jim. Jim began to fill her in on the plan.


"There was a stone in there for me to walk in Daylight. It's in my amulet now." Jim said.

"Oh really?" She asked surprised. She took a bite out of the eggs. They where amazing! How could Jim make such perfect eggs with no seasoning? "Oh wow, Jim these are great!" He looked at her, and smiled.

"I'm glad. I couldn't really make sure they tasted okay, so I had to guess." Claire nodded. He did a good job at guessing.

"I will see what I can do about the glamor mask." Blinkey announced. "And then let you know after a chat with the old wizard."

"Thanks Blinkey."

"Anything for you, Master Jim." And he walked away to where the old fart was sleeping. Jim and Claire sat against the tree. She finished her eggs and eyed Jim.

"Anything with the amulet?" Claire asked.

"Actually ya." Jim said, "It won't get rid of the armor, but I can at least remove the amulet. I guess that's a start."

"I know it is." Claire answered. "That's actually not bad, maybe you can get it off in the next day or so." Jim nodded.

"I wanted to talk to Merlin about that. But I am still angry at him. I haven't found the courage to talk to him yet. But I know I should sooner or later, because I am running out of options with the armor." She placed a hand on her shoulder.

"But in the mean time, at least you can walk in the sun."

"Yeah, it feels really nice actually. Maybe today if I get the mask, we can go. I have wanted to pretend I am not the Trollhunter for a very long time." Claire agreed with that. Every time they had alone time, it always got interrupted by angry trolls or goblins seeking out for Jim's blood. But now, since it's all over, they can look forward to more one on one time.


"Yea, I agree. Hey has Toby said anything about Arcadia?" Jim shrugged in response.

"Nothing really, except for the word of trolls existence is spreading by the daily." He paused for a couple of seconds before saying, "Did I make the right choice to leave him back at Arcadia? He seemed really hurt when I talked to him on the phone this morning." Claire considered his question before answering.

"Well, I didn't really understand what he could be protecting Arcadia from. Probably some Gumm Gumms maybe or some trolls, but for the most part, you where right. I lost my staff, and your Injured badly. He really was the only one who could protect Arcadia. So, yes, Jim you did make the right choice." Jim was going to respond before Blinkey walked towards Jim and Claire holding something.

"Master Jim, Merlin was able to make another make, with a few tweaks too. He said, with this mask, it will be like you aren't wearing one at all. You can eat human food as well, but the Illusion will only last for two hours at a time." Blinkey handed Jim the mask. He smiled and the elderly troll.

"Thanks Blinkey, I don't know what I would do without you." Jim looked at the mask. It looked just like the other. He smiled happily knowing that his humanity wasn't fully stripped away from him when he turned into the worlds first human and troll breed.

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