《The Journey To New Jersey (Discontinued)》Intro


Jim wasn't woken up from his bad dream, but of Claire's phone ringing. She jostled in her sleeping bag for a second before reaching and grabbing her phone. Jim was surprised that she had reception in a deep cave like this one they where sleeping in. Two days of traveling with the trolls to New Jersey wasn't Jim's idea of fun. He was tired of already having to stop rising arguments and fights amongst the trolls. It was only two days into their voyage. Only two, and everyone was already fighting. Claire and Jim found a nice cave to rest in for the day, so they can be ready to walk miles in the night. Claire answered her phone. Two high pitch voices echoed through the cave.

"C-bomb where have you been? You haven't like, been answering my calls for the past two days. What's going on? And why is it so dark? Where are you at?" Claire rolled her eyes and muttered an apology to Jim for waking him up. He shrugged and smiled in response. It was still pretty bright outside. The sunlight filled the entrance of the cave leaving Jim trapped until nightfall.

"Sorry Marry, things have just... gotten held up. I'm fine, and it's dark because I am in a cave." Claire said rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes.

"Why the heck are you in a cave?" Another voice chimed. Darcie's with no doubt.

"Well I am on a short trip with the trolls. There home got destroyed so they are looking for another." Jim appreciated how Claire was giving as little amount of information as possible. Especially about him. He got up and walked to the entrance of the cave, leaned on the wall, and watched Claire continue her conversation. Jim cautiously avoided the sun.


"But that doesn't explain why you are in a cave." Mary stated.

"Just resting." Claire answered simply.

"Right cuz trolls can't go in the sun. Are you all alone?" Darcy said.

"Not really. I have Jim with me."

"Oooh! Jimmy-jam is with you! Can we talk to him?" Mary asked.

"Stop it." Claire blushed and looked at Jim. He laughed and shrugged. "And no you can't. Not right now... he isn't in here with me. He, uh, went to gather the trolls." They made an 'Aw' sound in response.

"Oh! Sorry Claire. We got to go. It's dinner, good luck with whatever your doing. Call back soon. No excuses." Claire didn't even get to say goodbye before they hung up. She frowned.

"It feels like I haven't seen them for months." Claire Sighed.

"Tell me about it." Jim walked over to Claire and sat by her. Jim already missed his mom, Toby, and AAARRRGGHH!. They have only been apart for two days. But two days felt like two months and two months felt like two years. You get the point?

"Hey uh, how is it going with powering down your armor?" Claire asked changing the subject.

"Same. I have tried everything. Prying it off, relaxing and telling myself I am in no danger. But it won't budge. It scares me a bit. Would if this armor is my skin now? That's why it won't come off. Because there is noting under it."

"Come on Jim. It's been a hard week. Don't expect it too come off so soon. Give it some time. I bet you it will come off sooner or later. Don't stress, it probably is just being stubborn. That's all." Claire tried to help Jim feel better, but the looks on his face showed that her words didn't touch him as much as she was hopping.


"Yea... stubborn." Jim repeated in a soft whisper. But Jim, even with Claire's attempt of cunfort, still found it hard to believe.

"Claire, can I ask you something?" She smiled and glanced up at his slightly glowing blue eyes. His eyes strangely glowed blue when he was in trouble. But he wasn't now, so it didn't really make sense to her why they where glowing.

"Of corse. Anything." She replied kindly.

"Why... why did you want to come with me on this trip? Not that I'm complaining, or anything. But why would you want to walk hundreds of miles to find a hearthstone that we aren't even sure if it exists?" Claire pondered his question even though she already knew the answer. She loved him and that's why. Shouldn't he know why she came along? Because she did it out of love and friendship?

"Jim I came because I love you. Even though you have changed on the outside doesn't mean I will see you as a totally different person on the inside. I want to spend every second I can with you. And this was the only way to do so. And besides, someone must make sure that you aren't going to loose your mind on the trolls." Jim grinned at her last remark. He knew it was true. Claire laid back down in her sleeping bad to try to get as much rest as possible before they have to be off again.

"Claire what did I ever do to deserve someone like you?" Claire felt heat rising to her cheeks. She laid there in silence for a little while before Jim spoke;


"Hmm?" She responded. Her eyes where now closed and sleep was dragging her under.

"I love you too." His words filled her mind, and she smiled slightly before she dosed off. Jim laid next to her, and closed his eyes, eventually allowing sleep to take over him as well.

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