《Returning Darkness(Trollhunters 2016 Fanfic)✔》The Eternal Knight...


Following the crowd of Gumm-Gumm's into the hero's Forge. My father in the center giving his speech, his one eye glowing the orange smoke as he scanned the crowd. "Tonight, we will feel human skulls break beneath our feet. Tonight, we claim the Earth for trollkind!" he cheered every Gumm-Gumm cheering with him, roaring, enjoying the thought of having the surfaces once more. "Join your father." a voice spoke in my head. Almost commanding me.

I couldn't resist. Jumping down, joining my father by his side, his smiling growing wider as he looked at me before saying. "Because tonight will never end!" our soldiers cheering his and mine name for the first time, smirking roaring as loud as I could, father joining me as we heard them chant.

I couldn't contain myself, the night was going to be forever, Angor Rot looking at me with worry, before looking at his queen. "All is ready, My Queen." father bowing his head as Morgana rose herself near the magic whirl behind her. She slowly consumed herself into her magic, the tornado of magic glowing bright green, everyone shield their eyes to protect themselves.

She destroyed the heartstone with ease. Her magic going to the surface and breaking us free from our chains that were made of the rays of the sunlight. Every Troll here began to climb the walls, towards the one entrance that was made by the magic that protects us from the sun. Father joining his army, about ready to jump, but Angor Rot pulled me aside away from his queen and cornered me. "What are you doing?! Let me through!" I snarled showing my bottom jaw fangs.

"Morgana is using your father, she only wants you and me by her side. If you want to stop your father before he gets killed, I suggest you do it now." he growled before jumping up the stone walls and joining the Gumm-Gumm's. Following pursuit, jumping up the walls, my twin swords clanging against my back as I followed them to the surface, awaiting the Human skulls to crush.

Following my father in his footsteps, grabbing both of my blades from my back, horns blaring in my ears as soldier after soldier lined up, slamming their spears into the ground. Father grabbed the nearest human automobile into the air aiming for the allies of the Trollhunter. "Go." father spoke to me. "Yes." charging as the Gumm-Gumm's charged the trolls that were fighting alongside the Trollhunter.

Killing troll after troll as my blades made their mark, my trollish eyes moving left and right killing anything that moved in my line of sight that wasn't Gumm-Gumm. Once I knew this area was overrun, I began to look for my father, running on rooftop after rooftop, looking for my father. Oh, no...maybe he's...NO! I will not think like that. Running faster catching my father's scent and something new that I have never smelt before.


Jumping off the rooftop, landing next to my father on all fours, grabbing my blades out ready for the final battle. Gumm-Gumm after Gumm-Gumm lined the streets and the rooftops, beginning to bang their spears. My adrenaline was going, I wanted to kill something right now, wanted to feel something break underneath my claws. Grazing over Bular's horn at my side...this is where it all ends, my brother. May I meet you in the lands where you rest.

The banging stopped, mine and my father's growling filling the air as I finally saw the Troll Jim Trollhunter. Walking in step with my father, our blades scrapping against the asphalt. Like father, Like Daughter. "I told you. we would kill you ourselves." walking forward getting nothing but a few feet away from him. Morgana is using your father, stop him now if you want to keep him alive. Angor Rot's words entering my brain as he looked down at the new Trollhunter.

"You let the old Wizard work his magic on you, I see." He stated, my body tensing as I gripped onto my swords that were skinnier and longer then Bular's, but still the same like how we are twins, but not the same. "Scared it's gonna be a fair fight?" Jim asked looking up at us baring his bottom fangs. Father letting out a laugh of amusement. "It's not going to be as fair as you think." father spoke as Angor Rot's laugh filled my ears. Jim's very trollish growl filling my ears next.

"You aren't strong enough to take the three of us, Hunter." Angor Rot holding up his green glowing blade meaning that he had poisoned it. "You left Morgana unprotected. Merlin is down in Trollmarket right now. Once he stops her--" "Merlin might have had centuries to devise his plan, but you forget. He was sleeping. Morgana was awake." all three of us laughing, pulling our blades.

The triangle we made around the troll hunter, growling in his defense turning slowly looking at us from left to right, up and down. "Now, who goes first?" Father asked as his eye began to glow. "Why take turns?" Angor Rot asked aiming his blade, Jim yelling as his blade caught afire. All three of us charging, his blade in the air, both my feet hitting his stomach my claws digging into his armor.

A ring of red light threw me back into the building, Angor Rot and father but only a few feet. Charging at him all at once not waiting for him to breathe, blades clashing snarls being exchanged. We were all breathing hard, Jim picking us off one by one, Angor thrown in one direction, father taken by his horns into a building. Holding both my blades at his Eclipse blade.


Growling as he spoke. "Not as easy as last time, is it?" He taunted. Pushing his blade aside hook kicking him into the mouth getting his body to skid across the pavement, but his legs grabbed mine throwing me into the building next to us. Angor getting him alone for a few seconds before father came charging on all limbs, like a bull ramming the trollhunter.

Grabbing both my blades, charging so fast I was a bolt as I made contact with the Trollhunter's blades. Baring both our teeth, twirling each other around. "If you are going to kill one evil troll here tonight...Kill me." I growled through bared teeth, he looked at me confused. "Morgana wants me for something important. Do not let her, she is using my father as a pawn, and once he sees that, he will go against her. Kill me Trollhunter." I snarled kicking him in the gut.

Twirling my blades in my hand breathing heavy looking at him. He looked at me in shock, looking at my father before nodding, nodding to him in the slightest as he charged me. Before Jim could make contact, father kicked him back, Angor Rot nowhere in sight. "This ends tonight!" father charging in the air ready to make the final blow.

Angor Rot came from behind both of them attacking the Trollhunter. Joining back in trying to attack as much as possible leaving myself defenseless trying to make the Trollhunter kill me. If it saves my father, at least he will know the truth about his queen. I thought as I twirled my swords in my hands once more. Angor tackled the trollhunter, digging his blade into the shield.

Everything went so fast I couldn't read it anymore, father throwing Angor somewhere, Gunmar getting thrown into the building them both ending up on top of the museum that me and Bular once tried to free our father who now stood on top of it, stealing Jim's soul with a grin so large on his face, no one could cut it down.

I saw what was happening. "NO!" I screamed jumping up onto the museum. My blades already gone onto the ground beneath me, Jim threw father off somehow, father charging him "NO! STOP!" I roared, but I leaped into the action body slamming my father out of the way before his final blow could make it. Falling off the building, my father falling with me. Rolling until my body hit a red car.

~Gunmar's POV~

Slowly getting up, shaking peebles off my horns as I looked up the trollhunter looking at me with eyes wide. Turning around seeing Ladar lay limp. "LADAR!" roaring running to her side. I did not care who saw me. I only care for my only remaining child that may not be alive no more. Turning her over seeing her left arm gone from the shoulder down. She was barely breathing.

"Ladar!" I kept repeating her name, the name her mother gave her. I could see everything of her mother in her. "Come back." I ordered my daughter as I watched her breath. She coughed, her yellow and red eyes looking at the grey sky. "Are we dead?" she coughed once more. "No." looking up at the Trollhunter growling getting ready to finish the fight. "No." she grabbed my arm stopping me. "Please. I want this to end. Morgana is using us...I heard her say it with her own mouth." Ladar spoke softly, her eyes having trouble staying open.

Looking up at the Trollhunter, looking at his friends that would risk their lives for him. "Please, father." she begged tightening her grip around my arm. "Let us live out our days in peace...the cave I buried Bular in.." she tried to finish. Growling at the Trollhunter. Looking down at my unconscious daughter then back to the Trollhunter.

~No One's POV~

"For my daughter's sake." Was the only thing the Gumm-Gumm king said to the half-troll Trollhunter. Turning himself around carefully picking up his daughter in his arms and looking down at her form before walking off into the dust until no one could see them no longer and Gunmar the Black, the Skullcrusher walked him and his daughter to the cave where she buried his son, her twin. The Trollhunters watching as their enemy stopped his war for his dying daughter's sake.

"May you rest in peace, Gunmar the Black and his daughter Ladar the Undying." James Lake Jr. said to the last sight of Gunmar, the whisps of smoke hiding their trail to let them die in peace along His son, Her twin, to be reunited once again when the time is right.

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