《Returning Darkness(Trollhunters 2016 Fanfic)✔》Reborn Once More


Gasping awake, shooting up seeing everything. Father by my side in seconds, looking at my hands seeing they were back to normal. No glowing cracks, no glowing body parts. "Wha-?" looking at my father as he was smiling in the slightest. "Thank your Eldritch Queen." he spoke walking away as a human walked forward in gold clothing. "Hello, My Dear." she spoke, her voice calming my nerves.

"My Queen." I spoke getting up and bowing down onto one knee. "Rise, we must ready the troops for the Eternal Night." she spoke, rising with ease, my muscles feeling so much better, like I've slept for one thousand years. Walking close behind them, my father pulling me to his side as we walked into Trollmarket. The Gumm-Gumms beneath us chanting as we walked in front of them all to show them Morgana. "Our time has come! Our Eldritch Queen has awoken to give trollkind what is rightfully ours!" he chanted bowing down with him in sync as she flew past with the Staff of Avalon. Gumm-Gumm's roaring in excitement, Angor Rot showing up in the crowd looking up at his queen.

"You've suffered long enough under man's rule. Today, the sacrifice of a few will bring forth the Eternal Night and your freedom." she spoke floating off farther off. "Sacrifice?" me and father said in unison looking at her. "Dwo Krost dan otzulak aka emp-kloak emp bruzi." she chanted holding up her real hand. Beams of light began to shot at Gumm-Gumm's Angor Rot running in from. "Stop this Madness!" he begged to his queen looking up in fear as did I looking at Morgana. She didn't stop taking life after life, her beams shooting farther up the caves, shaking the world above us.



Once the dust cleared and the rumbling stopped, uncovering my eyes as I saw half my father's new army gone, Angor Rot looking at us in fear, my father watching Morgana in caution. "You've killed them." Angor stated looking up at me who looked at him with agreeing eyes. "By the dust of our dead, I shall Deliver the Eternal Night." she spoke flying away with father laughing at Angor Rot and trying to make me follow.

"I think I'll...stay here." I spoke to my father taking a step back, he didn't care, he just snorted at me and walked off after his queen. Soon after Angor Rot grabbing my arm, earning himself a growl from me. Pulling my arm away, but for him to grab my wrist. "This isn't right." he growled looking at me with his one eye. "You think I don't know that?! Why do you think I didn't follow them?" growling at him staring into his eye, "talk sense into your father. You know he will never listen to me." He growled shoving my hand away from him.

"I don't take orders from you." I snarled grabbing my wrist. "Then listen to reason." he said calmly before walking off back down the steps. I have to find father. Running off on all four limbs, chasing after my father.

He was pacing back and forth outside the heartstone. He looked at me with confusion. "Father...where's-?" I asked looking at the heartstone. "She is beginning the Eternal Night." he spoke placing his hands on my shoulders. A smile on his lips, his fangs hanging out of his mouth. "father...I...I don't think this is a good Idea." I spoke looking in his eye my fear showing in my eyes. He looked at me with worry, his claws slowly retracting from my shoulders.


"Gunmar." Morgana called for him, he looked at me before walking into where Morgana was waiting for him. Growling running off back towards where Angor Rot was waiting. Standing next to him. "And?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest waiting. "He won't listen to me while Morgana has him around her finger." I growled waiting for my father.

This was going to be the end of the war that has been going on for centuries. And either way, my father is going to lose.

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