《Returning Darkness(Trollhunters 2016 Fanfic)✔》Welcome, Angor Rot


I needed some rest. But that wasn't important as I followed father and Draal dragging a captured Aaarrrgghh!!! With us in chains. The area was definitely forest. "Merlin dead. Staff Lost." Aaarrrgghh!!! Spoke as he was still on the ground looking up in pain at me. My heart nearly skipped a beat. No! Forget the affections you had for him! He is no longer in father's armies. He is our enemy. "But what is lost can be found. She told me who will show us the way." father told to Aaarrrgghh!!! "Why bring me?" he questioned, his eyes darting back and forth between me and father.

"When we arrive. All will become clear. Don't worry you shall serve your warlord one last time." father growling deep as we continued our journey. "Ladar, you don't have to listen to your father! Listen to reason!" Aaarrrgghh!!! Tried talking to me. "The Pale Lady brought me back, so I may be with my father for the rest of my days. I will not listen to another traitor today." I growled as we continued our journey.

Grabbing ahold of my brother's horn at my side feeling the cool stone around my orange glowing fingertips. "Is that why you glow? Because of her?" he asked walking, Draal pulling at his arms. Father growling looking over his shoulder. "Silence, traitor." I snarled as we made it to the temple. "The eye." father asked holding out his hand. "Ladar," Aaarrrgghh!!! Tried again. "Silence!" father roared at the troll. "You betrayed your lord, you can betray others." handing my father the eye as we scanned through the temple. Nothing but stones and dust.

Father holding out Angor's eye into the night sky. "She led us true. Aysa-Thoon, the temple of the Pale one." walking forwards towards the temple more. The pile of rocks in the middle. "The temple of the Dark one. Morgana's magic is strong here. It weakens the walls of her prison." father began to dig through the rubble of the stone in the middle of the temple.


Standing back as I watched him do this, Draal holding a tight grip around Aaarrrgghh!!! "Please, Ladar, you don't have to do this." he begged looking at me with his green eyes. His face was like it was before he betrayed my father, breaking my heart and my trust for him. "You betrayed my father, you betrayed me, why should I ever believe you again?" I snarled my claws growing into fists as father continued to dig.

He found what he was looking for, Pulling a lever, allowing troll mouth's to glow and the shifting of gear's in the walls made Aaarrrgghh!!!'s face grow with worry as I looked up in curiosity. Lines of fire grew as fire as tall as the temple glew bright in front of my father, stepping forward to join my father. Bowing down with him as I saw the shape of Morgana appear in front of us.

"You brought the fallen Gumm-Gumm. He shall become bait." The witch spoke warning a growl from the traitor troll behind me. "Hm. Pale Lady, the eye of Angor Rot." holding out his eye for the witch to see, holding out her hand "My Champion. Centuries ago, you came to me on your knees. I granted you power. In return you served me faithfully. Take your soul back and a tad of my own and live again." she spoke as strings of light and fire attached themselves to the eye. The eye itself growing brighter. Stones flew into place, the shape of a troll coming as more and more stones filled.

"You shall serve me once more, Angor Rot." she spoke waving her hands. "Yes, My lady. This time I will destroy them all." his horrible and raspy laugh fillled my ears. Aaarrrgghh!!! Roaring in fear and in anger as he heard these words. Looking up a slight bit as I saw Aaarrrgghh!!! Cared for his friends, and needed to warn his friends.

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