《Returning Darkness(Trollhunters 2016 Fanfic)✔》Taste of Human


Standing next to my father's throne. Gunmar sitting in his throne while he listened to Dicatious. "My Underlord, the Pale Lady has blessed me with another vision. The surface on fire. A war. When the flames die out. Darkness. Only you remain." This sounds too fake, but father was taking his bait.

"And the flesh child?" Gunmar demanded his claws clanking against his arm rests. "He has many friends who protect him. Before the Trollhunter Succumbs, you must lay waste to his guard." Dictatious finished. Otto getting angry "that is exactly the plan I have set out. This is no prophecy. It is plagiarism!" Otto roared at the blind troll, baring my teeth my fingers getting cramped wanting to put them in their place. Father seeing this, but looked back at the troll and impure.

"How dare you besmirch the Pale Lady's wisdom?" Dictatious picking up the impure and tossing him back, Otto acting like he just took a axe to the shoulder. "Sire, you must be hungry. We have prepared a feast of Siamese--" "Cats? All you have to offer is cats and empty words." grabbing what was left of heart stone and beginning to leave, me close behind him.

"Wait, My Lord...you mustn't leave." he tried to convince my father. "Ugh! You may advise me, but I take orders from no one." my tail kicking the Impure away from my father as the door closed behind us.

Father began to head for the exit of the building. "What if it is day out father?" I asked walking in step with him as he used the dead chunk of heart stone to walk. "Then we will stay in the shadows. Like we've always have." he spoke moving faster. He just needs some fresh air. That's all... "come. We're going to find real food to eat." he growled looking over his shoulder as I sped up with him.



The forest was calming, the soft noises in the background. But there was rustling from behind. And growls that meant a troll was nearby. "Father, I think there is a troll nearby." I warned him grabbing my twin blades out. Father grabbed a female human from her vehicle, her screams filling up the forest as he ate.

My stomach was already filled, but I didn't want to disturb my father, so I decided to stay and protect my Under Lord. I could hear a troll coming this way, the sounds of metal against a tree. A troll with a metal arm perhaps. I thought as I listened closer. Coming up behind Draal. "Hello Draal." I growled holding my two blades out.

He looked at me in shock. "But I thought the Trollhunter finished you at the bridge with Bular?!" he said ready for a fight. "I live." I growled taking a step towards him, but he took a step back. Growls coming from behind seeing my father see the Troll named Draal.

Bowing my head stepping to the side. "Father," I said as he wiped his mouth and looked at Draal. My body facing Draal as Gunmar's one eye watched. "So, you are out." Draal grunted, his body tensing. "And you are a long way from Trollmarket." father's growls setting Draal off too roll in a ball and charge father.

Setting him back a few feet before father got his feet into the ground underneath him. Charging fast, blades striking at Draal, father taking the chance I was giving him, and punched Draal as hard as he could, sending the troll to his stomach dazed.

Father jumping up into the sky ready to destroy Draal from his back, but Draal barely dodged my father. Striking again, Draal grabbing my blades and throwing me into the rocks, pain growing all over my body as father charged Draal both throwing their fists. Father had Draal's face in one hand and his fake arm in the other, pulling as hard as he could until the arm fell off.


Draal's screams filling my ears with music as father threw in into the tree behind him. Draal looked up, the car horn beeping. "Father-!" Draal hit the tree again the car hitting father's back into the ground, throwing dirt and dust into our eyes. Getting up with staggering legs, but charged with no blades.

Running at full speed throwing punch after punch at the one armed troll. My blood lust growing for the revenge of my brother. Feeling the rush of joy coming from injuring this troll. Hearing my father move, rolling out of the way as father had the car over his head, throwing it at Draal who barely dodged the thing.

Father didn't give him a chance to breathe, charging him pinning him against a boulder with his horns until he had one of his hands around his throat. Grabbing my twin blades ready to attack, but father held his free hand out. Holding myself, standing behind father with my blades ready just in case.

"You should've run." father spoke with no anger in his voice. "I do not run. I am Draal. Protector of James Lake, the Bular Slayer!" trying to get free, but father's grip around his one arm had him pinned against the rock. Growling at the phrase. The Bular Slayer growling deep in my throat. "Protector of Jim?" father looked away for a second before looking at me over his shoulder. "Hm." he began to laugh with evil in his eye as he drew his magical sword. The Decimeer Blade. Draal began to panic, scream even as the blade began to take his mind away from him.

"Quickly, get Draal to battle the Trollhunter you know where he is at?" Father asked looking at me with the now under control. "Yes." And quickly Draal began to charge towards Trollmarket. Only to follow Blinky and AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

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