《Trollhunters: Journey To NewHeartstone! DISCONTINUED》~chapter 3~ A forshadow of disaster


'I'm coming for you.....' the sound of an unsettlingly familiar voice could be heard in the distance.

'Wh-hose there!?' Jim cried in confusion, but there was no response just an empty void of darkness.

'Hello... HELLO!' he yelled as he felt his stomach churn tight and a cringe crawl up his spine.

Suddenly he noticed that there was no ground beneath his feet and that he was falling through the empty abyss yelling for someone to help him.

'Help! someone, please help!' but no reply. He kept on yelling more and more but still no reply.

His life flashing before his very eyes he thought that these were his final moments and with one last breath, he screamed.

'Aaaahhh!' that's when he heard it, another voice, however, it was not the same as the first but instead, it was much softer, kinder, sweeter and in a way much purer.

'Jim.' the voice called out to him from afar.

'Jim!.....Jim! the voice called him again and again but every time it grew closer and closer until he realised that the one calling him was...

'Caire!' he yelled as his eyes shot open.

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