《Mine Games (Urban Fiction)》Chapter Twenty Six


Diamond sat on her couch drinking a glass of wine, smoking a blunt to the face. She was nervous. It's been a couple of days and she has been getting hit with bad news left and right. From Ray being shot to death to Chase being locked up. In custody because Myles was laying in a pool of blood in his apartment.

Diamond met Chase through Dominic and offered him five thousand to kill Myles. Then the plan changed. He wanted a favor in return. Her, Chase and Ray all sat down to get what they wanted. Chase wanted Santana, Diamond wanted Myles and Santana out the picture, and Ray wanted money and to be top. But she didn't expect their plan to backfire.

She heard a knock at the door getting her attention. She put her blunt out in the ashtray and made her way over to the door. Looking out the window, she saw King. She looked in the mirror and started to fix herself before opening the door.

"Hey daddy" she smiled.

"Wassup?" He smirked. "You going to let me inside?"

She stepped to the side allowing him to enter. "I knew you come back-"

Before she could finish King grabbed her by her throat, pushing her against the wall. "Now I'ma tell you like I told your brother leave my fucking city" he gritted through his teeth. Tears came to herself as she stared into his seeing how serious he was. "If I hear you came back or if you think about coming back I'm gonna to kill you do you understand?"

Once he let go she started gasping for air holding onto her neck. She shook her head with tear coming down her cheeks. "I don't know what-"

"Stop lying Diamond Ray told me everything so did your brother you got nothing but snitches on your team" King chuckled. "And best believe Chase gonna snitch on your ass too for being the master mind behind all of this" he continued. "Give it up" he told her. "Now do us both a favor and leave you got that?" She nodded her head.

King watched her run upstairs just when someone in a black face mask came inside from the back door. He nodded his head to him and the guy returned the gesture. King turned around heading out the front door, minding his business.


Diamond ran around her room trying to pack up her things. She was scared. She didn't want to go to jail or end up dead so she was going to take King's advice and leave the state. As she was putting clothes in her bag she heard a gun click behind her head and her eyes grew big.

The man watched Diamond body fall on top of the bed. He went into her closet and seen the bag of money. Picking it up, he left the same way he came in making sure there was no evidence of him being there behind. Once he reached outside he ran out the backyard and threw the wooden fence hopping in the car that was waiting for him. The car sped off leaving smoke behind.

Khalil took the mask off seeing Nikki doing the same. He threw the bag of money in the backseat and frowned.

"You really leaving?" He questioned.

"Yeah I need to start over...I want Myles and Mylee away for awhile" she answered. "But I'll be back to visit this will always be my home"

"Well keep in contact with me" he told her looking out the window.

"You know I will little cuz" she smiled pulling up to his place. She reached to the back and grabbed the bag full of money. She took out a few stacks and passed it to him. "I love you always call me if you need anything" she told him.

"Thanks Nikki take care kiss Mylee for me" he responded making her smile.

She put her head down and looked at the money. "Bitch thought I didn't know she was robbing me behind my back" She chuckled to herself pulling a stack of money from the bag. "Myles taught me well she must of forgotten where I came from" she continued.

"How you know what she was doing behind your back?"

"Listen to your older cousin Khalil" she started to say. "Keep you friends close but your enemies closer" she winked.


"Tana!!" King shouted walking into Trae's place. Santana looked at her neck in the mirror that was in the quest room seeing the bruises fading away. She was slowly getting back to her old self again.


"Yeah?!" She shouted back.

"Come on!!"


"Bring your ass on!!"

Chanel couldn't help but laugh. "Ya so cute" she told King as Santana walked out the room with her coat on. She wrapped the scarf around her neck and walked down the steps to the foyer. She pecked King on the lips and walked out the house leaving him behind.

"Yo man have my sis home by ten" Trae said walking out the hallway brushing his waves. King twisted up his lips and gave him the finger before walking out, closing the door behind him.

"King where are you taking me?" She questioned hopping in the car. He closed the door behind her and jogged to the other side. He hopped in and reached to the back giving her a bouquet of red roses.

Santana couldn't help but smile. "Aww thank you" King started his car and drove off. "Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise just relax" he chuckled.

After driving about twenty minutes they finally pulled up to The Gardens skating rink. Santana couldn't help but smile. She used to come here all the time with Chanel when they were younger and in their teens.

"Boy what you know about this skating rink?" She questioned stepping out the car along with King.

"What? This was the spot back in the day what you talking about?" He shot back making her laugh.

They walked inside hearing No Fear by Dej Loaf. "This my song" she said snapping her fingers to the beat.

"We can do this thing together, close your eyes and take my hand" she sung along as King brought their skates. Looking around Santana noticed the place wasn't full like it used to be but she didn't care. Right now she just want to skate without people bumping into her.

"You ready?" King questioned.

"Yeah" she answered. They headed to their locker that was requested to them and took a seat on the bench. A couple of minutes quickly flew by and Santana was ready to go skate.

"Come on" she rushed stepping onto the shiny, wooden skating rink floor.

"Hold on" he chuckled tying up his skates laces. Once he was done, he stood up and held hands with Santana before stepping onto the rink. They started skating together hand and hand. They both knew what they was doing so there was no trouble with balance.

Santana couldn't help but smile as they skated around the rink together, singing or rapping along to the music that would blast through the speakers.

"What's this for?" She asked him.

King stopped moving and swung her around making Santana face him ignoring the people that was skating around them. "I hate seeing you frown" he answered truthfully. "I just want you to forget about what happen and I know it doesn't happen over night but I'm here for you..always"

"Aaww bae" she cheese pecking his lips repeatedly.

"Alright alright I went soft for a minute"

"You always go soft for me" King looked at her crazy just when she caught on to what she just said. "No you know what I meant" she giggled going back to skating.

King couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "I was about to say my shit kinda hard right now fuck you talkin' about..." he said making her laugh. She looked over at him and bit her bottom lip. He looked over at her and shook his head. "I done turned you into a freak" he continued making her laugh again.

"Whatever" She cheesed playfully rolling her eyes.

For the rest of the night they hung out together, enjoying each other company. From skating to smoking a few blunts to eating pizza like they did when he first picked her up.

"You ready for this trip?" He questioned.

"Yeah" she answered nodding her head.

"Good cause I got another surprise for you down there" he winked.

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