《Mine Games (Urban Fiction)》Chapter Eighteen


"You nervous?" King chuckled turning his head to Santana who sat quietly in the passenger seat. Been That Way by Bryson Tiller played lowly through the speakers as King drove through the town. They were on their way to his parents house for the dinner party and Santana leg couldn't stop shaking.

"Yes I don't want to meet your family we are not even together King" she said sounding worried.

"Shut up you talk to much" he responded calmly.

"Well it's true" she mumbled. "But anyway I think I want to leave a few days after I graduate that way give me some more time to get ready and pack-"

"Get ready?"

"Yes I need my nails and feet done and my eyebrows has to be on fleek"

"You gonna get that weave done too? It's starting to look thin" he teased before laughing. She turned and faced him before rolling her eyes. "I'm joking Tana" he continued rubbing the bottom of her chin.

"Your such an asshole you know this my real hair" she told him. "But I might do cornrows I don't know yet" she continued as he slightly threw his head back. "I'm annoying you aren't I?"


"Every time your annoyed about something you throw your head back like for example when someone bust in your apartment or when I talk about what I wanna do with my hair or body-"

"I told yo ass before I don't care what you wanna do as long as it ain't plastic surgery, ugly, and ratchet looking and that only happen twice-"

"King you do it all the time-"

"No I don't-"

"When Dex and them bust in you do it sitting on the couch.."

"Why you lying-"

"In the kitchen when there is cereal but no milk-"


"In the bed when you get a phone call in the middle of the night-"

"Cause it's annoying-"

"My point exactly" Santana laughed.

"Wanna know what I notice about you?"

"What?" She smiled.

"We are here" he said ignoring her questioned. Her eyes widen as King drove up a long driveway that lead to a huge house. There was multiple cars parked in front of a two door garage that was connect to a black and gray two story house with a lot of windows and a huge front door. There was floors bed mix with bright beautiful flowers growing right along the trim of the house.

"Wow this house is beautiful" she complimented. "Is this where you grew up?"

"Hell no" He chuckled cutting the engine off. He stepped out wearing a simple a simple pair of jeans with a black Givenchy sweater that had a barking Rottweiler on the front with navy blue timbs to go with it. He grabbed his jacket from the back seat and headed to the passenger side to help Santana out.

"I got it" she said grabbing her bag before stepping out wearing a light black bomber coat. They walked hand and hand to his parents house that still had Santana in awe. Walking inside she couldn't help but look around and admire the huge house. The foyer had green marble tiles with a white and gold staircase on the right side of her leading upstairs. There was a clean white ottoman place along the wall of the staircase with a bamboo plant next to it.

"Wow" she whispered looking to the left of her seeing an empty clean living room. King hung up his jacket and walked behind Santana helping her take her jacket off as well.


"Yoo that outfit gonna get you in trouble" he smirked admiring her curves in her black velvet off the shoulder jumpsuit she was wearing with black strap heels.

"By who?"

"Me" he answered hanging up her jacket next to his in the closet.

"You said it was appropriate-"

"Yeah before I saw it on your body" he said walking up to her. Santana couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

"Yoo!!" King yelled out. His voice echoed through out the house as she grew a little more nervous then before.

"Tell me" she whispered.

"Tell you what?"

"What you notice about me?"

"That sexy ass red lipstick you got on them juicy ass lips" he told her biting his bottom lip. She made eye contact with him before leaning in for a quick kiss. King pulled her in closely by her waist before squeezing her ass making her open her mouth. Before she could break the kiss and speak he quickly slipped his tongue inside taking control as she grab his shirt taking a few steps back as he followed.

"King!!" a deep tone voice came from upstairs interrupting them. Wiping the corner of her mouth Santana cleared her throat as King threw his head back annoyed what his brother did.

"Nando when did you get back?" King ask stepping away from Santana. Walking down the steps Nando eyed Santana as she stood next to King.

"A week ago I'm staying here until my house is done renovating" he answered. Santana eyed him taking in his appearance. He wasn't built like his little brother who was standing 6'0" and type muscular Nando was totally opposite, standing at 6'4" he was skinner and his skin color was a little darker then Kings.

"How was New York?"

"It was good" Nando answered. He looked at Santana and bit his bottom lip sexually making eye contact with her. King pulled Santana in closer by her waist making Nando chuckle to himself.

"Nando" he introduced.


"And I'm Priscilla" A Spanish girl said quickly walking over to them eyeing Santana who wasn't paying her any mind.

"Nando as in Fernando?" She asked him.

"Nah just Nando" he replied with a smile.

"You made it" Natalia smiled walking into the foyer dressed up in off the shoulders black dress that stopped at her knees with a slit going up the right leg with black Chanel heels.

"Hey Ma" King greeted before kissing his mother on the cheek.

"I'm so happy you came Santana" she said giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you for inviting me I love your dress" she complimented.

"Thank you I love your outfit as well got good taste" Natalia complimented back. "King your father is in the dining room he has been waiting too see you"

"Okay I be there in a few"

Loud rap music started to play outside getting their attention. It played for a few seconds before getting cut off.

"Carter is here" Nando stated.

"Go let him in" Natalia told him before walking away heading to the living room. Nando headed to the door and just when he opened it a guy that looked exactly like King busted through.

"Why you ain't been answering your phone big head?" He said pushing Nando out the way.

"I was busy and don't put your hands on me or I'll knock ya ass out" Nando threaten. Santana watched the guy walk over to her like he was the man of the house.

"Yeah whatever start picking up your phone stupid ass" he shot back. "What up? Ma told you to come too?" He questioned King before looking at Santana. "Who this?"


"Carter this is Santana" King started to say. "Santana this is my little brother Carter-"

"Cash I go by Cash and he knows that" he said eyeing King evilly. "But how you doing?" He smiled softly.

"I'm good and yourself?"

"I'm fine-"

"Boys come here real quick!!" their mother yelled from a different room. Nando and Cash both started walking away arguing about basketball.

"I'll be back You'll be okay right?" King questioned her. Santana couldn't help but laugh softly. "Yes I'll be fine" she answered. King slowly turned around and walked off leaving her alone with Priscilla who was busy texting on her phone. Still paying attention to her phone she slowly started to sit on the bench that was placed in the foyer.

"Well well well look who it is"

Santana heard a familiar voice from behind before hearing the door close. She turned around and seen the guy who interrupted them at King's place smiling from ear to ear. She couldn't help but return the smile.

"We meet again how are you doing beautiful?" Cain asked her.

"I'm fine and yourself?" She smiled.

"Even better seeing you here" he told her. "I didn't know you knew my aunt-"

"Ooh no I came with King" she said watching his face turned into a frown. "I don't think I ever gotten your name I'm Santana what's your name?"

"Cain" he smiled again. "Come on let's go into another room" he continued guiding her into another room that had a small group of people. Santana took a look around and notice two people that stood out to her.

"Hey pops hey ma" he greeted his parents.

"Hey I thought you couldn't make it?" His mother said looking at Santana. "Oh my gosh Santana how have you been? Zeke look it's little Santana"

"Hi Mary hi Zeke" she smiled. "I've been good how about you?"

"We been good as well the tiger lilies have been waiting for you" Mary giggled. "I didn't know you knew my son"

"I don't I came with King"

"Mmm well where is he?"

"He had to help his mother with something"

"Well my son Cain here own his own car dealership-"

"Mary stop trying to play matchmaker" Zeke chuckled.

"I'm not I'm just putting it out there" she smirked as Cain fixed his diamond cufflinks on his designer jacket.

After King and his brothers helped the workers put the warm covered food on the table he walked out the dining room seeing Santana with his cousin and his Aunt and uncle talking. Santana looked up and made eye contact with him watching him walk over to her.

"Hey unc wassup? Hey aunt Mary" he greeted walking around them standing behind Santana.

"Hey nephew"

"Hello King" they greeted as his aunt rolled her eyes.

"Cain" King continued wrapping his arm around her waist hearing his aunt scroff under her breath.

"King" his cousin greeted not paying any attention to him. King grabbed Santana hand and guided her towards another room.

"Where are you taking me?" She smiled walking past more people that was eyeing her.

"Stop asking questions and why you so nervous for?" He laughed feeling the sweat that was forming on her palm.

"Cause all these people staring at me like I don't belong here with you" she whispered avoiding eye contact with them. They walked into a empty room that had more furniture it but looked like it was never touched. It had dark blue wallpaper with famous African American pictures from the Funeral March to the Sugar Shack from the show Good Times hung on the wall.

"Is this another living room?"

"Something like that" he chuckled. She took a look around admiring all the paintings on the walls and the books on the shelf.

"Oh my gosh your parents have The Weary Blues?" She beamed getting ready to walk over to the bookshelf but King grabbed her arm pulling her back.

"Yes but that's not why we in here"

He took a seat on the couch and dragged her down on his lap. Santana wiggled a little bit trying to make herself comfortable feeling his member harden.

"Why we in here?"

"Because I just spoke to Trae and he mention the apartment-"

"What about it? Has anybody suspicious been around there?"

"Nah but since Chanel is pregnant-"

"She gonna move in with him?"

"Yeah and if you want you-"

"I can move back in the apartment?" She questioned tilting her head to the side. Her lips formed into a pout showing a bit of sadness in her features. "By myself?"

"Let me finish next time" he told her sternly. "But I was going to tell you that you can move in with me if you want" he said staring into her eyes.

"I don't know King I mean-"

"You practically live with me already"

"Yeah I know but-"

"So this the girl that my wife was telling me about" a deep tone interrupted their conversation. Santana quickly stood up looking at a man that King resembles so much wearing an all black Versace suit and tie attire with matching Versace shoes. He was a lot older with a black hair that was cut short but in a mini Afro his goatee had a few grey streaks but that was how you could tell he was up there in age. He wiggles his small cup that was filled with whiskey and ice.

"Hey Pops" King greeted standing up. "Santana this is my Pops-"

"Seven" he introduced himself. "Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

"I heard what's been going on" he said putting his attention back to King.

"I already handled it and I spoke to Antonio-"

Seven cleared his throat before sipping his drink. King scratched the side of face smirking at Santana who put her head down playing with her fingers. "She good pops" he told his father using his pointer finger to lift her head up. She made eye contact with him for a few seconds before looking away.

"Well then I spoke to his father everything should be alright I'm gonna have Nando fly out there next month"

"Cool with me"

"But I came in here to tell you that we are about to eat" he took another sip and smiled at Santana before walking out.

"You look so much like your father it's scary" she blurted out. "You and Carter or Cash"

King chuckled and guided her out the room hearing his mother voice scream throughout the house. "Y'all ready for dinner?" Natalia said getting everybody attention.

"Yes please Auntie I'm dying from starvation"


"Come on" King smiled grabbing Santana hand gently guiding her to the table. Her eyes widen when she seen all the food on the table. From fry chicken, to rice and beans, baked mac and cheese, collard greens, cabbage to crabs legs, lobsters, ox tails and more.

"Damn ma you hooked it up"

"Everything looks so good" Santana complimented.

"Thank you everything on the table is what my husband wanted"

King pulled out a chair for her and she thanked him before sitting down as he took a sit next to her. Cash quickly went to reach for some food to put on his plate but his mother slapped his hand down.

"Grace first boy!"

"My fault ma damn"

"Watch ya mouth" she told him slapping his head again. "Everybody bow your heads so your great aunt can say grace"

Everybody begin to hold hands and bow their heads showing respect before she started to pray over the food.

"Bless, O Lord, this food to our use and us to thy service, and keep us ever mindful of the needs of others. In Jesus' Name, Amen."

"Amen" Everybody chimed it at once before grabbing bowls placing food on their plate. Everybody started talking and laughing about anything and everything catching up

"Your family is pretty close" Santana told King as they spoke amongst themselves.

"Sometimes we are" he chuckled putting food on her plate for her.

"Thank you"

"So Santana how old are you?" Seven questioned her digging in his plate.

"I'm twenty one" she answered.

"And you talking to King's old ass?" Cash questioned.


"I'm sorry ma"

"Oh no we're just friends"

"How did you guys meet?" Seven questioned.

"I uh through a friend" she stuttered looking back at him before staring at Seven again.

"How about you Priscilla?"

"Modeling gig since he was the photographer"

"Oh okay" Natalia said shaking her head. "Little bougie ass" she mumble sipping her wine.

"You look so familiar" Jackie, King cousin questioned staring at Santana. "You go to WCC?"


"I seen you a couple of times studying in the library"

"Yeah she going for the same thing you going for" King told her getting everybody attention.

"Your in the nurse program too?"

"Yeah are you graduating?"

"Yes girl I can't wait are you?"

"Yes I'm so excited"

"Yass!" Jackie screamed out. "We gotta celebrate"

"Of course" Santana smiled. As everybody ate and continued their conversation even hearing Priscilla complain about the fatten in most of the food Natalia popped a question that got everybody's attention.

"So which one of my sons gonna give me some grand babies?" She asked eyeing each one of her sons that was busy talking or eating.

"Don't look at me King and Nando brought the hunnies" Cash stated. They quickly looked at Nando and his girl who started shaking her head.

"Oh I don't want any kids" Priscilla stated. They all turned their attention to Santana who who quickly looked at King.

"Answer your mother's question" she said. He couldn't help but chuckle at her responds as she ate her food.

"Oh I'm just waiting for her to say she's ready" he joked. Santana stopped eating and looking at King. She couldn't help but smirk and shake her head as he silently laughed to himself.


"I don't like your father nor do I respect him Chanel I'm not sitting down having dinner with him" Trigga said as they cooked in his kitchen.

"Not even for the baby" she pouted.

"Nah" he answers truthfully ignoring her feelings.

"Can we do something that makes me happy for once?"

Trae couldn't help the chuckled that escaped his lips. "I told you about that selfish shit" he spat as she rolled her eyes. "Im not going"


"He didn't care before-"

"But now he does"

Trigga grabbed her gently by her chin and caressed her jaw before pulling her into a kiss. "I don't trust him and I don't think you should either"

"You don't have to trust him he just wants to talk to us and apologize to you to your face-"

"That man can say sorry until he is blue in the face I'm not accepting it" he told her truthfully. Trae took a look at her and seen the sadness written all over her face. He sat on the stool and pulled her in close. "Listen Chanel I understands that's your father-"

"You don't understand cause your father wasn't in your life"

"If he was he wouldn't be beating on me and my sisters" he shot back. She snapped her neck at him with anger in her eyes.

"That's not cool Trae-"

"Just listen all those time he used to blacken your eye and bruise your body up I still have the memories in my head of what they look like you still have marks on your body babe" Chanel sighed and rolled her eyes. "I can't do it I have no respect for him I cannot sit down and have a talk with that man I'm sorry"

"It's alright I get where you are coming from I just thought it be a good idea ya know?"

"Yes I know and I love that you want to bring everyone together but I'm just not with speaking to your father right now"

Chanel nodded her head before walking away heading to the fridge. She grabbed the onion from the drawer and the cutting board that was hanging on the wall and place the onion down before grabbing a knife cutting it up.

"When are you supposed to meet up with him?"

"Why? You not going"


"This weekend Trae at Red Lobster"

"Alright text me when you get there and when you leave"


"Cause I said so that's why" he answered going into his cabinet taking seasoning out. "Did you get the refill on your pump yet?"

"Yes I went this morning"

"You need to start remembering to get those Chanel if Santana didn't call you probably wouldn't have picked it up"

"Yes I know I'm gonna start making alarms on my phone again"

"Should've never turned it off" he mumbled.

"Trae shut up for real and help me" she whined. He took the knife out her hand and begin to cut up the vegetables as she started to season the meat.

"When are we supposed to be going on vacation?"

"I just got off the phone with King and he said Tana wants to go after she graduates he's gonna buy the tickets tonight"

"Where we staying at?"

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