《Mine Games (Urban Fiction)》Chapter Fourteen


"All of our stuff is ruined" Chanel said as they checked their apartment. "I just got this couch not even a week ago" she whined.

"I'll get you a new one Chanel" Trigga said. Once the guys got to the girl apartment they went to check it out making sure nobody was inside hiding. "It's not the same" she pouted. Trigga couldn't help but shake his head he knew what was wrong with Chanel right now.

"You hungry or something?"

"Yes I'm starving"

Dex shook his head and made his way towards the back heading to Santana room. He walked in seeing her and King cleaning everything up together.

"You alright?"

"Yeah nothing was taken but they ruined everything..."

She stop talking when she saw the picture of her and her mother ripped in half right down the middle, separating them.

"Who would do this?" She questioned to herself as Dex gently took the picture of her hand.

"Who is this? Is that you?" He asked pointing to the older women.

"No that's my mother"

"Talk about twin you look just like her body and all" he smiled walking out with them still in his hand.

"You do look like her" King said getting her attention. She turned her head seeing him going through her photo album that was untouched.

"Don't look in that" she giggled standing up. She quickly walked over to him and tried to snatch it but he moved it out of reach.

"You was a cute chubby baby" he teased. "You defiantly look like a real life Lilo in this one all Hawaiian and shit look at you"

"Stop that when I first went down give me my book" she laughed snatching it out if his hands.

"Yo Lilo your mother side got strong ass genes" he continued watching her walk away.


"Alright I'm done" Her phone started vibrating on the dresser getting his attention. He seen it was Chase calling so he decided to pick it up.


"Uh hello" Chase answered. "Is Santana around?"

"Nah she busy right now" King answered before hanging up getting her attention.

"Chauncey called you"

"King you answered my phone?" She said walking over back over to him.

"Yeah you was busy here call that nigga back" he said passing her her phone. She quickly called him back waiting after four rings before he answered.

"Hey Chase" she answered hearing King chuckling.

"Hey Santana I just called and-"

"I know I was busy doing something wassup?" She questioned sitting on the foot of her bed as King followed. He had smirk on his face as he listened to their conversation sitting down next to her.


"I was wondering if you wanna go out to eat for dinner or something?"

Before she could answer King gently tilted her head to the side before kissing on her neck hearing her moan.

"You okay?" He heard Chase asked her.

"Uh yeah" she answered mushing King away from her. "Nah she can't go she busy this weekend-"

"Uh what time?" Santana questioned cutting King off.

"Nah it's okay if you busy it's cool I'll see you in class" he answered before hanging up. Santana turned and gave King a evil glare.

"Here I fixed it for you" Dex said coming back with the picture. He taped them together from the back making her smile.

"Thanks Dex and your getting on my nerves right now" she snapped looking back at King who was now cleaning up her room.

"What he do?"

"He know what he did"

"What you do?"

"Fuck up a date she had coming up with some college nigga"

Dex looked at Santana before looking at King and smiled. "My nigga" he said taking his hand out. King then dapped him up as they laugh together. "She acting fake mad and shit" King added.

"Really?" She questioned. Before she could get a response Chanel walked into the room.

"I'm going to stay with Trae for a while what about you?"

"I uh I don't know yet I might still stay-"

"Nah you staying with me" King said. "She staying with me" he continued. Chanel nodded her head and headed to her room. Santana turned and looked at King whose back was facing her.

"There was no way you was still staying here when a random nigga knows where you lay your head" he said turning around. "I'm just saying stay low for a while just in case they come back I'll have the guys watch your place just in case they do come back then we can handle them muthafuck-"

"Alright King" Santana said before going back to cleaning her room. Once they was done it was going on two in the morning. The girls packed a week worth of clothes and went their separate ways.


Dominic banged on his sister door hard like he was the police.

"Who is it?!" He heard her yell from the other side.

"Me open up" he answered calmly. His boy Jayveon was standing behind him texting on his phone.

"Me who?!"

"Diamond stop playing and open the door" he said. He heard chains unlocking before hearing the door open seeing his older sister standing there with a scarf on and skimpy clothes.


"Come on now you already woke me up" she said walking away. They both walked inside and took off their shoes. "Close my door!" As Jayveon closed the door they couldn't help but chuckle.

"You got that for us?" Dominic asked sitting in the couch.

"Yeah here" she said throwing the bag at him. "It's all there y'all can split it"

"Iight thanks sis" he smiled looking in the bag before throwing it to his boy. "Yo I met this bad ass bitch at King's bar the other night"

"Oh yea?" Diamond asked. "Who?"

"Some girl Sandra I don't know but she was with King-"

"Santana?" She asked.


"The girl who was smiling in your face?" Jayveon asked.

"Yeah" he answered nodding his head.

"Eewww I can't stand that bitch"

"Why? Ya beefing or something"

"Yeah something like that" Diamond answered shrugging her shoulders.

"Cause of King?" Jayveon questions. "Rumor going around that supposed to be his girl-"

"Nah I heard he wants her to be his girl but I don't care I'm going to get that-"

"Y'all so dumb" Diamond spat getting their attention. "The apartment you just trash last night belonged to Santana"

"Aah shit really?" Dominic questioned.

"Yeah you didn't look at the pictures?"

"No we went fucked shit up then left" Jayveon said.

"Well a nigga got her address" Dominic laughed making his boy laugh along. Diamond rolled her eyes but a smirked appeared on her face getting their attention.

"What you got on your mind?" Her brother asked her.


"Hey Mylee what you cooking?" Khalil asked his baby cousin who was fake cooking in her toy kitchen.

"Burger" she answered putting everything together and making sound effects.

"What you need Khalil?" Nikki chuckle coming down stairs seeing her cousin sitting on the couch.



"Ray? Can you do that for me?"

"Might be tough what you need to know?"

"Where he stay at? His people? Everything"

"Okay cool who is the information for?"

"A friend" he answered quickly. "But I gotta go bye Nikki bye Mylee"

"Bye Khalil" Mylee said.

"Iight Khalil I see you later" Nikki added. As soon as she heard the door close she grabbed her phone and called the one person she knew who to speak too.


"Hey Diamond you busy?"


"Yoo Ray I fucks with you" a youngin that was in his crew smiled walking up to him.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah man you cool as hell"

"Thank you" Ray said. He was feeling himself knowing that sooner or later he was going to take down King and take over from there. "There is going to be a new king in town" he laughed.

"Aah man I like how you are staying low as well" the youngin smiled. "King don't know what is about to hit him"

"The best way to do it" Ray smiled. " I like you what's your name?"

"Just call me Yung"

"Yung? Like Youngin?"


"Iight cool here take that" Ray said passing him a few bucks. The boy shook his head declining the money.

"It's cool boss man I like to earn my money" he smirked before walking away.

"I like that little nigga" Ray chuckled to himself.


Dex walked to the liquor store with Khalil and Flaco waiting for their boy Benji to come through.

"Yoo let me get three personal henny" he told the clerk. He watched the Indian man reached behind him grabbing three small bottles of henny. "Fuck am I supposed to do with those little shits?" He spat. "Give me the big personal shits"

After paying for them and passing the rest of them to his boys he saw Benji walking across the street into the alley where they had Dex car waiting. They made their way to the alley seeing Benji leaning against the car. Taking a look around they all hopped in and Dex quickly drove off leaving skid marks.

"Benji wassup? What you got?" He asked driving around town.

"Well Ray is trying to take King spot for sure but he moving sloppy"

"Iight thank you I'll deliver the news to him keep doing what you are doing and stay low" Dex told him.

Ever since Nikki got a little bit of information from Diamond she quickly told Khalil who told King who sent a couple of his decoys to one of Rays trap house. And just like that Ray fell easily in King trap.

"I got this man me and couple of other dudes Ray dumb ass hell" Benji laughed making the rest of them join in. "None of them niggas like him and they robbing his blind ass right under his nose" he continued before hopping out.

"Yoo ain't no way Ray is going to take King spot" Khalil said as Flaco nodded his head.

"Oh King won't let that happen neither will Trigga" Dex stated taking a gulp of his henny. "Niggas keep forgetting that there is two of them taking over Detriot and not just one thats where they fuck up" he continued. "They don't do enough research"

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