《Mine Games (Urban Fiction)》Chapter Twelve


Chanel sat in Trigga living room waiting for him to walk through the door. He has been avoiding her for a couple days and she couldn't take it anymore. She hated when he acted like this towards even though she knew she was wrong. He has been there for her ever since she could remember, ever since she was fifteen he treated her like a princess, buying her everything and anything she wanted even when he didn't have it like that. She heard his car pulled into the drive way snapping her out of her thoughts. Hearing his car doors slam her heart started to beat rapidly She was nervous. Nervous what he would say when he saw her or what he would do. She heard his keys jingle in the door before he walk through, quickly standing up she flipped her braids over her shoulder and waited for him to come up the stairs.

"I forgot I gave you a key" he mumbled shaking his head.

"Trae just listen-"

"Listen to what? How you kept something from me for four months?" He questioned. "What else you keeping from me?"

"Nothing I swear!!" She screamed on the verge of crying. "He reached out to apologize he took my number just to check up on me-"

"And he's been calling ever since?"

"Four months" she answered. "He stop drinking it's been going on two years and he found a job and got his own place-"

"Chanel..." He said cutting her off. "If he pulls the same shit he did before I'm killing him" Trae spat. All Chanel did was nod her head. She knew how crazy he was and she didn't want to argue with him. "You hear me? I'm going to kill him and I put that on my unborn child"

"You still love me?" She question pecking his lips making him laugh.

"Always just don't keep shit from me alright"

"Alright can we get something to eat now? I'm hungry and I sat here for almost two hours waiting for you to come home"

"You was here for two hours?"

"Just about lets go cause you owe me a couch too"


"I should've never brought you to my crib" King stated hearing Santana giggling. Ever since what happen to Dex he has been laying up in her apartment so he lets Santana use his car. Right now she was laying on his bed going through her notes for a test she had coming up.

"You laughing but I'm deadass you coming here faithfully now I'm about to make you my girl and give you a key"

"I love your place and no not happening but I'll take that key tho" she told him. Plopping up on his bed she watched him straighten up his room. He just got done doing laundry so he was folding and putting his clothes away. She paid attention to how he folded his shirts and pants making sure they weren't to wrinkle.

"Iight cool but why is that?"

"Because your more of a best friend type-"

"You putting me in the friend zone?" he said. Making his way over to her he stood at the edge of the bed making eye contact.

"You been in the friend zone since you lied about Diamond"

"Ooh word?" He chuckled climbing on top of her. Biting her bottom lip she laid back keeping eye contact with him. "You still disappointed?" He joked making her laugh.

He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers before kissing her. Santana kissed him back wrapping her arms around his neck. He quickly broke the kiss and started to pull down her leggings revealing her lace panties and large tattoo of colorful flowers, skulls, fairies, and clocks on her thigh. She sat up and started to lift up his shirt but He quickly took it off showing off all his tattoos she didn't know he had.


"Take the rest of ya shit off" he told her before pulling down his shorts. He went in his draw pulling out a condom as she took her shirt off seeing him pull himself out. Swallowing the lump in her throat she bit her bottom lip nervously watching him slide the condom on.

"I got you come on" he chuckled grabbing her thighs and holding her legs open before moving her panties to the side. Placing himself at her entrance he pushed in a little feeling her arms push on his stomach. His door bell started to ring making them stop. King threw his head back before looking down at Santana who was covering her face. Hearing her laughing he slapped her thigh before climbing off.


"Don't move I be right back" he said to her pulling his shorts back on.

Walking out the room once King made it to the living room he started fighting the air for a few seconds upset about what just happen.

"Who is it?" He yelled checking the peep hole see his cousin Cain.

"What's up?" He greeted opening the door. Cain took a step inside his cousin place and headed right to the kitchen. Cain was around the same age as King and would always compete against him.

"Yoo have you been to the flower shop lately?"

"Nah what's up?"

"A few guys came there acting sus uncle Zeke almost bodied them...hello how are you beautiful?"

King turned around and seen Santana standing there fully dressed. She couldn't help but giggle watching King face turned into a frown.

"Hey uh I gotta get going I see you later" she said putting her adidas slippers on. He stood up and walked over to her biting his bottom lip.

"You really playing with me" he whispered.

"I don't know what you are talking about" she whispered back before walking to the door. He gave her ass a hard slap and she quickly turned around pushing him away.

"Bye King" she giggled.

"Want me to watch you walk out too?" He joked making her laugh harder.

"You can if you want you know you will" she says over her shoulder and she was right. Once she turned around at the elevator King was at his door watching biting his bottom lips hearing the doors open she giggled before stepping inside.

"You gonna get it Santana keep it up!!" He yelled out.

"Yoo shawty look good as fuck who never mind" Cain started to say but stop once he saw King face as he closed the door behind him.

"You got all these girls and you won't let me get that one-"

"You can't have this one but what else you gotta tell me?" King stated trying to get him to leave. He already pissed him off once he rung the door bell.

"You kicking me out?" Cain asked watching his cousin move around the kitchen. "I fucked up your moment with that girl so now I gotta get out?" He chuckled.

"No I just don't want to be around you honestly cause yes you did fuck up my moment dumbass but I'm gonna need wheels you think you can get that for me?"

"Yeah I got you by tomorrow Trig need one too?" He asked. Cain also worked for the family business and he ran his own Car Dealer ship company so if anybody in the family needed a car he knew what to do.

"I think so I'll asked him and let you know"


"Alright cool" he said before leaving. Just when the door closed he walked over to it and locked it hearing his phone ringing from the room. He quickly ran to his room seeing Trigga calling.


"Yoo take Flaco and Khalil with you I gotta take Chanel to get a new couch" he said talking shit about her car. "Nah babe it's time for a new one"

"No I just got this fix"

"Yoo Cain wants to know if-"

"Yeah" he answered quickly.

"Alright so I just meet you at their place-"

"No King!!" Chanel shouted.

"Iight I see you there" Trigga said before hanging up. King made his way to his bathroom to take a quick shower and change before heading out.


Once Santana got inside the car her phone started ringing. She searched though her bag until she grabbed it seeing Chase calling.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey where are you? I just made it" he told her.

"Uh I'm on my way now I was studying I lost track of time" she half lied.

"Iight cool I just wait for you"

"Okay cool" she hung up and started the car heading to the restaurant she was going to meet Chase at. She couldn't believe what was just about to happen between her and King, somebody she didn't want to be with. Something she was telling herself to avoiding how she really felt. She drove safely to her destination parking behind Chase's car.

"Hey I am so sorry" she greeted sitting in the booth.

"It's fine don't worry about it how was your day?"

"It was good just did some studying how about you?"

"Just got out of work?"

"Really? I thought you was off today"

"They called me in" he answered just when the waitress came.

"Hello can I get you anything?"

Santana and Chase both placed their orders and waited for her to be gone before they finished up their conversation.

"So I'm on the dean list" she blurted out. A smile appeared on his face making her smile a little.

"Wow that's great" he said looking out the window seeing a white escalade pull up across the street.

King hopped out his truck with Khalil and Flaco hopping out right along with him.

"Hey King wassup?"

"Hi King"

A few people greeted that was walking by showing some respect.

"What you doing here?" A dude name Leon asked stepping up to King.

"I can't come and check up on my old block?" King chuckled. They stared at one another for a few seconds before laughing.

"Wassup man?" Leon questioned as they did their handshake. "Where's Trig at?"

"He out right now with his girl"

"He still with her?"

"Yeah you know she ain't going nowhere-"

"Yoo King isn't that your girl?" Khalil stated pointing to the diner that was across the street. King looked in his direction and seen Santana talking to some guy eating a burger. A smirk appeared on his face as he pulled out his phone and called her up.

"Hello" she answered on the third ring.

"Wassup? What you doing?"

"Nothing hanging out with a friend wassup?"

"Oh yeah having dinner typical girl shit?"

"No it's actually a guy wait how you know I'm having dinner?" She questioned looking out the window seeing King looking back at her standing on the other side of the street with a smirk on his face.

"Come outside" he demanded before hanging up.

"What's up?" Chase questioned popping a fry in his mouth.

"Uh nothing I be right back" she stood up from the table and made her way to the double doors leaving the building feeling the cold crips air hit her skin. Crossing the street she couldn't help but smile.

"Really?" She question folding her arms across her chest.

"I'm just hanging out on the block who that nigga?" King questioned pointing at him.


"Somebody?" He questioned pulling her in closer making eye contact with Chase.

"Yeah somebody but why you want me to come over here?"

"To give me a kiss real quick" he smirked.

"Noo" she smiled pushing him away lightly.

"You sleeping over tonight"

"No I can't sorry-"

"I wasn't asking-"

"Okay but Im telling you" she told him. "We was so close-"

"Don't bring that up" he chuckled as they laughed together before she walked away.

"It's not gonna happen King!!" She shouted with a smile on her face before turning around.

"Damn..." He heard a couple of the guys say.

"Let's go"

"Yoo I forgot to tell you Dex said you should get rid of this truck and get a new car-"

"Already on it" King told them as they shook their heads.


Diamond watched Santana walk away from King with a smile on her face. She was heading to work when she spotted them talking from the light she was waiting at. Jealousy rage through her body as she watched him touch all over her body and stare at her ass as she walked away. She heard a car horn beeping behind her snapping her back. Looking up at the light she notice it was green and she had been holding up traffic. She quickly sped off heading straight to work mad as hell.

Once she made it to the shop she walked right to the back without speaking to anybody there. Taylor twisted up her lips and shook her head. She had too much on her plate today since the inspector came in complain about every little thing.

"I'm still confused how he knew about a white lady not getting treated quick enough" Mickey said walking to the counter.

"I got DVDs, mixtape, and cigarettes for sale-"

"If you don't get your thieving ass out of my shop" Taylor says to Jerome.

"Tay Tay now you know I don't steal" he argued back making some of the ladies laugh.

"So where you get this stuff from Jerome?"

"I found it that's where nosey ass"

"Bye Jerome" Taylor laughed as he walking out with his long heavy coat that he sells stuff out of. "But anyway I think she sent that man to come here I don't know who she is but if she planning something then she messed with the wrong one"

"She don't know that you are loca" Mickey stated as the shop being to laugh a little.

"We all know you are loca" Nikki laughed heading to the back.

"Hey girl wassup?" She greeted. Even though they got into their little argument Nikki knew their friendship will last forever.

"Hey Nikki"

"You okay? You look like you saw something you didn't want to see"

"I don't even want to talk about it" she chuckled trying to keep the information to herself. She felt stupid but she didn't want to admit it. "But yeah I'm fine just gotta have some time alone"

"Alright you know if you need to talk I'm still here" Nikki said. Diamond looked up at her friend and smile. "I know thanks Nikki"

Nikki walked out leaving Diamond alone. She pulled out her phone seeing a text from her brother. She quickly dialed his number and waiting for him to answer.


"Hey you and your friends wanna make some money?" She smirked.

"How much we talking?"

"Depends on how y'all do the fucking job now shut up and listen" she said walking to the bathroom.


"Nelly I almost had sex with him" Santana said walking into her friends room.

"What you mean almost?"

"He almost had it in but there was a knock on the door that made us stop-"

"Who was it?"

"I don't know but I left to meet up with Chase-"

"Woah woah woah Santana are we talking about-"

"King? Yes"

"You let King dip in your cookie jar?" She smiled.

"We was close but I don't know if I want too though"

"Why not? You almost did it-"

"We was in the moment-"

"What happen?"

"We started kissing and then next thing I know my leggings were off and my panties were moved to the side and his-"

"Giirrll" Chanel teased side eyeing her friend. She couldn't believe the tea her friend was spilling.

"Nelly stop!" Santana laughed. "He wants me to be with him-"

"How you know? He said that?"

"Yes when I was at his place-"

"Wait hold up you was at his place?"

"Yes" Santana chuckled. "I've been going there since Dex been here"

"And your just now telling me this Tana I'm so mad at you!!" Chanel joked loudly. Santana couldn't help but laugh.

"Where you think I've been going? I'm about to get a key and all that" she added flipping her hair.

"Yass bitch!!" Chanel screamed hyping her friend. "But my question to you is..." She said once they calm down from laughing.

"Do you wanna be with him?"



"I'm stuck between two men Chase wants to be with me and King is basically claiming me-"

"Girl you are already his and you don't even know it" she chuckled side eyeing her again.

"Whatever Nelly" Santana chuckled before stand up heading to the living seeing Dex sitting up.

"Hey how you feeling?"


"Thanks for lending me your car" she passed him the keys and he shook his head. Placing them on the table she sat down next to him,

"Don't worry about it" he responded. "Why don't you have a car yet?"

"Well when you don't earn money the fast way it actually take time to get what you want in life"

"So then sell drugs" he joked feeling Santana slap him across his chest. He couldn't help but laugh at her face expression. "I'm joking but I get what mean"

Just then all the guys walked in with bag full of food and Chanel quickly came out her room.

"Ooh Jamaican food my favorite" she beamed clapping her hands together.

"Everything is your favorite now" King mumbled. She slapped him upside his head as the rest begin laughed. Santana made eye contact with King who quickly winked at her on the low. Shaking her head no she couldn't help the smile that came across her face. Ignoring him she went back to eating her food and talking to Dex enjoying the rest of the night.

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