《The Female Alpha // ✓》E P I L O G U E


"Theo! Stop breaking Rachel's barbies!" I shout as my 6 year old son breaks yet another head off my 4 year old daughters doll.

"Sorry, mum," Theo apologises, handing Rachel back her now headless doll.

"Mummy?" Someone tugs on the bottom of my jeans. I look down, it's Rachel. She beckons me down, and I kneel so I am her height.

"Have you told daddy about the new baby yet?" She whispers in my ear. I shake my head.

"I'm gonna do it tonight while we're eating dinner," I explain.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" She asks. She couldn't wait to be an older sister.

"A girl," I say.

"What are you gonna call it?" She asks. I shrug.

"Not sure. Do you want to help me name her?" I ask. She nods her head eagerly.

"Yeah!!" She says. I smile.

"Okay. You can help me think of a name in a couple of months. We don't have to worry about it now, I'm only a month pregnant," I smile.

"I'm home!!" Jaye calls as he walks in through the door.

"Daddy!!" Theo and Rachel run into his arms.

"Hello," he smiles at them, then he lets go and walks over to me.

"Hi," I smile. He smiles back.

"Hi. Is dinner nearly ready?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"Is that the only thing you think about? Food?" I scoff. He shakes his head.

"No. I think about you way more then food," he says.

"What about us, daddy? Do you think about us?" Rachel asks. Jaye nods his head.

"Every single day," he says.

I put my arm around his waist and he turns towards me, kissing my temple.


"Mummy? Can I go and play with Elaine and Hadley?" Rachel asks. Elaine is Peyton and Kai's 4 year old daughter, and Hadley is Amber and Ronnie's 4 year old daughter. I nod my head.

"But dinner will be ready in an hour. Be back by then," I say. Rachel nods her head.

"Okay!" She grins, then runs outside.

"Mum? Can my friends join us for dinner?" Rachel asks.

"How many?" I ask.

"Hadley, Elaine, Max and Syd," she smiles. Max is Milla and Nate's son, and Syd is Bonita and Henry's son.

"There should be enough left overs," I stop and think. "Yeah, they can join us," I decide. She squeals happily and runs off to tell them.

Five minutes later, everyone is sitting at the table. Someone kicks my leg and I look across to see a grinning Rachel.

Tell him, she mouths. I suck in a deep breath and clear my throat.

"Jaye?" He looks up, his mouth full of food.

"Yes?" He asks, a carrot falling out of his mouth. I practically gag.

"Ew," I mutter. He smirks. I take another deep breath.

"I'm– I'm–" I can't finish — I don't know how.

"I'm pregnant!" I finally blurt.

"Jeez, that was light, mum," Theo mutters. Frank kicks his leg.

"Ssh," he hisses.

"You're what?" Jaye asks, his voice a silent whisper.

"I'm pregnant," I say again. There's an awkward silence.

"I'm gonna be a dad again!" He shouts excitedly. I smile, and he wraps his arm around me. I look at my family, and how happy we all are. And I couldn't be any more happier.

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