《The Beauty And The Heist》Epilogue


Today was the day. I had to be at NASA's base in two hours and I was already late. Stelle would be launched. I had been out of hospital for a week now. I was still sore, but that wouldn't vane for a while.

I sighed and got out of bed. I hadn't seen Adrian in a week, he was busy with Stelle. There was a time when I worried whatever was between us would be over when he didn't need me anymore.

For a week I tried to steel myself to believe that.

Then I got a call from Adrian. By the tone of his voice, I thought there was trouble again. Apparently the only trouble he had was having a casual conversation with a girl he cared about. Naturally I burst out laughing, eventually leading him to join in.

My phone rang.

"Chevron, you were supposed to be downstairs an hour back!" Adrian sighed, exasperated.

"Watch it boss, I have a bruised rib and all..." I drawled. I loved his reactions.

"You're going to have two more, courtesy of my mother if you don't get your ass down."

Someone smacked him and I heard shuffling.

"Chevie, cara, please excuse his manners," she said apologetically. "Although it would be nice if you came sooner"

"Kay, I'm coming downstairs," I said, putting the finishing touches on my makeup. I rarely wore makeup but the occasion called for me to look nice. I had dyed my hair back to its natural black a while ago and matched my cocktail dress perfectly.

I climbed downstairs carefully. My ribs were still hurting but I'd thrown the painkillers on Adrian's advice when he'd told me they could be addictive. After my father, there was no way I was touching pills. Besides, Adrian had told me that some people have a tendency for addiction that was genetic.

Adrian was waiting in the same black Lamborghini that we used to escape Dylan's house. Castellino and Abandonato weren't dead, they were just too weak to be a threat anymore and I never saw Dylan again. Part of me mourned the missing friendship, but then I wouldn't have met the man grew to love.


Adrian was looking dashing as usual in a black Zegna suit and a blue bowtie. Carelia was dressed in a sky blue gown, embellished with sparkles.

"Chevron!" She said, kissing me on both cheeks.

"Hi!" I said, hugging her too. Adrian cleared his throat. I ignored him and climbed into the passenger seat.

"Good evening, idiot," he said. Carelia slapped him on the shoulder. "How am I going to get a daughter-in-law with that personality of yours?" She admonished.

Adrian seemed to choke on his spit and I coughed loudly.

"Be nicer," she warned.

"You look beautiful, Chevie." He said. It was difficult not to blush. He never complimented me before, especially on my looks.

"You too," I said. "Did you say that because mom's around or do you actually mean it?"

"Mom's fault," he confessed.

"Knew it."

He smirked and we drove off, we spent a good portion of the journey in comfortable silence, Carelia tried to get us to talk but it didn't work. She gave up eventually. I was not afraid to say I was staring at Adrian like a creep. Judging from his little smile that bastard knew it.

Tables had been out up, everybody was dressed in blue. It was one of those upper class parties that I had no interest in and Roy was nowhere to be found. Thankfully. According to Damien, he had run off to India, tired of all this shit. Unlike Adrian, I'd been in touch with the rest.

"Are you ignoring me?" He asked as he handed me a flute of champagne.

"You mean like you ignored me the past week and a while before that?" I asked, graciously accepting the glass. We were standing a little distant from the crowd. Well, I was before he chose to join me.

"I had stuff to do," he said. I knew what stuff and I decided not to pry. I sighed. Was this it? Secrets everywhere?


"Stressed out?" I asked instead.

Adrian took a gulp of his champagne. "Oh, you have no idea."

I sat down on the grass.


"Or you could stay standing." I said.

He sighed and joined me on the grass. Much to my surprise he rested his head on my shoulder. It seemed surprisingly natural and I found myself relaxing. Something fell into the grass beside him. Hmm.

"I transferred the cash into your account," he said.

"Oh!" I had actually forgotten about it. Somewhere down the line, the cash wasn't what I was fighting for anymore.

"Chevron..." He started.


He bit his lip.


"I don't like this," I told him.


"I don't like pretending that I care about ridiculous things. I miss the excitement." I confided.

"I missed you." He said and took another gulp of his champagne. It was funny that this guy who could kill effortlessly had a problem talking about his emotions.

Not that I was going to baby him.

"Aww," I teased.

"Shut up," he said and finished the rest of his alcohol and then proceeded to snatch my glass.

"Don't get drunk on me," I warned.

"Remember when you got drunk?" He teased.



"No, seriously I don't remember a thing that went down that night."

He laughed. And then downed the rest of the champagne in one big gulp.

"Adrian, is something wrong?"

"There was something I needed to talk to you about."

"And you needed all that alcohol to talk to me? Adrian if you're in trouble again I'll break that glass on your head..."

"You told me you missed the excitement."

"Not the point."

"ADRIAN DID YOU ASK HER YET?!" A familiar voice called.

"Hi Damien!" I called.

He waved at me. Antonio, Isaac and Carelia were standing behind him.

"Do you have to be here?" Adrian asked sourly.

"You mean you didn't ask her yet?! God, seriously..." Carelia said, exasperated.

I felt myself smile and leaned in close to him.

"Hey, Adrian? Are you going to get the guts to ask me to marry you now or do you need some more champagne?"

Adrian laughed.

"How did you know?"

I showed him the tiny velvet box that had fallen down when he sat. He shook his head.

"Stand up," he said.

I stood up. Adrian got on his knees.

"Chevron, I had actually prepared a long and flowery speech but knowing you, you probably won't have the patience to listen to it. So let me cut it short: Chevron Raynes, would you make me the most miserable man on earth by being my wife?" He asked.

I stared into his grey eyes. Twinkling in the starlight. I felt giddy with happiness.

"How could I pass up such an opportunity?" I asked with a crazy wide smile.

He smiled and slid a diamond ring onto my finger.

Applause broke out around us. Everyone was cheering and screaming but I didn't care.

Adrian stood up and took my hand in his.

"You know there's not going to be an easy life waiting for us, right?"

"I'm marrying you. I know there wouldn't be," I whispered.

Adrian kissed me. Crap, did I miss his kisses. He kissed me passionately, like I was the only thing in the world and I did the same. He tasted of champagne.

"I love you, Adrian," I whispered.

"I love you too, Idiota." He said.

And then we kissed again under the star lit sky.

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