《An Alpha's Bite》Chapter 11 || Jess to my Rory


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Chapter 11 || Jess to my Rory

Noah pulled his teeth out of my neck and well I was more than flabbergasted. I was angry. Like super duper scooper angry.

What was wrong with this dude? Like serioulsy, kissing me was one thing, but seriously! Biting me? That just took it a little too far. Scratch that, way too far.

He had the creepy Damon smirk on his face as he gazed down at me.

I was mad at him. But partly at myself too.

What was I freaking thinking anyways? Letting him kiss me. What was he? The Jess to my Rory or something? No way, Jess treated Rory better than Noah had ever treated me. And that is saying something. Like seriously though, that is really saying something.

Jess and Rory are from Gilmore Girls. In case you didn't get that reference. Almost one of the best TV shows of all time.

But this was freaking creepy. I could literally see the blood on his teeth. was he a vampire or something? cause that would totally align with his whole Damon smile thingy. Dude, was he a ripper! I was seriously going to die now.

Death by Vampire.

I should really stop think about this whole 'I am going to die' thing. Or one of these times it is actually going to happen.

But when you have a junior Albert Fish staring down at you with blood staining his teeth. It's kind of hard not to think about it.

I think now, that I am starting to get over the shock, that I should get mad at him. Yeah; this is a good time.

"Dude! What the heck was that?" I shouted at him, pushing his chest at the same time so i could get away from him.


"Do you really want to know?" He asked taking a step towards me.

I took a step back, "Duh you piece of dipshit. I would like to know why you have a certain fetish for my flesh." I answered back.

I saw his tongue swept across his teeth, getting rid of the redness. He rolled his eyes, "You know you might not want to know." he said taking another step towards me.

"Yeah, well there are a lot of things i don want. For example-" I said holding up one finger "-you biting me, yeah I don't want that," holding up another finger "or you touching my butt," holding up finger after finger for each thing i didn't want, I continued "creepy people smiling at me, being stuck in a boring old room for weeks at a time, be stripped from my home, you not being able to keep your hands to yourself. Yeah Noah, there are a lot of things I don't want. But I would like to know why the fuck you are digging you little fangs into my neck. Cause I am pretty sure that affects my health in some way shape or form." I said.

"It's not a bite, it's a mark." he said, his eye zeroing in on mine.

"Whatever," I said rolling my eyes "at least I have free health care to take care of this thing." I said gesturing towards the bite on my neck.

"It doesn't need medical care, it will heal up soon enough." Noah said with a bit of annoyance.

"Oh yeah, and then when it heals up are you just going to bite down on it again?" I asked. Crossing my arms.

"No," he said.

"Well past incidents have proven differently!" i said throwing my hands up in the air "honestly I am tired of you digging your freaking teeth into my skin. It like hurts, in case you didn't know." I said, exasperated.


"Get over it," Noah said whilst grabbing my arm. He turned around and started stalking towards the restaurant with me in tow. This seemed to happen quite a bit...

"Hey! Let go of me Berty Fish!" I said, trying to pry his hand off of my arm. "You still haven't freaking told me why you bit me!"

"Marked," he corrected as he kept on striding towards the disgustingly greasy restaurant.

"Potato patato."

I looked up at him as he rolled his eyes.

"So are you going to tell me?" I asked.

"Nope," he answered.



"Hmmm, maybe seriously will be our always." I commented.

"That makes no sense, and did you seriously try and quote The Fault In Our Stars?" he asked.

"Did you seriously read The Fault In Our Stars?" I asked. Looking up at him with surprise and slight tinge of amusement.

I mean, what guy actually reads TFIOS? No offense to John Green or anything. But it is quite a girly book. Don't try to deny it, it totally is! Sure there are people that die and stuff, but it is a very chick flicky book.

Glancing up at Noah I noticed a slight tinge of red touch his cheeks, awww, that's cute. The big bad kidnapper is embarrassed.

"Yeah, well it was a shit book." Noah finally said.

I looked at him with my mouth laying agap, "How can you hate such an amazing piece of literary art?"

"I am not having this conversation with you, come, lets go. I'm hungry." he said, hastening his step.

"At least it ain't for my flesh this time," I mumbled under my breath. Noah glanced over at me, but didn't say anything.

Just as we were entering the restaurant I heard a shout behind me.

"Hey Sarah! Wait up!" I looked back and saw Treesa slightly jogging up to me with two guys trailing behind her.

Just as I was about to drag my arm out of Noah hands, he pulled me behind him and let out a growl while mumbling something under his breath.

The word that he slipped out sorta confused me.

Not because I didn't understand it. But because it didn't seem like something that would anger a normal person.

Of course one could question if Noah was actually normal. Considering his liking for human flesh and all.

But anyways, back to the point.

he word that slipped past his lips was hunters.


Heyyy guys! So second update this week! I was totally going to update last night, but I didn't have any internet... so there went that plan...

Anyways! Comment and Vote if you like this chapter! I know it was a little bit boring compared to the last two, but I guess we will have to have some filler chapters in there eh?


Votes: 160

Comments: 110

Remember, these are not mandatory for me to update, but I will just update sooner if they are met!

God Bless,


P.S. Happy New Year!

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