《Her Heart Keeper ✔》Bonus Chapter 3


Rishi and Sakhsi sat in the living room with bright smiles plastered on their lips. They looked at their daughter who was feeding lunch to Amyra and Abhi. They still couldn't believe that their little princess is a mother of two kids. They knew, they hurted their children a lot in the past. Though it was to protect them, still it pierced their hearts looking at their broken faces. Only they knew, how tough it was for them to pull that act. Every word they hurled at them pierced their hearts a thousand times. There were many times when they felt to stop everthing, and to take them into their arms and shower them with all lots of love. Alas, it was not that easy. One mistake from them would cost their lives. So, they bore everything to protect their family.

It really pricked them to see the disappointment in their family's faces. But they didn't have any choice left as their house was bugged and when their every moment was monitored. Not only Maya even Nandu suffered a lot. He was attached to his father more than his mother. Nandu is his father's Champ while Maya is her mother's little princess. Every evening they used to play together. Seeing his father drifting away from him made him broken. Seeing his Champ crying at night made Rishi heartbroken. Only he knew, how he controlled himself from taking his son into his arms and assure him that he was there.

Sakshi placed her head on Rishi's shoulder, while he kissed her forehead. He couldn't thank God for sending her in his life. She gave him two beautiful angels in his life. She stood with him holding his hand in all his ups and downs. More than Sakshi, Rishi broke down when Abhiram was died. Rishi was so fond off kids. Sakshi had a miscarriage before Abhiram and two miscarriages before Maya. He cried a thousand times seeing Sakshi's broken face. The first time he held Maya in his hands, he promised himself to protect her. He knew, somewhere he failed. He couldn't protect her from getting molested. He couldn't even take her into his arms and console her. They went in disguise to see Maya when she was in hospital. He made sure that boys get the worst punishment. They attended every match of Nandan in disguise. They were really proud of their children. They achieved a lot even after going through a lot.

Rishi was lost in his thoughts when he felt a pull on his pants. He looked down and saw Abhi giving him a toothy grin. This boy reminds him a lot of his elder son.

"What does my Ram want?" Rishi said, picking up Abhi in his arms.

"Thatha, will you play ball game with me?" Abhi asked, looking at Rishi with innocent face.

Rishi smiled, looking at him and got up. He looked at his granddaughter who was looking at them with a pout.

"Will you play with us Amy?" Rishi asked his granddaughter.

Amy shook her head negatively and said, "Amy sheelpy (sleepy)."

"Chalo, Amy, we will sleep", Maya said, coming out of the kitchen.

"Amma, I'll make her sleep and come", Maya said, looking at Sakshi.

"Okay. When will Nandu and Saanvi come?" Sakshi asked Maya.

"They might have started, amma. Saanvi called me in the morning", Maya said, patting Amyra, who was sleeping on her shoulder.

It's been two months since, Nandan and Saanvi got married making everyone shocked. They welcomed Saanvi whole-heartedly. Though they were married, they could notice the differences between them. They gave them their space to solve the issues between them, and never questioned them about what happened. Though Saanvi was hesitant in the start, she slowly mingled with everyone. Mainly Nitaara (Arjun & Diya's daughter) and Idhika (Surya & Sravya's elder twin) are fond of their chinnamma (choti masi). Nandu and Saanvi went to visit her mother and grandparents. Saanvi's mother is a single parent who divorced her abusive husband and walked away from the toxic relationship with her daughter.


Sakshi nodded her head, and moved to the studyroom as she had some work. Maya moved to her with sleeping Amyra in her arms. She made Amyra sleep on the bed and called Avi.

Phone conversation:

"Hey, bunny! I was about to call you", said Avi.

"Did your meeting got finished?" Maya asked him.

"Yup!! Just now", he said.

"Had lunch?" Maya asked him, removing Amyra's thumb from her mouth.

"No, will have in some time. What are my babies doing?" He asked her.

"Abhi is playing with nanna. While your little bunny is sleeping happily sucking her thumb", Maya said, chuckling, looking at her daughter.

Avi chuckled, listening to her and asked her huskily, "What is my big baby doing then?"

"Your big baby is talking with her hubby", she said, biting her inner cheek.

Avi smiled and asked, "Did you have your lunch?"

"No Avi. Waiting for Nandu and Saanvi", said Maya, patting Amyra who was stirring in her sleep.

"Avi I'll call you later. Amy will wake up, if I talk with you now", said Maya.

Avi nodded his head, as he knew his daughter will wake up even for a small sound.


Maya lied down beside Amyra and pulled her close to her. She snuggled into her mother, clutching her dress tightly in her small fist.

Sakshi knocked on Maya's room door to call her for the lunch. She opened the door and saw Maya and Amyra sleeping cuddling. She went and sat beside them. She caressed Maya's hair and kissed her forehead.

"Ammu, come on get up. Have your lunch and then sleep", said Sakshi.

Maya stirred and opened her eyes, slowly. She looked at Amyra who was sleeping peacefully.

"Bring her down and make her sleep in her craddle", said Sakshi.

"This devil wake up, maa", Maya said, looking at Amyra.

"Of course, how I can forget that she is the daughter of my princess. She inherited every habit of yours, in fact she is your updated version. Even you used to wake for a small sound. We used to have tough time to make you sleep. See, how time flew away. Now my little princess is no more little. You have your own little family, with a husband who loves you to the core and two children. I'm sorry, Ammu. For being a bad mother and for taunting you every time", Sakshi said, getting emitional.

"Amma, please. Please, forget about what happened in the past. You and nanna did all those things to protect me and Nandu. If you are sorry, then we should tell you too for not understanding you guys. I won't lie that it never hurted us. Every time you hurled a word about us, I felt like someone stabbing my heart a thousand times. If we hurt, then you guys are hurt too. Even you guys went through a lot and fought alone to protect our family from the evil. It was destined to be happen, maa. Please, get over the past which cannot be changed. See, we are happy now. I'm happily married to the love of my life and even a mother of two naughty kids. I'm happy with my professional life too", Maya said, wiping off her mother's tears.

"I'm worried about Nandu and Saanvi, kanna. Didn't you notice the differences between them?" Sakshi said, thinking about her son and daughter-in-law.

"Amma, that's because they didn't love each other. Both of them loved two different persons, but see what the destiny had planned? They have been tied in a sacred bond forever. Just give them some time, maa. Because it's not easy to forget the person we loved and accept another one. They will definitely be happy one-day", said Maya.


"Hmm", said Saskhi.

Maya sighed, seeing her mother and said, "Amma, trust me, everything will fall in its place. One day they will be happy just like us. So, don't get tensed."

Just then, they heard Amyra crying loudly, making them sigh. Maya took her into arms, started cooing her.

"Feed her and bring her down, Ammu. She didn't even had her food properly", Sakshi said, looking at Amyra who was sniffing.

"I'll feed her later, maa. Madam is crying as she didn't see her father from two days", Maya said, looking at Amyra who was looking at her with a pout.

Avi went to Delhi two days ago for a business trip. While leaving Avi dropped them here as Abhi and Amy wanted to spend time with their maternal grandparents.

"When will he come?" Sakshi asked her.

"Tomorrow", said Maya.

Sakshi nodded her head and three of them moved down. They saw Saanvi talking with Rishi, while Nandu was playing with Abhi. Seeing her mamu, Amyra started wriggling in Maya's arms, pulling her mother's hair. Maya put her daughter down, who instantly ran towards her mamu. Of course, how can she let her brother play with her mamu alone?

"Mama", she shouted, running towards Nandan.

Nandan giggled, looking at his little niece, who was getting jealous of her own brother.

"Amy, don't you want to eat sweets?" Saanvi said, taking sweets box which her mother packed especially for Amyra and Abhi.

Amyra nodded her head and ran towards her atta, excited. Amyra is big fan of sweets just like her father.

Amyra sat comfortably in Saanvi's lap and started gobbling the sweets. Maya shook her head at her daughter.

"Did you guys have your lunch?" Maya asked them.

They shook their head negatively. Maya told Abhi to look after Amyra until they have their food.


It was evening, Abhi and Amyra are playing in the living room with Rishi and Raghav (Sravya's father). Nandu is in the studyroom discussing about a case with Jhansi (Sravya's mother). Sakshi and Saanvi are cooking in the kitchen, while Maya went to visit the "Slice of Dreams", main branch.

Just then, Idhu and Ihu came running inside. Behind them Sravya and Surya came with a sleepy Darsh in Surya's arms. Ihu ran towards Abhi and kissed on his cheeks, making him blush. Amyra pouted, looking at them. Idhu kissed Amy's cheeks making her smile.

She flared her nose cutely and said, "Amy and Idhu katti with Ihu."

Idhu nodded her head, agreeing to Amy, while Ihu pouted listening to them. She looked at Abhi who shrugged his shoulders. Everyone chuckled, looking at them.

"Why did he sleep now? He won't sleep at this time, right?" Raghav asked, looking at his grandson who was sleeping in his father's arms.

"He has low temperature, mavayya", said Surya.

"Go and make him sleep properly, chinnu", Rishi told Sravya.

Sravya nodded her and picked up Darsh in her arms. She made him sleep on the bed and switched on the baby monitor.

She came down and asked, "Where is Mayu and Nandu?"

"Ammu went to the main branch. Nandu is in studyroom along with your mother", said Raghav.

She nodded her head and moved to the kitchen to help her aunt and Saanvi. Sravya entered the kitchen and looked at Ssanvi who was lost in her thoughts. She placed hand on her shoulder, bringing her back.

"Is everything okay?" Sravya asked Saanvi with concern.

"Haa, it's just my grandmother is not doing well these days. I'm just tensed about her", said Saanvi.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine", said Sravya.

"Hope so", said Saanvi.

"Saanvi, I'll ask you a question. You won't mind, right?" Sakshi asked her.

"Haa, attayya", said Saanvi.

"Your mother and grandparents never came here even once in these two months. Though I have asked you many times, you just skip it. I'm not complaining. I'm just asking you, is there any problem?" Sakshi asked her daughter-in-law.

"Attayya, you know, right? I came from upper middle class family. And my mother doesn't likes rich people much. It's something related to her past which made her like this. That's why, she doesn't want to come here. She stopped mingling with people from the time she walked away from her past. And I'm sorry on her behalf, attayya", said Saanvi, thinking about her mother.

"It's okay, I do understand it. And you don't need say sorry. But trust me Saanvi, not everyone is same", said Sakshi.

Saanvi smiled, listening to her words.

After having their dinner, elders retired to their rooms while youngsters sat in the living room, looking at the kids who were playing.

Maya, Sravya and Saanvi were talking when they Darsh and Amyra shouted Avi's name. Amyra ran towards her father, along with Darsh who was excited to meet his mama. Maya looked at Abhi who was silently playing with Ihu and Idhu.

Avi picked up Amy and Darsh in his arms and kissed both of their cheeks. Amyra giggled as stubble pricked her.

Maya went towards them and took the bags that he had dropped at the entrance. She told one of the worker to place them in their room.

"I thought that you would come tomorrow", Maya said, looking at her hubby.

"Deal was finalized. So, I came back after finishing all my works", he said, handing Amyra to her.

"Now go and manofy your little man. He is angry with his nanna as he didn't talk to him from the morning", Maya said, looking at Abhi who was royally ignoring his father.

Sravya picked up Darsh in his arms, while Surya picked up Ihu in her arms.

"Akka, today Idhu will sleep with me", said Saanvi.

Sravya nodded her head and looked at Idhu who bobbed her head cutely.

"Chinnu, I've poured milk for them in their sippers", said Maya.

"Haa, I'll take them. Darsh didn't even had dinner properly. He said that he would drink milk", said Sravya, patting Darsh, who was snuggling into her.

With that, everyone left to their respective rooms.


In Avi and Maya's room,

Maya made Amyra sleep in the craddle that was attached to their bed on her side. She looked at Abhi who was sitting silently.

"Abhi?" Maya called him.

Abhi crawled towards his mother and sat on her lap. He hid his face in the crook of her neck, while she caressed his hair and kissed his forehead.

"What happened? Why my little man is silent?" Maya asked, ruffling his hair.

"Amma, Nanna doesn't love Abhi?" He asked her, making her stunned.

"And why do you feel so?" Maya asked, composing herself.

"Nanna didn't talk to me from the morning, but talked with Amy", Abhi said sadly, making her sigh.

"Abhi tell me one-thing, who gives you piggy back ride and bathe you daily?" Maya asked him.

"Nanna", said Abhi.

"Who drops you in your play school every morning?"


"Who plays cricket with you in the weekend?"


"Who buys you lots of toys and protects you from my scoldings?"


"So do you really think that your father doesn't love you, hmm?" Maya asked, caressing his head.

Abhi shook his head negatively.

"Tell me, Abhi. Why did you feel that your father doesn't love his little man?" Maya asked Abhi.

He heard one of his friends saying that their parents love his younger sibling more than him. Abhi told Maya the same, making her sigh.

"Abhi, we love you and Amy equally. You were the first one who made us parents. Do you know, how excited your father was when I told him that you are going to be born? Abhi, Avi talked with Amy because she was there in room at that time. You went to play with thatha. So, remove that stupid questions from your mind, okay?" Maya explained to him.

Though Abhi didn't understand her totally, he understood that his parents love him too.

"Sorry, amma", Abhi apologised to Maya, holding his ears cutely.

"It's okay. It's good that you let out your fears. But don't you think you should apologize to your nanna who is silently listening to us, by standing in the closet?" Maya said, making Abhi confused.

Just then, Avi came out of the closet. By looking at his eyes, Maya guessed that he cried.

Abhi got down off the bed and ran towards his father. He gestured Avi to bend down.

As soon as Avi bent down, Abhi kissed his whole face and said, "I lob (love) you, Nanna. Abhi is sorry."

Avi hugged Abhi, while snuggled into his father and wrapped his tiny arms around Avi's neck. Avi got up, with Abhi in his arms. He felt his vest getting wet. He felt a pang in his heart, looking at Abhi who was silently crying in his arms.

Avi made him lie down on the bed and asked him, "Why my little man is crying?"

"Little man ish (is) bad", Abhi said, sniffing cutely.

"Aye! My little man is a goody goody boy. You know, he take cares of his little sister. He eats food without wasting it. He goes for walking with his thatha and help his grandma in gardening. He is the cute and sweet little man of their parents. So, don't you dare say that Abhi is a bad boy, okay?" Avi said, calmly to Abhi.

Abhi bobbed his head cutely and kissed Avi's cheeks.

Avi hugged Abhi and said, "Nanna loves his little man so much."

"Little man too lovesh (loves) his nanna", said Abhi.

Maya smiled in between her tears, looking at the father-son duo.

"Little man, see Amma is crying", Avi told Abhi, pointing at Maya.

Abhi and Avi moved towards Maya and started tickling her.

"Argh! Leave me.... you.... monsters", Maya said, in between her laughter.

"I love you, amma", Abhi said, kissing Maya's cheeks.

"What about Amy?" Avi asked him.

"I lobe (love) my little plinchess (princess) too", Abhi said, pecking Amy's forehead who was sleeping peacefully, for a change without stirring.

"It's princess, Abhi", Maya corrected him, making him pout.

Avi chuckled, seeing his pout. Soon, Abhi drifted into sleep by hugging his father. Avi looked at Maya who was looking at the Amyra.

"What happened, bunny?" Avi asked her.

"Amma is getting tensed about Nandu and Saanvi, Avi", Maya said, looking at Avi.

"Hmm", said Avi, thinking about something.

"What are you thinking?" Maya asked him.

"Nothing. They will be fine, soon. Don't worry. Now sleep, tomorrow you have a meeting", said Avi.

Though Maya was not convinced, she let it be for the time being. He kissed her forehead and said, "Good night, bunny."

"Good night, Avi", she said.


In Nandan and Saanvi's room,

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