《Her Heart Keeper ✔》~ 16 ~


Maya's pov :

Both of us got ready and came down. Ammamma is sitting with a poker face, looking at Sahana. I thought she might have left by now.

I went near her and asked, "Shall we go, Ammamma?"

"Are you seriously going to come out like this?" She said, pointing at me.

I looked at myself. I had worn a simple long kurti. I wear western clothing too, but I prefer Indian more. Also, I feel more comfortable in Indian wear. And I didn't wear anything inappropriate.

"What's wrong with this dress?" I said, looking at myself.

"It's too old-fashioned," she said, making a bad face.

"See, Avi I have told you this dress is too old-fashioned, but you didn't listen to me," I told Avi, as he was the one who selected this dress.

"I told you not to him," she said.

"But the dress was selected by him," I said, battling my eyelashes innocently. "And I didn't have any problem with wearing this, even if it was old-fashioned. Neither I nor my family have any problems. Also, I'm not going to any fashion shows or parties. I'm just going to my maternal house. It's not like I'm wearing indecent clothes. I'm wearing what I feel comfortable in, and you are wearing what you feel comfortable in. And I don't care about the comments that are thrown by some roadside people."

I could see the disappointment and rage in her eyes at my answer. If she thinks I will bear her insults and sit silently, then she is definitely wrong.

"If your questions are over, shall we move?" said Ammamma.

We nodded our heads and moved from there. We locked the main door and informed the watchman uncle to tell us if anyone had come for us. We settled ourselves into the car. Avi was driving the car while I sat in the passenger seat. Darling and that chudail sat on the back seat sulking. Well, my old lady was sulking because she got stuck with that lizard. While that lizard was sulking because she couldn't sit beside Avi as my darling flopped all her plans.

"When will Attayya and Mamayya come back?" I asked Ammamma.

"I told them to come directly to your home. I guess they would come after lunch", she said.

"Okay. Avi play some songs, I'm getting bored," I said, looking at him.

It would take an hour to reach my maternal home if the traffic was less.

"Okay," he said, switching on the music player.

I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes as the songs started playing. He was playing the songs of our favourite artist. I got immersed in the soothing voice of the singer. Music always works a magic on my soul. I was enjoying the music when I heard a crow's voice in the middle. I shook my head in disbelief. Couldn't she sit calmly for a while?

"Hey! Who listens to these slow songs? And they are damn boring. I never knew your taste was this bad, Maya. Baby, can you just change the playlist?"

Before I could answer her, Avi said, "What's wrong with listening to these songs? I prefer slow and melodic songs to the fast beat."

"Even I love slow and melodic songs, baby. See how perfectly our tastes are matched?" she said, smiling like a clown.

"A few minutes ago you were saying my taste was bad. You said you liked them as soon as Avi told you he liked slow music and that your tastes were similar. Weird, who does change one's taste just because of the opposite person? And can't you just shut your mouth and sit quietly for a while?" I grumbled.


I just shook my head at her. She is just like a chameleon who changes colours according to the situation. Leaning back, I closed my eyes. This girl was making me tired with her stupid behavior. After some time, I woke up and looked at the surroundings. I was in my room on my bed. Why didn't they wake me up? I sighed at their over-protective behaviour towards me. I got freshened up and moved towards the balcony. I saw Avi, Veeru Bava, and Arjun Anna talking.

I moved towards them and sat beside Arjun Anna and asked them, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Playing cricket, will you join us?" He said, pulling my hair.

This guy will never change.

"Ouch. You idiot. Why do you always pull my hair?" I asked, pinching his hand.

"You little devil. It's hurting me, idiot." He said, rubbing his hand.

"It's good then." I said, showing my tongue to him.

"Oh god! Grow up, man. Why do you always fight with her?" Said Avi.

"Of course you'll always support your wife. Did you support me at least once right from our childhood?" He said, rubbing his fake tears.

There he started his drama again. I missed us, just the three of us. I still remember how these two used to protect me, make me laugh, and pamper me.

"Of course, he is my hubby, so he will support me. And where is that mad girl?" I said, grinning.

"She is down with everyone. She is eating everyone's brains there. So we escaped from there. And, what the hell is she doing here?" Veeru Bava said, scowling.

"Why did you bring that fevicol with you?" He said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Wait a minute, do you know her before?" I asked him.

"Yeah! If you forgot, I completed my studies by staying at Atta's home. And can't you stop her from coming here?" said Anna.

"By saying what?" I asked, raising her eyebrow.

"We already have enough fevicol in our house. We don't need an extra one", Arjun Anna said, smiling cheekily.

We looked at him weirdly and soon burst out laughing. Oh God! He is crazy.

"Anna please, oh god! You are just crazy and weird too. I don't know how Diya Vadina will bear you", I said, controlling my laughter.

"No problem, she will match his craziness." Veeru Bava said, chuckling.

"Whatever. Now take this." He said, forwarding a gift box.

Why was he giving me a gift now? Anyways, I opened the box. There was a beautiful bracelet with the letters A and M engraved on it and a gold chain with a star and moon locket with the letters A and M engraved on them. Oh god! They are so beautiful and cute

"Did you like them?" Anna asked me.

"I just loved them, Anna." Saying that, I just hugged him tightly. He is the best brother anyone could get. "But, what's special today?" I looked at him for an answer.

"Nothing I saw them online while shopping for some toys for the twins. So I ordered them," he said, avoiding our gaze.

That's the lamest excuse. Something is there.

"Where is my gift then?" Avi asked him.

"I gave my sister to you. What more do you want?" He asked, looking at Avi mischievously.

"I know you have brought one for me too. Now don't do drama and give me mine," said Avi.


"Idiot. Take this." He said, throwing his gift at Avi.

I looked at the date on my mobile, then it hit me. It's his birthday, which I totally forgot. It's an unsaid ritual for three of us from childhood. We used to give gifts to the other two on our birthdays. I have never forgotten his birthday once all these years, but how did I forget this time?

"This is so beautiful, man." Avi said, looking at the gift.

He brought a bracelet for him too, but with the letter M in the middle.

"They are really pretty, Arjun. But who gives a gift to the others on their birthdays?" Veeru Bava asked us.

"We". We three shouted at a time and burst out laughing.

"You guys are crazy," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"We know that". Again, we three said it together.

I just hugged Arjun Anna tightly and muttered "sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry now?" He asked me.

"I forgot your birthday, right? I'm a bad sister, right, who forgets her brother's birthday." I said, looking down.

He raised my head by placing his finger under my chain and placed a kiss on my forehead and said, "Never say sorry, okay. You forgot because you are not well. And don't even think about telling my sister she's bad; my little pumpkin is the best.Now stop making me emotional and give me my gift, which you guys have brought."

"Hello, sir. If you forget our rules, then it's you who should gift us, not we," said Avi.

"Yeah!" I said, supporting him.

"You guys can't fool me," Anna said, by giving us I know we'll about you look.

"You will get it in the evening. For now, shut your mouth", said Avi.

"Okay, you guys carry on. I will go down", I said, getting up from my place.

"Where do you think you are going?" Anna asked me.

"Downstairs!" I told him, making an innocent face.

"Just sit quietly here. I know you won't take a rest if you go down. So, like a good kid, sit here with us", he said, sternly.

"Yeah! There are many people down there to work. You just take a rest. Once you are fine, we won't stop you", said Veeru Bava.

"Bava, at least not you", I said, looking at Veeru bava.

I sighed and again sat beside Arjun Anna. I wanted to bake a cake for him, as I do every year. I have been baking a cake for him for the past 10 years. Earlier, I used to do it with the help of Janaki Maa. I sat there playing some stupid game on my mobile when suddenly my mobile was snatched from me. I looked at the person to see my Anna smiling sheepishly at me. I stomped my foot and went from there. I sat on my bed, getting bored.

"Why so sad?" He said, sitting beside me.

"I'm getting bored, Anna, and you guys are not letting me do any work", I said, pouting.

"So, what do you want to do?" He asked me.

"I want to bake a cake for you like every year. I promise I won't do any other work other than that", I said to him, making a puppy face trying to melt him.

"But you are not doing it alone," Avi said, coming inside.

"I would love to take anyone's help, but not yours. You will eat the cake before my Anna," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

How could I forget about this foodie boy? Last time he said that he would help me, but he sat on the kitchen counter swaying his legs and messing things up. He ate the cake before Anna and I had to bake another cake for Anna.

"I will not eat this time," he said, pouting, trying to melt me. But I knew him better.

"No means no. I will take Diya Vadina's help." Saying that, I moved down.


In the Kitchen :

"So, what are we going to do now?" She said, hopping on the kitchen counter.

I told her, grabbing the ingredients, "We are going to bake a cake for your soon to be husband."

"Me and cooking are just opposite. Tell me anything other than that," she said, pouting.

"Come on, Vadina. I'll give you instructions. You just do what I say. You know, he loves home-made food more than store-bought. You just need to learn to bake a cake. You do not need to learn anything because he is the best cook. And Janaki Maa also won't say anything", I requested her.

Anna will definitely be happy.


"No ifs and buts. Come on, help me." I said, sternly.

With that, we both started baking a cake for my brother.

After some time,

"Wow, finally. They look so beautiful and delicious, man," she said, eyeing the red velvet cupcakes which I had made.

"You are too good at baking, Maya. Where did you learn all these?" She asked me.

"Actually, Arjun Anna loves cakes very much from our childhood, while I love ice-cream and chocolates. So Janaki Maa used to prepare them for us. She is very good at them. I've learnt those from her. I'd learnt to decorate them from the internet. So, that's the story. I said to her while decorating the chocolate cake that she had prepared", I told her.

"What's your hubby's favourite food then?" She asked, looking at me mischievously.

"Nothing particular. The word food itself makes him hungry", I said, thinking about my hubby. "But he loves payasam and chicken biryani more."

"Oh! Umm, what about your brother then?" She asked me.

"Someone is eager to know my brother, hmm. What will I get in return?" I asked her, smirking at her.

"Nothing like that. Tell me, what to do you want?" She said, looking down.

"A tub of Mint Chocolate Chip ice-cream and also unicorn ice-cream. Will you bring them for me?" I asked, looking at her with hope.

"No. You'll catch cold easily", she said sternly.

"Pretty please. At least one tub", I asked, making a puppy face.

"You'll eat one tub fully", she asked, looking at me shocked.

"You are underestimating her capacity Diya. She can two eat tubs of ice-cream at once. But when it comes to food, she just plays with it", Anju maa said, coming inside the kitchen.

"Maa", I said, stomping my foot like a kid.

"What? I'm saying the truth. Did your baking complete? There Arjun and Avi are waiting impatiently for both of you", said Anju maa.

"Yes, attayya", said Diya vadina.

"Okay then. Place them in the refrigerator. Maya, come, we will set the dining table. It's lunchtime", said Anju maa.

"What's special in today's lunch?" I asked her.

"Everything is Arjun's favourite", said Anju maa.

"Okay", I muttered.

At the dining table :

"Wow, everything is my favourite", Anna said, squealing like a kid.

"Eww, they are so unhealthy", said that Chipku.

"Then don't eat. A lot of food will be saved", said Veeru bava.

"Is this the way you behave with guests?" She asked.

"Even I'm a guest here", Veeru bava said, giving her a tight lipped smile.

"Whatever! Baby, are you seriously going to eat all these items?" She asked, looking at Avi.

"Yes, do you have any problem with that?" He asked her.

"They are just unhealthy. Maya can't you look after your husband properly. If he eats all these he will get sick. I never expected that you are this irresponsible. Can't you just take care of him?" She said, looking at the food that was prepared.

Chicken Biryani


Prawns fry

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