《Her Heart Keeper ✔》~ 7 ~


The sun is seeping into the room, disturbing the sleep of the three girls, who are sleeping forgetting the whole world. Anju, who entered Maya's room, chuckled, looking at their sleeping position. Siri is sleeping in the middle and cuddling Maya like a koala, hiding her face in Maya's hair. Besides her, Sravya is sleeping on her stomach with a pillow on her face, protecting herself from the naughty sun who is disturbing her beauty sleep.

Shaking her head in dismay, she moved towards them to wake them up. She moved towards Maya and sat beside her. She looked at her face. She was sleeping peacefully, but there were some frowns on her face. She started caressing her silky hair. As if sensing her touch, she moved close to Anju and placed her head in her lap, making her chuckle. No matter how grown up she is, for her, she is always her little princess. She couldn't believe she was going to get married in a few days.

She kissed her forehead lovingly and said, "Good morning, Ammu. Come on, get up quickly."

Maya just snuggled up to her more and mumbled, "5 min Anju maa", making her sigh.

"Come on, lazy head, get up. And no 5 min, it's already 8 o'clock and everyone is waiting for you guys for breakfast", said Anju.

"Maa, let me sleep, please", said Maya.

"Okay, I'm going now. If you don't want to get scoldings, then get up fast and also wake up these two lazy heads and Arjun and come down quickly", saying that, she moved from there.

Soon, Maya woke up, with lots of difficulty. She woke up the rest of them. Soon all of them got ready and moved downstairs.


After breakfast, everyone sat in the living room, as they had a lot of things to discuss regarding the wedding. The wedding is going to happen in their ancestral home, where everyone spent their childhood. So they will be moving in a week, after shopping. Everyone went to their respective jobs after discussing the wedding details. Sakshi's parents were resting in their room. Anjali, Jhansi, and Sravya are in the kitchen. Siri, Vicky, Nandan, and Arjun are playing carroms in the living room, and Raghav is watching TV. Maya went to her parent's room as they had called her.

(Raghav - Sravya's father

Jhansi - Sravya's mother and Rishi's younger sister)

All the youngsters are excited as they are going to spend their time after a long time, as after Arpita's wedding they didn't get a chance to spend time together. The place where they have lots of memories, be they happy or sad.


I knocked my parents room door as they have told me that they have to talk something with me.

RCome in.

I went in and saw amma arranging their wardrobe, dad is checking something in his mobile.

MAmma, you called me. Anything urgent.

akshi : Yeah! I called you as I want to give you this.

Saying that, she gave me a jewel box, I opened it there is a beautiful neck piece paired with ear rings. I am confused looking it, why is she giving me now? I looked at her for answers.

That's from your grand mother. I know she is not there with us now. She told me to give you this at your wedding. So, keep that safe.

I caressed it lovingly. Maybe she knew that day only, she won't be there on the important day of my life.

Rishi : She bought bangles for Arpita and for you this. We gave Arpita hers at her wedding. This one is for you. And, ha, after marriage you will be moving directly to your in-laws' house. So start packing your things from now on only as you have only 1 week and don't postpone it, we don't have much time.


I just nodded my head.

And, don't drag things till the last minute as you do every time. Check everything before only.

Start learning to wake up early in the morning. If you sleep in-laws house like this only they will point out at us not you. I don't want my sister to raise a finger on our upbringing.

I woke up late just today, and now he was taking class. Argh, these stupid tears always betray me.

SSee, she again started her water works. Why do you have to cry for everything? I told you many times don't cry unnecessarily, it's not a good sign.

MAmma, please.

Why can't they love me with all my flaws? It's not only about me they behave same with Nandan too.

Rishi : And follow some diet from today at least till your wedding. Your weight is increasing. So, have control over food. See how thin Sravya and Siri look.

I looked at him in shock, though this is not new for me but I didn't expect him to say it harshly on my face.

Now go and help Anju in the kitchen. I've some other works to do.

I just moved out from there taking the jewel box with me.


I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't know how many times I've looked at myself in the mirror for an hour. I've lost count. I really didn't expect them to say that to my face. Of course, I'm dusky and don't have a proper figure. I've got my own insecurities, but I've never felt insecure about my skin complexity and my figure.

I was in my own world when I heard Anna asking me, "How many times will you look at yourself in the mirror? I'm observing you from the time we have lunch until we come to your room. You are just looking in the mirror. You didn't even have lunch properly."

I sighed. He would now burst out like a volcano if I told him what happened.

"Nothing Anna, don't you think I'm putting on weight these days?" Maya said, looking at herself in the mirror.

"And, who is that dumb head who told you that?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

I have to be careful, otherwise he will definitely make me spill the beans in one way or the other.

"No-one, but I myself, noticed the changes. And, some of my old clothes are also not fitting", I said, pouting.

"Is that so? But when we went for your check-up last time, you had reduced weight by 5kg", he said.

Why does he have to remember everything? Why?

"Hello, madam! I'm talking to you only. You are a bit chubby. That's it. So what if you are fat? My bava is not going to leave you for that", he said nicely occupying my bed.

I went near him and threw a pillow on his face, which he dodged very well.

"Hey! This is so pretty and beautiful", he said, looking at the neck piece.

Oh shit! I forgot to place it in the locker. If by chance my mother had seen it here, then she would have started scolding me by now saying how careless I was.

"By the way, who gave it you?" He asked.

"Amma, that's nanamma's gift for me", I said, looking at it lovingly.

A lone tear escaped from my eyes thinking about her. Everything was perfect in my life until her death.

"Oh! I remember peddamma giving bangles to Akka at her wedding. I miss four of them", he said.


He was implying his and my paternal grandparents. Our grand fathers were brothers. They had two sisters one was my mother's mother and other one was Raghu uncle's and Janaki aunt's mother who died when they were kids. After some years they lost their father too. So, we don't know them. They grew up with our parents. My grandmother and his grandmother died with in a gap of one week. It's really shock for us. After 6 years we lost my grandpa. After a few months of Arpita akka's wedding we lost his grandpa. They four pampered us to no extent. We used to do all naughty things. Me and Arjun Anna are the most naughty ones. Akka, Avi and Sravya are the silent ones. Nandan, Siri and Vicky were born late so they were out of the box. Sometimes Yash Bava used to join us in holidays as we were family friends. My dad got a job so we moved from the village. But we used to go there in holidays and celebrate festivals together. Those days were the most beautiful days of our life.

"Did you talk to him?" I asked him, diverting the topic.

"Yeah! We have to meet him in the evening", he said, checking his mobile.

"Okay", I mumbled.


Author's POV:

Maya and Sravya are waiting for Arjun. It's getting dark as they got busy in packing Maya's things. Damn, they have to cook up a story now before going out.

"Girls are you ready?" He asked, coming down from the stairs.

"Where are you guys going?" Sakshi asked them.

"Atta, we are going to the temple. Actually, I want to go to the temple, so I have asked Maya to accompany me and Arjun bava is coming to drop us", said Sravya.

"Ok then, but come fast", Sakshi said .

Three of them nodded their heads and moved from there.


Arjun was driving the car, Sravya

was sitting beside him in the passenger seat, and Maya was sitting in the back seat. The journey was so silent, and none of them wanted to break it.

Soon, they had reached the temple nearby. After praying to the god and completing the puja, they moved towards the small garden of the temple, waiting for the person to come.

Maya was sitting on a bench a little distance from them, immersed in her own thoughts looking at nothing.

"I hope everything goes well", Sravya said, looking at Maya.

"I hope so" said Arjun.

He knew his sister really needed this closure. She had hiden many things within her. He shouldn't have taken things lightly when she told him about Rajesh. But he was fighting with his own demons then.

"Bava, are you listening to what am I saying?" Sravya asked him.

"Yeah! Sorry I was lost somewhere. What are you saying?" Arjun asked, coming out of his thoughts.

"Rajesh is coming, look there." She said pointing towards the man who just entered the temple.

"Go and call Maya. I'll be with him till then", said Arjun.

"Okay." Saying that, she moved towards Maya.

"Maya! Maya?" Seeing her not responding Sravya shook her a bit.

"What?" Maya asked, coming out her thoughts.

"He is coming, Arjun bava, told me to call you", said Sravya.

"Okay!" Saying that, she took long breaths to calm herself.

After composing herself, she moved from there to meet the person whom she never wanted to meet in her life.


"Hey bro! How are you?" Rajesh greeted Arjun.

"I'm good", Arjun said, with no interest.

"You told me to meet urgently, is everything okay?" Rajesh asked him.

"Of course everything would have been perfect until you and your sister poked your nose", Sravya said, twisting her mouth in annoyance.

"Sorry, I didn't understand what you were saying", Rajesh asked, confused.

"Of course, when did you understand anything properly", Maya said, sarcastically.

"Hey! Maya, You came to meet me, wow, you know what, I will definitely celebrate this day", Rajesh exclaimed, happily.

"Why wouldn't she come, after all, you have planned everything so perfectly right?" Sravya said, rolling her eyes.

"What are you speaking Sravya? I'm really not understanding", said Rajesh.

Arjun is trying hard to control his anger, he so wants to beat the man in front of him blue and black, but it won't be good as they are in the temple.

"Come on, man. You don't need to act all innocent", said Arjun.

"Guys whatever you want to say, speak clearly", said Rajesh.

"Did I use you and leave you?" Asked Maya.

"What are you speaking Maya?" Rajesh asked her.

"" Maya asked him, sternly.

"No", said Rajesh.

"No, right? Then why the hell is your so-called sister blaming me for trapping you, for using your money and leaving you?" Maya asked, glaring him.

"Don't talk rubbish, Maya. Why would my sister blame you? Are you in your senses?" Rajesh said, furiously.

"Of course, I always talk rubbish. Why not, after all, I'm a characterless girl who traps boys for money and leaves them after bankrupting them. I'm a selfish girl who only loves boys who are handsome and good-looking", Maya said, sarcastically.

"What the hell, are you talking?" Rajesh asked her.

"I'm speaking about the same accusations which you both brother-sister duos have thrown at me. Did you by any chance have forgotten all those words?" Maya asked, rolling her eyes at his drama.

"Maya, I'm really sorry for what I said back then. I know I can't take back my words, but I'm really changed now, I've realised my mistake", Rajesh apologised to her.

"Changed, and you, tell me anything I'll believe but not this ever in my life", said Maya.

"Believe me, Maya I've really changed", said Rajesh.

"If you have really changed, you wouldn't have messaged my father that your daughter was in love with someone, get her married before she eloped with him and tarnish your reputation", Maya yelled at him.

Arjun and Sravya looked at her dumbfounded while Rajesh looked at her in shock.

"What are you saying, pumpkin?" Arjun asked, coming out of the shock.

"I'm telling the truth Anna, you yourself see this", Maya said, showing the message in her mobile.

"Is this the reason, they are trying to fix your marriage?" Sravya asked her.

"No, because the alliance was fixed before he had sent this message. This was Dad's old number which I'm using now. So, he didn't know anything about the message.

He planned everything nicely, guys, after seeing that message, dad would start to search a groom for me. But, who would marry a girl who was ready to elope with her boy friend? So, he would come with his parents and ask my hand. As we are a family Dad would have instantly agreed to the marriage and then he would have married me happily.

But what he forgot was my parents wouldn't have fallen for those cheap tricks. They trust me. Yes, I agree that, my parents kept pressure on me for the marriage, but they gave me the liberty to choose the person I like.

I must say, nice planning, ha. By the way, whose plan was it, yours or your little sister's? And now you're saying you've realised your mistakes?

(Well the boy has nothing to say now)

You know, it was never your mistake, it's been my mistake all this time. Giving my number to your elder sister was the first mistake I made. Responding to your message was my second mistake. My third mistake was not telling my family when you proposed to me, and then mentally harassed me day and night, pointing at my character, just because what, for rejecting you. You know, why didn't I tell my family about you? Because I know, how close our families are, I know how badly it affects them. You know, at a point of time I felt to give up and say everything at home, but they were facing their own problems. If I didn't commit all these mistakes then today I wouldn't have stood here fighting with you. If you don't stop all these nasty games, it won't take me a minute to prove you guilty. I've all those screenshots of the messages you have sent to me till date. This time, I will not sit silently and bear everything. Inform your sister of this. And one more thing you have two sisters, still you don't know how to respect a girl. If you still want to pry into my life, keep in mind that what goes around comes around. You never loved me truely, if you did then you wouldn't have forced me to love you instead, you would have made me realize what I was losing.

And, ha, tell your little sister to stop poking her nose into my brother's life. She has already done enough damage in his life. It would be better if both of you concentrated on your lives. It's in your hands now, if you really want your parents to bow their heads down once again, I can't do anything."

Saying that, she walked out from there with the other two following her.

Stay safe and be happy.

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