《The Late Night Walks By The Lake (Jason Voorhees X Reader) Short Story》chapter two


You were grateful when Chad pulled up to the gravel driveway to Chad’s summer house.

You climbed out of the truck not waiting for it to fully stop. You almost lost your balance and face planted. Suddenly you heard a weird rustling sound. You looked around and saw that the rest of the group were by the truck not paying attention.

Once again you heard the sound. It sounded closer to you now. You swirled around and took notice of the bush. You froze and watched it intentionally at it. Not moving.

“Y/n Get your tiny skinny butt over here!” Chad called from the front of the house you ran to catch up with him. You stared at the house in awe when you got closer.

The house is one of those ones rich people buy when they get paranoid about having too much money. It's like a fortress, tall gates with more security gadgets than a military compound. Perhaps behind those yellow bricks they feel safe from harm, but I can't help thinking they've only built themselves a beautiful prison.

You walked into the house in a curious way waiting for the inside to be as nice as the out. Dust lay over every surface like dirty snow, pristine dust layer, not a foot print anywhere, papers and letters addressed to no one were piled up to the letter box and cascaded all the way to the foot of the rough wooden stairs, old tea cups lay on a coffee table thickly encrusted with dried up mould, dust covered mirrors, smell of mildew, stale air, air thick with dust, shafts of light bursting through gaps in the boarded up window, light streaming through the gaps in the heavy velvet curtains, absolute silence, the houses only occupants weave their webs between the spindles of the stair banisters and from the ceiling to the wall, old cobwebs billowed in the draft. It really needed a good cleaning.


Chad was just staring into the house with a hyped up look on his face.

“Perfect” he said. you looked at him disgusted in him. (You hate to admit that you were a total clean freak.) Someone sneezed behind you making you jump ten feet high.

You whirled around to say bless you but you saw you ex Evan. You frowned when he flashed you a smile you turned around and ran a finger on a thicc layer of dust.

"I'm cleaning this. Get the fuck out." You said sharply and pouted towards the door.

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