《Something About Alice Murphy: BOOK 2》P A R T - F O U R
Alice stood in front of her mirror in her en suite bathroom, applying mascara carefully to her bottom lashes to make her eyes look slightly bigger... nervous butterflies swarmed her stomach as she inhaled deeply, finishing her make up a few moments later, then examining her face carefully for any flaws. Finally, she set her face with her usual setting spray before checking the time again, seeing that she had a little time to kill before Magnus arrived to pick her up.
The day before they had agreed to go to the midnight showing of the bird box thriller film in town, they were showing it on a large screen outside, and everyone who could would collect in the park on bean bags with blankets and food to watch together. Alice knew of a lot of people going who shouldn't be, since the 9pm curfew was still intact, although a few weeks into it; more than a few were already starting to ignore it.
Alice was dressed in short, white knitted dress with long sleeves and a low cut V at the front so it showed off her cleavage a little. It tied around her waist then fell softly around her hips and upper thighs... She felt comfortable and somewhat confident in her outfit choice since it had taken a while to choose, and wandered out the bathroom, hearing her music playing softly from her speakers. She pulled on clear tights, since it was still early March and the temperature still nipped at the skin when the sun went down, and to combat that she'd chosen a large, long beige coat to take with her and threw it on the bed next to her bag before she finished up getting ready.
Alice sprayed perfume on her neck as she watched herself in the mirror, combing her fingers through her hair moments later so that it kept its neat, big, flirty waves that she'd spent almost an hour doing before her make up.
At almost half ten Alice heard her phone vibrate and felt her heart jump, she stopped herself from jumping over to where her phone was charging and inhaled deeply... holding it for a few seconds before exhaling. "Don't be nervous." She whispered to herself before she picked up her phone and read a text from Magnus that he was outside waiting for her... "Don't be nervous." She whispered to herself again, inhaling and exhaling again as the anticipation of the evening to come peered at her over her shoulder expectantly.
Grabbing her coat, bag and a couple of sticks of gum Alice left her room and made her way downstairs quietly, her bright white sneakers making no noise on the stairs since they didn't creak under her weight like her old house. She hadn't told her parents that she was going out for her first date yet, since she was aware that neither of them were very fond of Magnus... and she hoped, as she walked towards the front door, that they wouldn't notice her slip out the front door like a breeze wafting in and out through an open window.
"Alice, where on earth are you going at this time of night?" Richard asked as he noticed Alice creeping towards the door, nicely dressed with make up and her shoes on. She stopped and turned towards her father who was walking into the kitchen area to place a glass of wine in the sink to be washed later.
"Um... out?" She replied, fiddling with her nails as she smiled sweetly.
"Out?" Richard chuckled although he didn't find it amusing. "I don't think so young lady."
"But I told you guys a couple of days ago I was going to watch the midnight showing of the bird box in the park with a friend..." Alice lied, doing it so smoothly that she even believed herself. Sophie looked up from where she was reading on the couch, hearing Alice's voice and wondered what was going on.
"No, you didn't," Richard said sternly. "It's too late to go out now, anyway. Especially with everything going on in this town... I think it's best if you stay home. I know your mother would agree." He continued as he turned his back on her and walked back towards the living room area to join Sophie on the couch.
Alice felt her temper flare and bit the inside of her lip briefly to stop herself from snapping at her father. "You said it was fine two days ago." She lied calmly but angrily again, pushing down the sudden spark of fustration. Her parents were ruining her plans with Magnus... and she wasn't going to reorganise her first date with him since it would ruin the magic of it.
"Well then I change my mind. You're staying home, Alice." Richard said in a tense, low voice as he stared at his daughter over his reading glasses from where he was now sitting. She clenched her jaw, feeling the anger begin to sting her veins, but as if to interrupt the build up of it, there was a quick knock at the door. "Tell your friend you can't come out. I'm sure they'll understand." Richard said as he flicked his newspaper, the quick crackling sound of the sheets infuriated Alice as she glared at him for a moment as he read.
She sighed sharply and angrily and walked over to the door, "No, he won't," she mumbled to herself, knowing Magnus wouldn't understand as she pulled it open, revealing her date to her eager eyes. Her expression lit up, seeing him dressed in a black t-shirt, a black bomber jacket, with the sleeves pushed up, and her favourite olive green jeans. His hair was neat, pushed back with a few strands hanging in his face by accident, which he moved as he looked over her... he'd shaved and really looked as if he'd made an effort, maybe even more so than usual.
"Alice, i've been sat in the car for ten minutes..." Magnus murmured carefully, his voice quiet but Alice could tell he'd gotten annoyed waiting for her. She smiled anyway, feeling herself swooning quietly over his handsomeness within seconds, distracting her from her anger. Richard looked up, hearing the sound of a familiar male voice and feeling his own temper flare suddenly. He got up, ready to tick Magnus off for showing up at the house so late, and for ignoring his demands to leave his daughter alone.
"My dad said I can't come out." Alice said in a tense voice, her now sarcastic smile showing Magnus how annoyed she was even though the twinkle in her eye said something different.
Subtly she liked informing him when her parents behaved badly towards her, she wasn't exactly sure why, but she saw the flicker of protectiveness flash across his eyes and felt her heart glow in reaction to it...
"Fuck your dad, let's go." He snapped, turning away to walk back down the steps to his car that was still running. His impatience made her smile happily and she moved to follow him.
"Excuse me," Richard said loudly, pulling Alice back by her shoulder a little too hard as she was about to leave the house. "I thought I told you to stay away from this house and my daughter, I made myself very clear, Magnus." He snapped, stepping outside as Magnus stopped walking back to his car and turned back to look at Richard in the eye. Sophie got up from the couch to see what was happening, since she heard her husband raise his voice and could just imagine who he was talking too...
"Apparently you didn't make yourself clear enough...sir." Magnus said calmly as he stared blankly into Richard's eyes in front of Alice, who was watching with excitement and worry from where she was stood a few steps behind her father... she had known about what her father had said to Magnus, since he had told her, she just never expected there to be a confrontation in front of her like this... she was intrigued to see how it ended.
"Listen to me, boy-"
"Richard?" Sophie asked, catching the end of her husband's statement as she noticed Magnus stood by the bottom of the porch steps. They made eye contact as she walked up to her husband, and he smiled at her, but the facial gesture didn't reach his eyes and it was used as more of a reminder of what had happened earlier that week. Sophie felt her stomach flip sharply with nerves and her palms start to sweat slightly. "Let them go, sweetheart, it's Saturday night. And we'll know where they'll be. Alice has her phone."
"What?" Richard asked, turning to his wife to stare at her in momentary disbelief as she smiled at him and nodded encouragingly. Magnus smirked, unable to fight the quiet, dark chuckle that Alice noticed. "Really?"
"Richard... do you remember what you said...?" Sophie said quietly, as she moved towards him and leant in to whisper into his ear, "If we try to push them apart Alice won't bring him around us anymore. And they'll be off doing god knows what... god knows where." She warmed and leant back to look at him in the eye as Alice sighed in frustration loudly to remind her parents that they were using up her time with Magnus.
Richard could see her point, and reluctantly looked back towards Magnus who was watching Alice now... examining her dress carefully as it fluttered in the wind since the movement had caught his eye. Richard's gaze moved to Alice too, who was watching Magnus with a subtle amused and yet affectionate look just as she caught him watching her legs. "Fine." Richard muttered, looking back towards Magnus who was looking back at him with a subtle smug expression. "Be back as soon as the film finishes." He continued, pointing towards Alice, who nodded and turned away from her parents instantly and hurrying down the steps to her date excitedly.
Magnus watched her intently, silently glad he wouldn't need to waste more time confronting Alice's parents into submission since Sophie Murphy evidently remembered what he'd said. He slung his arm around Alice's shoulder purposefully as they walked back to his large car, and he looked back towards her parents with a dark smirk.
Richard and Sophie Murphy watched in silence, feeling a strange sense of eeriness wash over them as Magnus looked them over then turned away, now morning into Alice's ear... "There's something wrong with that boy." Richard murmured, "Deeply wrong." He sighed before turning to walk back into his house.
Sophie folded her arms and watched them still, inhaling deeply and heavily... for she knew it was partially her fault. It scared her how Magnus had known so much, but he wasn't to blame, she was... it was her behaviour that led him to behaving like he did, she knew that much. She placed her hand over her baby bump and turned to also walk back into the house, unable to watch her daughter interact with such a dangerous person...
"I like your dress." Magnus murmured close to her ear moments before, glancing down and towards her cleavage and licking his lips as the flesh bounced softly as she walked. "It's pretty," he added, "... and you're aware we'll be outside tonight, right?" He continued, referring to the fact he could already see the goosebumps tingle across her exposed skin.
"Thank you, and I have a coat," Alice replied, showing it to him in her arms by just lifting it as she felt her neck and cheeks growing warm... she had grown so nervous about what to wear earlier that she'd settled on a way-too-pretty dress for the occasion. But she was pleased that he liked it. "and you know those are my favourite jeans on you," she smiled, looking up at him as they approached his car.
"Really," He murmured with a subtle smirk. He'd known, since she always made an approving smile when she'd seen them.
"Yeah," Alice smiled more, as Magnus smiled too whilst he opened her door for her and waited for her to climb in before closing it. She beamed from the inside at his gentlemanly behaviour but still felt a little anxious about how the date was going to go... expectations began to cling to her chest and she hoped hard that it would go well.
"I was thinking we could pick up something up to eat to take with us before the movie," Magnus said after he got in on the driver's side and shut the door.
"Sure, where?" Alice asked, suddenly feeling her stomach rumble as she turned to place her petite bag in the back seat, and noticed a couple fur blankets. "Oh, you brought the stuff," she cooed happily, looking over at him.
"You asked me to," Magnus replied as he drove down her drive way and signalled right.
"I did," she smiled, even though she expected him to forget... for when she'd suggested it, she assumed he hadn't picked up on it. As soon as they were on the main road he sped up, letting the engine roar to life even more as they gained speed, and Alice leant forward to turn the radio on quietly.
"Maybe some pizza. Or... something else." Magnus's suggested, glancing over at her and seeing her playing with the ends of her dress over her thighs. He gazed her thighs again for a few seconds before looking back at the road.
"Pizza is fine," Alice replied, glancing out the window and watching the darkness and scenery blur around her. She fiddled with her rings now, the movement catching Magnus's eye again.
"Nervous?" He asked, glancing at her fingers again. And Alice stopped fiddling.
"Honestly, yeah." She laughed softly, glancing over at the profile of Magnus's face and sighed quietly. She wanted to touch his face, caress his cheeks, kiss him... his level of attractiveness used to intimidate her, but now it just fuelled the feelings that were multiplying inside her like rabbits.
"Don't be," Magnus replied, "It's just me." He added, the gentleness of his voice and the calm tones relaxed Alice quickly, since he brushed off her anxiousness just well enough to remind her that it was just him... just him and her, spending time together, going on their first date. The him that she had been infatuated with for so long that she had begun to accept she'd forever be admiring and yearning from a far. It was just him and her taking their first step towards engaging in something more romantic than just sleeping together. What was there to be nervous about?
Alice exhaled, silencing her thoughts and smiled a little as Magnus glanced over at her and they made eye contact. She'd never think his eyes would grow familiar, or she'd grow used to the smell of his car so it wouldn't smell different anymore. Her chest felt strange, tense, relaxed, heavy and light all at the same time... she liked the feeling although it was almost painful. "Okay?" Magnus asked, his tone still calm.
"Okay," Alice smiled, reaching over to move a stray hair from his eyes and push it back over his head carefully. He watched her face, seeing the affection in her eyes as her own gaze watched her hand... the edge of his lips tilted upwards in a subtle smile, and Alice noticed, letting out a small hum of happiness before they looked away from each other and out the windscreen...
Once in town, the pair made their way to the local pizza parlour, that was filled and bustling with chatter and people eating and waiting for the movie to start across the road.... Alice could see the big projector screen being set up still, with chairs and bean bags being put out so people could sit down. Excitement coursed through Alice's veins as she turned back towards Magnus, seeing him looking over at the screen too as he held the door open for her.
"Thanks," she murmured, walking forwards and walking in first... Magnus followed close behind, and slowly people began to notice him... the loud talk of the crowd in the parlour began to die down as Alice and Magnus walked towards the counter to order...
At first, Alice thought she imagined it... but as she glanced back towards the rest of the room, she saw more than a few pairs of eyes watching them. "Um.." she hummed quietly, suddenly seeing the big missing poster for Jasper on the window of the restaurant. "Everyone's staring." Alice whispered, turning back to Magnus who didn't seem to notice the silence.
"And?" He asked, "What do you want?" He asked her, referring to what pizza as the people in front of them in the queue placed their order and stepped to one side, glancing back at Magnus and Alice with subtle looks of anger and... fear.
"Just a margarita, please. With extra black olives." She murmured, glancing from Magnus to the girl behind the counter.
"The same." Magnus's murmured, reaching into his jeans pocket for his wallet as Alice tried to ignore the stares that were burning holes in her back. It was obvious what they all thought, and Alice fought the urge to defend Magnus publicly since this time, it actually wasn't his fault. It was all too stereotypical, wasn't it obvious? It was for Alice, but then again, her mind worked slightly differently to everyone else in that room.
The girl behind the counter snatched the cash from Magnus's hands, not looking him in the eye as she put the money in the till and glared at him, although even Alice could see the shakiness of the anger, as if it was being forced to the surface like a reluctant child made to speak to strangers.
Magnus stared back calmly, his hand still extended as he wondered silently if he should react to the attitude... but he felt Alice's hand curve round the underside of his bicep, as if silently asking him not to. Slowly, he lowered his hand and exhaled, hearing the door behind them opening and closing as some new customers walked in, female voices laughing and joking until they heard the silence.
Both Alice and Magnus recognised the voices instantly, and glanced over their shoulders as Candice, Georgia and Olive stopping by the entrance... "Oh, for god's sake," Candice muttered, seeing Magnus and Alice watching her. "I'm leaving." She then said, turning and walking out of the parlour without a second glance.
Georgia left too, looking slightly unsure as she followed Candice out... but Olive stayed for a moment, staring at Alice with a subtle but smug look on her face for a few seconds as if to say... now you know how it feels... before she left too.
Alice turned away and pursed her lips a little and adjusting the way she stood... clearing her throat quietly after as her heart sink a little. She held onto Magnus's arm a little tighter, feeling her breaths beginning to get short, quick and shallow as she replayed what just happened. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Alice hissed, feeling her muscles tensing as she glanced from object to object in front of her to try and distract herself.
"Alice..." Magnus murmured, reading her body language like a book but it was too late. Alice let go of his arm and walked off, her footsteps quick and faster than Magnus expected. She was out of the parlour in a few seconds, her eyes scanning the scene for Candice and Olive. She was furious, with steam screaming from her ears as she remembered Candice and been secretly talking to Charlie, and had now rekindled the friendship between herself and Olive just to spite her.
She saw them crossing the road up ahead, and was about to storm over, when she felt a hand grasp her arm to stop her. "Let me go," Alice hissed, trying to push Magnus's hand off her bicep.
"No, because if I do, you'll storm over there and say some shit you'll regret." Magnus said calmly, which only annoyed Alice more since she couldn't do the same. "Do you really want to look like the jealous ex best friend? Right now?"
"No!" Alice snapped, "but she-"
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