《Love Bands?》Epilogue.


"Mrs. Rishita Arora, how does it feel after winning such a big case? This is your first case in the Supreme Court, right? How do you feel?" one of the reporter asked.

"Mr. Makhija, you are finally free. The court is in your favour. How do you feel?" another reporter questioned my client, Mr. Makhija.

I was standing outside the Supreme Court in front of a crowd of reporters. This was one of the biggest case I had won. My first win in the Supreme Court.

My client, Mr. Makhija was one of the famous businessman. He was dragged to the court for doing drugs and driving. The prosecution lawyer said Mr. Makhija had drugs on him and he was high as well when he was driving his car in full speed and nearly bumped into a divider in the middle of the night. The footage from one of the CCTV camera and the packet of drugs found in his car were the proof of Mr. Makhija being guilty. He had come to me saying that he was being framed.

The case was a very crucial one as it was dragged into the Supreme Court. After a lot of investigation it was proven that Mr. Makhija was innocent. The packet found in his car was indeed drugs but he did not own them. His rival had framed him. He had gone to a party hosted by his rival that's when his drink was spiked and drugs were slipped inside his car.

When the drugs started to kick in Mr. Makhija tried to pull over but he could not control his car that's why he nearly bumped into the divider. His rival Mr. Reddy was found guilty. He explained the reason behind the framing and was put behind the bars after his confessing.


"Ma'am, please say something. Tell us about your win. How did you get all those clues that the packet was filled with sugar and not drugs."

"Did you swap the lab reports to prove that Mr. Makhija was innocent?"

"How much money did Mr. Makhija give you to free him from something he has done?"

"Miss. Arora, this is your biggest win. Are you happy?"

The reporters bombarded me with their questions. It's better to not answer all the questions because reporters are the smartest creatures who can turn an innocent statement to a master-plan and get you behind the bars.

I answered a few questions and excused myself. I congratulated my client and made my way to my car.

"Mummaaaaaaaaa," my four year old daughter, Jia came running towards me.

She is my ball of happiness, my life actually second life. My first life is the father of this little naughty weirdo.

"Congratulations baby," Vihaan placed a kiss on the top of my head while I grinned like a lunatic.

Even after all these years Vihaan has this effect on me. He makes me feel special, feel like home.

"Well, well, well, Mrs. Malhotra, congratulations. This was your biggest win and many more to come," I saw Mr. and Mrs. Khurana aka Neel and Riya walk towards me.

"Thank you so much jerk face," I hugged Neel.

"Congratulations Rishi," Riya hugged me.

"Thank you so much babe. How is my favorite nephew in there," I said touching her baby bump.

"All good, wants to come out as soon as possible and pee on daddy," Riya said with a chuckle.

Neel had placed Jia on his shoulders and was walking around. Jia was giggling all this time.


"They love each other," both Vihaan and Riya said at the same time.

"Indeed," I replied giggling.

"Let's go home, you need rest Riya," I said.

"No, it's alright. We will just go home and meet you directly at the party."


Neel and Riya went their way and we went ours. Today was a proud day for me. I wanted my parents to praise me but bleh! They don't even care. Ayush had sent a quick message congratulating me. I missed him so much. I meet him often but still. I can't get enough of him, he is my baby brother.

"Mom, Riya aunty is so fat," Jia said earning a chuckle from us.

"She is not fat she is going to bring a baby brother for you."

"Can I take him home? Can I play with him all the time?"

"You can play with him all the time but you cannot take him home, he belong to Neel uncle and Riya aunty," I answered.

"Why mom," Jia whined. "I want a baby brother too."

"Hey, princess. Don't cry. Daddy will bring a baby brother for you."


"Promise, my little sunshine," Vihaan said looking at her then at me with a smirk.

"Our little daughter needs a baby brother, Mrs. Malhotra."

"Yes, I can see that. I am ready by the way," I said with a wink earning a hearty laugh from Vihaan.


The party was amazing. Everyone was there - Neel, Riya, Akash, Rajiv and Ayush. Yes, Ayush was there too all thanks to Neel and Vihaan. Vihaan's parents were very happy by my win. My parents hadn't yet fully forgiven me. They spent time with Jia but didn't talk to me properly.

"Rishi, I will put Jia to bed. You seem very tired, go get some rest," Vihaan's mom said taking Jia from my embrace.

She had dozed off when we were in the car.

"Thanks, maa."

I walked into my room followed by Vihaan. Today was a very hectic day but the day did not seem to end just yet. As I entered my room Vihaan shut the door and latched it so that no one would enter.

"Vihaan, what are you up to?"

"Our sunshine wants a baby brother. Just fulfilling her wish," he said inching closer.

"Oh, I see," I said biting my lower lip.

"You are such a tease."

"I am pure evil."

"Oh, I know that. Show you stunts in bed," with that he crashed his lips onto mine.

I opened my mouth giving him full access of my territory. I smiled a little making Vihaan let loose and deepen the kiss. The kiss was one of the longest we have had in a while.

"I'm soo proud of you baby. Congratulations for the big win" he said breaking the kiss and nuzzling his head in my neck.

Getting married to Vihaan wasn't bad as I had thought initially. Though we had our ups and downs, he stood by me through thick and thin, encouraged me, supported me.

Now, I realize, getting married to him was my first step towards freedom.

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