《Love Bands?》Graduation.


Nervousness has became my bestfriend today. It just wasn't leaving me. My throat was clogged and goosebumps erupted on my body as I entered the graduation hall with Riya. The entire hall was formally decorated and chairs were lined up everywhere. The stage lit up with various lights and tables and chairs were arranged for the guests and chief guests.

"Oh my god! We're going to graduate. We are going to be lawyers in the next thirty minutes" Riya said excitedly. She was literally jumping on her feet.

I laughed at her antics and said,

"I can't believe, I did it"

"You freaking topped in the district, Rishita! I'm sooooooo proud of you " Riya hugged me.

"Why do you get to hug Riri all the time?" Neel's voice boomed.

"Because she is my best friend? " Riya said raising her eyebrow.

"Well she is my best friend first! I am supposed to hug her first. So please excuse me" He pushed Riya away and hugged me like a bear.

"I'm soo proud of you Riri" Neel whispered in my ear.

"Thankyou Neel" I smiled. "Thankyou for everything "

"I'm sorry but I couldn't get Ayush. We both tried our best, but your parents are freaking asshole" He said looking disappointed.

"It's fine. I'm glad you came"

"Guys, My parents are here, you'll have a seat, I'll just meet them and come. I'll introduce you'll to them after the ceremony " She exclaimed and ran towards the her parents direction.

"You know, just tell her that you like her. You both are like soo freaking cute" I said giving a slight punch to Neel.

"shutup. Anyways, have you prepared your speech? " He asked as we took our seats.

"Yeah I guess. I'm soo nervous Neel. I mean what if I stutter or stumble with words. Why did the H.O.D asked me to give a speech? " I was frustrated now.

"Hey, Hey, you'll be fine okay. Just be confident "

I nodded and looked around. Everyone were talking to their family. All the students had a smile on their face and I could see a glint of proud in every parent's eyes.

This broke my confidence even more. Only Neel came from my side. My parents haven't even called me in four months to know how am I? Or if I am alive? A pang hurt shot through my chest as I absorbed the happiness in the surrounding. Neel was about to ask me what happened but then the graduation ceremony started.

After all the long speeches by the guest of honor and principal, The degrees were given to the students.

"I am really proud to give this degree and the coat to the most amazing student and the topper of this year, please put your hands together for Advocate Rishita Arora"


As soon as my name was announced, I shot up from my seat and started walking towards the stage. Everyone in the hall was clapping and cheering for me. I was nervous yes! But I was excited as hell. I have been waiting to take that black coat since I don't know how long.

I took the degree and the black coat. My heart swelled up in happiness as I looked at the coat that was in my hand. I looked at Neel and he was clapping for me with a huge grin on his face.

"I would now like ask Rishita to give her valedictorian speech"

My heart was hammering in my chest as my smile disappeared from my face. I gulped and slowly walked towards the podium.

"Let's do this" I whispered to myself and took a deep breath.

"Good evening everyone! My name is Rishita Malhotra. Arora was my surname before I got married." I smiled at the audience.

"It is a great honor to be the valedictorian this year. I have always aspired to be a lawyer. I don't know what gave me the inspiration but I always knew I wanted to fight for justice. Fight for those people who were suffering. Fight for those women who have always been the victim of this society. A society where girls are aborted because they think they are nothing but a burden. As soon as a girl is born, parents start planning their wedding! Why don't they plan their bright future. Why don't they make their daughters soo capable that they are able to afford their own wedding? Today, I feel soo proud to get this black coat which I have been aspiring to wear since the day I learnt what lawyer is. This journey has been full of ups and downs. This journey hasn't been simple, I mean how can it be? I am an Indian girl, I'm not allowed have a simple life.

My parents never wanted me to become a lawyer, actually they always wanted me to get married because I was nothing but a burden to them. So, when I was completing my last year, I was forced to get married to a complete stranger. I had to stop my education and my dreams to become a lawyer were shattered. In a few months of my marriage, I was completely devoted to my family. They are very good people unless I had a major fight with my husband. The situations were soo bad that I had to run away from that house. With help of a friend and principal's s support I started living in the hostel to complete my education. "

The next part was heartbreaking for me, but I took a deep breath and said,


"My parents came to the hostel and asked me to go back to my inlaws house. But I said no. From that day, they have abandoned me. They don't know if I am dead or alive" A tear rolled down my eyes but I quickly wiped it away.

"I just want to say that, Girls shouldn't be a burden to their parents. Girls are blessings who lights up two houses. Daughters should be treated with respect and dignity. They are the pride of every home. I hope all the beautiful daughters get their parent's support and love. I hope they inspire you to become a better person.


The entire room was silent. Noone spoke. Hell they were looking at me with wide eyes and open mouths. Some people even had tears in their eyes. Why are people soo shocked? I think my speech was bad!

I gulped down the nervousness and stared at the crowd. Suddenly a figure from the crowd stood up and started clapping his hands. Tears started falling from my eyes as my heart swelled up in joy. It was Vihaan with a huge smile on his face clapping his hands with a proud expression on his face. Everyone in the room, including the chief guest got up and joined him in the clapping. I slightly bowed down and walked down the stage with my head held high.


Everyone congratulated me, every freaking one as I made my way towards Vihaan. They loved my speech and everyone talked to me as I walked towards his direction.

"Ririiii... You were amazing" Neel jumped in front of me out of nowhere and welcomed me with a bear hug. I hugged him back but my eyes were trained on the figure standing at the end of hall looking at me with those beautiful black eyes.

"Thankyou! " I said releasing him.

I wasn't looking at Neel, my eyes were trained on Vihaan. Neel frowned at me and looked behind tracing my gaze.

"Go get him" Neel said suddenly making me shift my gaze towards him.

"What? " I frowned, Riya was also standing beside Neel. When did she come?

"I have been keeping an eye on that asshole for a long time. He has changed Riri! He loves you. Though, I hate him, but he deserves a second chance. He has suffered enough" Neel said surprising the shit out of me.

"Yess, Rishita. He deserves a second a chance" Riya said. And with that I started walking with an increasing pace towards Vihaan.

When I reached near him, he had a huge smile on his face. The kind of smile which makes my insides warm.

"Congratulations Rishi! I'm soo freaking proud of you " He said raising palm for an handshake. I looked at him then I looked at his hand then again at him. He frowned at my actions. I was soo overwhelmed seeing him here that tears started rolling down my cheeks. No family came, but he did. He didn't leave me, he never gave up on me. He tried and most importantly he stayed.

"Rishi, What happened? Why are you crying? You want me to go? I'll leave. But please don't cry"

After he said those words, I just couldn't take it anymore. I hugged him like my life depended on him. He was surprised at first, but he hugged me back with an equal force.

"I missed you. Soo much" I whispered.

"Ohh baby, you have no idea how much I missed you" He said snuggling his nose in my neck.

After I don't know how long, he released me but didn't let me go. His arms were still wrapped around me.

"So am I forgiven?" He asks in a hopeful tone.

"Maybe" I said with a soft smile on my face.

"I'm sorry Rishi. I know what I did was wrong. And I never slept with Kristen the other night. She was all over me but I didn't want to cheat on you. Even though this didn't mean anything at that time still I couldn't. So I pushed her away. I agree that it was for the bet initially but after that I fell for you. I love you baby. The moments we shared, the promises I did, weren't fake. I love you baby, soo fucking much. These past months without you has been horrible."

"Shhh. Let's keep everything in the past and start afresh. No lies, no secrets, no bets" I laughed at the last word.

He smiled at me and said,

" Yess! No lies, no secrets, no bets"

I grinned at him and he pulled my cheeks.

"I got you something "

"How many presents are you going to give me? You're spoiling me you know."

"That's the plan" he laughed and pulled out a small box. I took it from him and opened the box.

Two platinum love bands with our names intricate on it shone from the box. I gasped looking at it and said,

"Love bands? "

"Yess, Love bands! Last time we were forced to wear these. Let's give a meaning to them this time"

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