《Love Bands?》Talks.


I was stunned at the sender's name. This was unbelievable. How did he even come to know that today is my birthday? I don't remember disclosing it to him nor I have it on my Facebook profile.

I was lost in my thoughts when Riya jumped in front of me out of nowhere and my phone started ringing, it was Neel. I answered it.

"HAAAAAPPPPPYYYYY BIIIIIRRTTTHHDDDDAAAAYYYYY," Riya sang so did Neel from the other side of the phone.

They are meant to be, I chuckled.

"Thank you so much guys. This means a lot."

"Guys?" Riya raised her eyebrows and Neel said the same thing again maybe with the same expressions but I really don't know.

"I am talking to Riya and Neel at the same time," I said to no one in particular.

"Talk to him, I will talk to you later," Riya said giving me a hug and placing a small kiss on my head.

She treats me like a kid sometimes, and I actually like it.

"I have got a surprise for you Advocate Rishita Arora. Meet me tomorrow. I am sorry I could not make it today, trust me I wanted to but your hostel rules, trust me they suck to the core."

"Tell me about it," I giggled.

"You know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you the most? Not romantically but I do love you the most, no one is going to replace you ever, not even Ri—my future wife," I bet he was about to say Riya but then he changed it.

"Oh my God! You like Riya, don't you? And please don't even think of lying. I know it's the fucking truth."


"You are speechless Mr. Khurana. That explains everything. You like her and I am sure she likes you too."

"Ugh! Riri. It's not like that," Neel said softly.

"Toby's swear?"

Again silence.

"Fine, I like her but don't you dare try to do anything. I swear to God I will kill you."


"Shut up, you have got Cupid in the name of a best friend and I am going to get you guys together before my graduation and speaking of which my results are next to next week and then the week after, the graduation ceremony will take place so I want you to be there because you are my only family and well, Ayush too. But I don't know if he will be able to make it or not."

"Stop being emotional. I will definitely come and try to get Ayush too. Don't worry. And please be careful with Riya, she should not think that I am a freak who is taking his best friend's help to get her."

"I am not stupid."

"That's why I love you. Happy birthday babe, live long and don't you ever forget that I love you the most."

"Thank you so much jerk face, I love you more."

"Go enjoy with your friends. Bye, goodnight." I didn't tell Neel about Vihaan's surprises. I don't even want to know what his reaction would be.

"Bye, goodnight. See you tomorrow."

I plugged my phone to the charger and went to check on Riya.

"Done?" Riya said munching on her macarons and muffins.


"Happy birthday, best friend," she embraced me in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you so much, best friend," I mocked her.

"Where did you get these muffins and macarons from?"

"I opened one of those and found them, I hope you don't mind," she said pointing to one of the gifts Vihaan had sent me.

"I don't, that's actually for us to share," I chuckled.

"Let's open the remaining boxes," Riya winked.

There were twenty-fucking-five boxes, so I had just opened a few of them. Riya and I opened the remaining boxes to find literally all the things I will need in my entire life. Just kidding! But the gifts were beautiful.

"I don't understand one thing, how was Vihaan able to get inside our room to do all this. Fuck that, how did he even know it's my birthday? That's the biggest question. Someone might have helped."


"Maybe," Riya said sheepishly.

"Youuuu son of a beach," I faked Lily's dialogue from 'How I met your mother.'

"You loved it, didn't you? And I know how much you love that guy. Trust me, he is trying hard to get you back. You should totally give him a chance. I have met him, a lot of times. You very well know, winning my trust is difficult and he has won it."

"I know, Riya but there are things that always haunts me. That recording still plays in my mind. And after hearing those words, I just think that the moments we shared was all because of the stupid bet. I want to hate him, but I just can't " I sighed as tears welled up in my eyes.

"I understand. I know how you feel. But Rishita, he is trying. And trust me, he is trying a lot to win you back. He didn't come to meet you because he wanted to give you space. He doesn't wants to pressurize you. Life is all about moving on and giving second chances. And I think he deserves one" Riya said giving a little squeeze to my hand.

"Yeah I guess. I'll think about it. Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too. I'll just sleep now" she hugged me and plopped on her bed across the room.

I pulled back and went to take my phone. There were zero calls, well I knew that. My parents would never call me and I was not expecting Vihaan's call either. There were texts, a lot of them.

I opened WhatsApp and saw Ayush's name and a smile crept on my lips.

I replied to other texts too. I had exactly twenty-five messages from Vihaan. My eyes widened. I lay down on my bed to check those messages peacefully.

My heart broke at his second text. All the memories came back to me, the good and the bad. Tears welled up in my eyes. I was about to read his third text when my phone rang, again. It was mom, not mine but Vihaan's. I quickly answered it.


"Happy birthday, Rishi beta. May God bless you and you live long."

"Thank you, maa."

"How are you dear? " She asked her voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine, Maa. How are you? "

"This home is incomplete without you, Rishita. Please come back home. We miss you, a lot. Everything has changed since you left. Vihaan is never home. He always works or he is in his bedroom. He has changed. Whatever he did was wrong and I support you. But beta, he is my son. I can't see him this miserable."

My throat was cloaked as tears rolled down my cheeks. I wanted to reply but I just couldn't.

"Are you crying, Rishi?" Mom asked in a worried tone. "Beta, please don't cry. It's your day. I am sorry for bringing this up."

"I-I lo-ove y-ou ma-a," I finally spoke in between my sobs.

Riya was sitting besides me rubbing my back, trying to calm me. When did she come back? I thought she slept?

"I love you too, beta. You are strong aren't you? Don't cry. Everything will be alright. I will make things right. Don't need to say anything. Go to sleep, I will talk to you tomorrow."

With that mom hung up. I was not crying because I missed Vihaan and my in-laws. I was crying because for once I felt loved. Vihaan's mother loved me like her own daughter. In spite of love being in front of me I could not grab it, just because of my self esteem.

"Hey, it's okay. Just go to bed."

"I will be fine. I just need a moment."

Riya understood it and went back to her bed. I read Vihaan's texts and sobbed. I loved him way to much to not forgive him.

I didn't know what to say or reply to his texts. I need time to evaluate stuff, to get over these things. So I replied to him with only one text,

After replying to him, I dozed off to sleep.

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