《Love Bands?》Surprises - Part 2.


I did not have the energy to change or as a matter of fact even wash my face. I just dragged myself to the mess like a goddamned zombie. I am not scared of Riya or her intimidating glares. I just love her way too much to say no to her. She might have planned something that's why she is being so persistent about it.

I checked the time. 9.22pm it read, the mess lady is definitely going to hammer us today. She gets pissed when we go for food after 9pm. Weird but can't help it. After the ' delicious' dinner at the mess (note the sarcasm), we started making our way back to the hostel.

"So, umm, are your parents coming to visit you? " She asked with a stiff voice.

"No idea" I said, my voice suddenly blocking up. I never heard from them after that day. Ayush called me once or twice a week that too secretly, but never came to meet me. I don't blame him, my parents will be the reason why he is not coming to see me. I miss them, I miss Ayush. Whatever happens, but they are my parents but I guess dad meant every word when he said that his daughter is dead. I sighed.

"Hey, Everything will be fine" She gave me a small smile I nodded.

We reached the hostel and all my other friends were standing with a balloons in their hands and a cake was placed on the table in main room of the hostel.

"Suuuurrrprise! " Everyone screamed and my eyes widened at the sight.

This literally touched my heart. All these girls had experienced the scene with my parents but noone had gossiped about it, atleast not in front of me. And after all that they still did this. I was sooo freaking happy.

"You guys do realize my birthday is tomorrow right?" I laughed as Everyone wished me.

"Obviously we know but you'll know we'll celebrate it tomorrow anyway. You wouldn't be surprised as much as you are surprised now! " A girl named Sejal said.


"You talk nonsense Sejal" Riya rolled her eyes. " We planned it today because we love you! No other reason"

I hugged everyone in the room and cut the cake.

Everything was perfect you know. I was studying, achieving my dreams, I had friends. But why did I felt like something was missing. Something really big? I looked around and saw everyone talking and laughing with each other, enjoying themselves. What was missing? Why did I feel a void in my heart?

"Rishi, Are you okay? " A girl asked and I flinched. Not because she surprised me by her presence but the way she said my name. Only he called me that. The way he said my name, made me love my name even more. Pain shot through my chest as the memories of him hit me like a cold water. I had buried him somewhere deep in my unconscious mind not allowing myself to remember those days. But today everything was resurfacing, I don't know why? Maybe because, Noone was there with me on my special day whom I can call mine. No 'My' family. No ' My' Love.

I gave the girl who was staring at me a forced smile and nodded my head. After all the celebration, I officially declared to everyone that I was fucking tired and If I did anymore work I would die out of exhaustion. They all just laughed at me but finally allowed me to go to the room. Riya stayed downstairs and told me that she will join later.

I dragged myself to the bedroom literally dragging my feet as my eyes wanted to give up. I opened the door, switched on the light and my eyes literally popped out of their sockets as I took in my surroundings.

Every corner of the room was decorated with helium balloons and fairy lights.

In the middle of the room, a 25 shaped balloon was kept. My entire bed was filled with gifts. I gasped as the room looked soo fucking beautiful. I went near the golden coloured 25 shaped ballon and a note was placed there. I opened it with a huge smile on my face,


'P. S : the gifts placed on bed are 24 in number for a reason.'

This is definitely Neel. I'm soo sure of it. He always wishes me or surprises a day before my birthday.

"You've gotta be kidding me?" Riya screeched as she entered the room, her eyes as wide as saucers.

"This is soooo... "

"Amazingggggg! " She completed my sentence as she jumped around the room like a maniac.

"Stop acting like you didn't know about this" I said rolling my eyes.

"I swear I didn't "

" I don't trust you. Someone is sneaking into our hostel, doing such stuff. They can't do it without someone's help. And only Neel is allowed in the hostel to meet me. That too he can meet me downstairs. How are you making Neel sneak into our room and making him do such stuff?" I asked turning my Lawyer mode on.

"Jeez girl, will you stop questioning and just enjoy. I'm not allowed to tell you anything " she shrugged and sat on the bed. "Now, Open the giffftssss!" she screamed again making my ears go deaf.

" Stop screaming women" I said fake glaring at her but she was just grinning pouncing on her bed with excitement. She is too cute.

I sat on the bed and started opening all the gifts.

A set of nail paints, A set of kylie lipsticks, earrings , a beautiful pearl necklace, purse and many other gifts were laid infront of me. It took me almost one and a half hour to open all the gifts.

"You do know that I am going to steal all the Kylie lipsticks when you go to sleep right? " She said her mouth wide open.

I laughed at her expression and my heart fluttered with excitement.

Who is this person? I definitely think it is Neel. Only he can do this. I didn't even realize that I was smiling since 5 minutes and that's when there was a knock on the door. I looked at the clock, It was 11.30. Who might be there this late? Riya was busy checking out my gifts and I walked towards the door. I opened it but there was noone. I frowned and was about to close the door when my eyes fell on a box wrapped in red gift paper which was placed right in front of my door. A smile again crept on my lips,

'The 25th gift" I whispered to myself and took the gift after looking everywhere in search of any person but all I got was empty hallways.

I entered the room and Riya's eyes again widened with shock.

" you do know right, whoever is this person is obsessed with you" she said.

I laughed at her comment and sat down on the bed excited to open the gift.

I literally tore up the wrapper in excitement and opened the box only to reveal a beautiful baby blue dress. It was just perfect. Simple classy and beautiful.

"Wow" my eyes were admiring the beauty so was Riya's. Neel sure knows stuff about girls.

"This is perfect" Riya said.

I grinned at her and hugged the dress to my chest. Baby blue colour. Brings back a lot of memories. My first gift which I got from Vihaan was a baby blue saree. Vihaan! How much I miss him! I should hate him for what he did but I just can't. I love him for god's sake.

"Riya, will you please give me my phone? I just want to check something. I promise I won't call anyone"

"Umm Okay"

She gave me my phone and I checked my messages to see if there was text from him. Does he even know that my birthday is in less than 10 minutes?

Of course not! He won't remember!

After clicking a few pics of the room, the gifts and the dress I looked at the time and it was 11.59 p.m .

Just then my phone buzzed with a message. I took the phone and my eyes widened for nth time that day as I read the message,

Wait! What?

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