《Love Bands?》Surprises - Part 1.


Exams are a pain in the ass. I did not sleep for three freaking days at all and the other days I slept for hardly two to three hours. I literally used to walk to the examination hall like a zombie.

"Get ready, we are leaving in 10 minutes," Riya declared the moment I lay down on the bed.



"Not today, please."


I had planned to sleep the whole day but I don't see that happening. Riya can be very persistent if she wants.


"Because it's your birthday tomorrow, fucktard."

My eyes widened. Did I really forget about my birthday? Birthdays are something which really gets me excited, be it someone else's birthday or my own.

Even though I am 24, well technically turning 25 in less than twenty-four hours, I get excited like a teen.

I was quite, lost in my thoughts for a very long time because I felt someone shake me to bring me back to earth.

"Did you doze off."

"Obviously no, idiot! I was lost in my thoughts."

"Thoughts? Care to share?"

"It might sound strange but I completely forgot about my birthday. This is the first time. It's so weird. I have literally no one. If one was asked to comment on - how fucked up my life was on a scale of one to ten, I am sure their reply would be - there is not a single scale in the world that could measure how fucked up your life is."

Riya burst out laughing. This got me a little worked up but I chose to ignore. I recalled my words and burst out laughing too.

"I know how you feel at the moment but we cannot really do anything about it. That only thing that will make you happy is shopping and lots of shopping."


I opened my mouth to say 'I don't have a lot of money' when Riya motioned with her hand to zip it.

"No need to crib about money. I have been saving too from a long time and we can go to one of the local stores instead of the branded ones."

"You are smart, baby," I said blowing a kiss.

"Geez, tell me something that I don't know."

"Over," I coughed.

"Go get changed."


" I hate you, You know" I said rolling my eyes as I was climbing the stairs of the hostel as exhaustion took over me.

"Aww, I love you too you know " Riya said grinning like a maniac.

"I'm soo freaking tired. I want to sleep for the next three days. You literally made me walk the entire fucking city" I said scowling at her as we reached out floor.

"Oh stop being a drama queen! It's your birthday tomorrow. You should be excited not drowning yourself in self pity and exhaustion" Riya said rolling her eyes.

I was about to reply when my eyes landed on a bouquet. Wait let me repeat, on a huge bouquet of red roses. The typical type of bouquet which you see in the movies. My eyes widened when I realized that the bouquet was kept infront of Riya and my room.

I looked at Riya and her eyes were shining with excitement and happiness.

"Oh my god" I gasped as I bent down to gather the beautiful roses in my hand and smelled the refreshing fragrance. The flowers literally covered the half of me.

"Who might've done this? " Riya asked looking around.

"Wait. You haven't done this?" I asked confused.

"Are you my girlfriend? " She asked with a straight face.


"What? " My confusion rising.

"Idiot! Why would I give you red roses? I don't love you. I mean I do but not in that way." She laughed and opened the door.

I went inside with my flowers from a stranger. Wait, not a stranger. Obviously it will be Neel.

"Neel must've sent this" I said giggling.

I then narrowed my eyes at her and said,

"You know everything " I accused her.

"Neel? We didn't plan anything that included roses. Trust me. If he has planned something seperately for you then I don't know." she shrugged.

I sighed and sat on the bed with my flowers and then something stuck my eye. Note!

There was a note. How stupid of me to not see that before. I opened the note and my grin widened if that was even possible.

P. S : Three hours to go'

This is definitely Neel. I just know it. Who else would do such a thing? And Neel had special permission to visit me in the hostel once or twice a week. I need to call him.

I took my cellphone and it was rudely snatched by my idiot roommate.

"See, I love and all. But no cellphones today. I will give it to you tomorrow. I'll tell Neel to call on my cellphone and if any of your relatives or parents call, I'll hand it over to you"

"Hey, No" I literally shouted.

She just showed me her tongue and walked away in the bathroom.

Riya, I haven't been connected to any girl like the way I have connected with her. We just clicked you know. Same passion for law, same interests, same hobbies. It was like I found my long lost sister. When my parents walked away from me, I had cried the entire night and she was there by my side, calming me down with comforting words. I hope this friendship is not temporary.

I laid down on bed and Riya came out of the bathroom with her night dress on.

"You're sleeping already? " Riya asked keeping her hands on her chest as her black hair flowed down her shoulders.

I yawned and nodded.

"No fucking way" she took my hand and pulled me up making me sit again.

"You are a freaking devil you know" I said frowning.

"You are going to be wide awake till midnight and we still have to have dinner."

"I think I'll pass" I said.

I was about lie down when her intimidating glare and scary posture did not let me do that.

"I'm hungryyyy. Let's goo" I said faking excitement and ran towards the door.

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