《Love Bands?》New Beginnings.


I have been studying my ass off from the past 7 weeks. I have my exams from tomorrow. A lot of damage has been done because of the stupid wedding. Stupid but it surely hurts because I was in love with my husband. Was being the keyword.

I might have been in love with him but the night my husband's fucking mistress made me listen to that audio I lost it. All the love, all the respect everything went down the drain in a minute. I was still going to give Vihaan a chance to explain himself but he was not able to do so conforming whatever that slut says was right.

If I would have been in my right state of mind I would never call her or as a matter of fact any woman a slut but she has pissed me enough to loathe her. She broke my house, my new marriage, every-fucking-thing. Oh, because of her indirectly I lost my parents too.

"Rishita! " My father's booming voice came out of nowhere. I had settled on my bed comfortably and was studying for my upcoming tests. I slightly jumped at the sound and my new room mate Riya gave me a questioning look. Yes! I had finally shifted to the girl's hostel and I already had a new roommate. Riya, she was really cute and welcoming. She helped me settle down and our equal love for the black coat was the main reason we immidiately hit it off.

A loud pounding on the door distracted me from my thoughts.

"Open the door " my dad shouted from the other end.

I took a deep breath, ignored Riya's questioning looks and started walking towards the door. Riya didn't know anything about me, well noone in the hostel knew, but now everyone will be curious.


Time to face Mr. Loving Father.

I opened the door and there stood my parents with anger evident in their face.

"Mom? Dad? " I played cool.

"What do you think you are doing?" my father screamed in my face and everyone in the hostel looked at the scene with wide eyes.

Way to embarrass your daughter.

"Dad, I.... "

"Pack up your bags, we're leaving you back to your in-laws house." My father ordered.

His voice was dangerous, so scary that my entire body shook with fear.

"I don't want to go back" I whispered soo low I'm sure noone heard.

"What? " My mother asked.

"I don't want to go back " I said firmly yet my throat was clogged.

Slap! My cheek stung at the impact and my eyes brimmed with tear

My father took a step forward, held my arm tightly, looked in my eyes and said,

"This is the last time I'm saying, go pack your bags. Or the consequences won't be good"

My entire body shook with fear as goosebumps erupted on my body.

Stay strong Rishi. You have to fight this! My subconscious screamed.

I took a deep breath pulled away from his grip staring into his eyes. He was shocked because this was the first time I disobeyed him. My mother's mouth was wide open.

"And this is the last time I'm telling you, that I am not going back. He bet on me Dad. He used me. How can you expect me to go back? " I screamed in his face and I swear I saw a flash of guilt pass through his face.

"Rishita, he is your husband." my mother exclaimed.

"Husband? So? He has the right to do anything with me. Your own daughter was used by her own husband and you expect me to go back that easily?" by now tears were streaming down my face.


"I give you a choice Rishita. Studies or your family. If you choose studies I will forget that I ever had a daughter. You might have a chance to study if you choose your family" my father said loud and clear.

There was pin drop silence. Everyone were staring at me with anticipation. The hostelites were shocked to see the scene unfold.

My father had a smirk on his face because he thought I will choose them. Oh boy he was soo wrong?

"You never ever treated me like a daughter anyway and I love my self respect way too much to go back in that hell hole. I'm never going back" I said and slammed the door shut as tears started streaming down my cheeks.

In a span of one week, I lost my husband and my family.

Bitter memories. I wiped my tears and mumbled soothing words to myself. One good thing happened after all this drama, I am free from all the cages, one my own house and two the house where I was treated like shit not by my in-laws but by my husband who raped me. Yes, I would call it a rape. He raped my dignity.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Someone knocked at my door. Maybe Riya, my roommate is here. I wiped my face and rushed to the door. I had shifted to the hostel the very same week I rejoined college. I did not want to be a burden on Neel as well as people will say hundred things about a married woman staying at other man's house. They will probably even call me a whore.

That's how the society is. FUCKED UP!

"BOOOO!" Neel nearly jumped to give me a bone crushing hug.

"Shit! You scared me. Is this the way to behave? What if it would have been Riya instead of me?" I questioned returning his hug.

"Well, in that case baby I am right here," Riya said popping out from nowhere.

"I found her on my way so we planned this and I brought food," Vihaan said popping down on my bed.

"You did not find me Idiot, you bumped into me on the way," Riya corrected.

"Yaya! Same shit."

"Fuck off."

"I would rather fuck you."

I burst out into fits of laughter. Neel and Riya are hilarious together. They fight like old couples, and I can even see an attraction between them, I totally ship them. It is time to play cupid but after my exams.

"You two are so cute together. You guys should date."

Pin drop silence. No one said a single word, instead both of them blushed.


"Are you two secretly dating behind my back?"

"NOOO!" both screamed.

"Whatever. I am starving so let's eat fast then you can shoo away Mr. Khurana, I need to study."

"You are evil, you know."

"Tell me something that I don't know."


"You bitch," I said with a pout.

We all burst out laughing. We ate our food in peace and talked about random stuff but here and there I brought the topic of them being together.

It would be awesome if Neel would just find a girl and not take care of me for the rest of his life. Not that I mind but I don't want him to ruin his life, because I love him way too much to do such a bad thing.

Neel left after some time and I went back to my books. It was going to be a long night.

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