《Love Bands?》Rejection.


I looked from Vihaan to Neel as my mouth was wide open. They were shooting daggers at each other. The atmosphere was soo thick you could literally cut a knife through it.

Rajiv and Akash stood there silently absorbing all the scene. Okay, I need to stop this. Stop this before these two idiots get in a fight.

"Okay stop! Neel are you out of your mind? Why would you say that?" I asked glaring at that dumbass.

"Because babe, it's the truth" He said shrugging his shoulders.

That's it, I was about to scream at Neel again when Vihaan pushed me aside and punched on Neel's face. I gasped looking at the scene as Vihaan and Neel started a fist fight. Rajiv and Akash went near them trying to pull them apart but they ignored and pushed them aside and continued their fist fight.

I am a very patient girl, trust me. I was taught to be patient and understanding because Obviously these are the girls morale, Right? But when I get angry, trust me, I'm not the same Rishita anymore. I'm a completely different violent person. I walked angrily towards the two animals and stood in between them. I pushed Vihaan away from Neel in soo much force that he literally fell on the ground. Neel was about to go towards Vihaan again when I did the same thing to him and screamed


All the boys looked at me with wide eyes as I had pushed two muscular boys apart when they were fighting.

"What the fuck Rishita? Why are you coming in the middle, let me handle him!" Neel screamed.

"Fuck off! Firstly, go get dressed and secondly one more fist fight and I am never talking to you! Ever! And I mean each and every word" I looked at Neel in his eyes with my best glare.


He sighed and gave up.

"Fine, I'm going! But this is not over Vihaan! Remember " Neel said and left.

Vihaan didn't bother replying to him because he was busy gaping at me. Of course he hasn't seen my this side. The violent angry side. He has always seen my patient and obediant personality.

"Can I talk to him alone? " I announced and the two friends scurried out of the door as soon as the words left my mouth.

Vihaan got up from the floor and looked at me waiting for me to speak.

I took a deep breath and looked away turning my back towards him.

"Rishi, Please tell me that's not true! "

His voice was heavy and broken

This angered me even more. Why was he broken? He was the one who ripped my heart out. And he has the guts to doubt me?

"What do you think Vihaan? " I asked my voice void of any emotions.

"I.. I"

"You know what! This is the fucking problem. " I turned towards him, anger running through my every vein

"You don't trust me Vihaan. Do you think I will sleep with him? Neel? I told you he is like a brother to me! I went to a bar from your place where I was totally drunk, he bought me to his home and kept me safe." I screamed tired of everyone doubting Neel and I's relationship.

He flinched at my tone and I could see a shade of fear in his eyes.

"Rishi, I'm sorry" He whispered.

"Sorry? You're freaking sorry? Oh go fuck yourself! I'm not interested in your sorry. Where did this guilt go when you had that bet? Where did that guilt go when you fucked me for the sake of bet! Where did that anger go when Alvin said those words about me? You should've taught him a lesson! You punched Neel and had a fight with him when he said that, why the fuck didn't you do that with that bastard? "


By now tears were streaming down my face as my heart shattered into million pieces again.

I looked at him as his face contracted in pain and guilt. This broke my heart even more. I just wanted to run towards him and hug him, comfort him. No! I have to be strong.

"Rishi! Please let me explain. Once. Please." He begged.

I took a deep breath wiped my tears forcefully and said,

"Speak! You have two minutes"

"I never wanted to get in that stupid bet. I was angry and broken because at first I didn't want to marry you. I was forced to marry. Alvin knew that. He is fucking asshole. He knows I get angry very soon. He took advantage of that and we had the bet. First it was all about the bet. But afterwards, I fell for you Rishi. I love you soo fucking much. Please, please give me a chance. I know I'm a fucktard, I'm an asshole, but please, please don't give up on me"

His words were pleading, his voice was soothing. He was inches away from me and I stood there melted in his dark eyes as he spoke with all honesty.

Be strong, Rishi! My subconscious screamed. And just like that I snapped back into reality.

I walked a few steps away from him because his presence was fogging my mind.

I turned away from him again and said,

"No matter how angry you are, you should know how to treat a women. I can't forgive you Vihaan. Alvin's words keep replaying in my mind. And everytime I feel disgusted about myself. "

He hugged me from behind his nose nuzzling my neck and said.

" Don't say it like that baby! Please! "

His arms felt soo good wrapped around me. I wanted to stay there forever. It felt like home. Tears were unstoppable as his arms tightemed around me.

" Please forgive me, Rishi! I love you! I don't think I'll be able to function without you. You're my other half, my world. What will I do without my world" I could feel wetness at my neck as he cried too.

Collecting all my self control, I pushed him away and said, my back still turned away from him.

" Leave!"

"What? Rishi, please"

"I said Leave before I call the cops" I screamed.

"Cops? "

"I am lawyer and trust me I can be a bad lawyer too. Leave before I call the cops"

He held my hand turned me towards him.

"Say it on my face Rishi."

He held my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. Those eyes held storms of anger, guilt and sadness. I can't look at them, instead I looked away and said,

" Leave Vihaan"

" No! Look into my eyes and say you want me to leave you"


I took a deep breath and I think this will be the last time I'll be seeing his face inches away from mine. I took this opportunity to absorb all his features, his eyes. His pointed nose, his beard, the lines on his forehead and his full red lips.

I gathered the guts to look into those stormy black eyes which held soo many emotions and said,

" Leave! "

The expression on his face after I said those words will haunt me in my nightmares. I'm sure of that. It was as if someone punched him right on his face. He took a few step backwards as his eyes brimmed with tears again.

He took a deep breath, masked his pain with a blank emotion, turned around and left.

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