《Love Bands?》Tries.



I cursed under my breath. I don't have his number and I have no clue where he stays. What do I do? Where should I go now?

I panicked.

I called Akash and luckily he answered the phone on the second ring and not kept me waiting. Maybe he has his number because they got along really well at the party.

"Bro, do you have Neel's number?"

"Neel? No bro, why? And any clue where bhabhi is?"

"She is at Neel's place. I am sure. I fucked up, Akash. I fucked up really bad."

"What happened."

"Where is Rajiv?"

"At his place? Tell me bro, what happened. I am worried. Is bhabhi alright?"

"Meet me in 15 minutes, both of you."

Without further ado I called Ayush. I was hoping that he does not know about the incidents because I had no energy to face the wrath of a brother. Maybe he won't know, because he is just a kid. Not a kid but he is still young to know everything. But, he can know a part of it, because Rishi tells him everything. And if he knows a part of it then I am sure it is enough for him to go all Jim Moriarty on me. I kept my fingers crossed.


"Hello, Ayush? Vihaan here."

"Hey, jiju. How are you?" I let out the breath that I had no idea I was holding.

Thank God. He is not aware of the incidents.

"I am good. How are you?"

"I am good too."

"By the way Ayush, can you please give me Neel's address and number?"

"Why? Something important?"

"I actually had some work." I lied.

"Okay. I will text you the address and number."


"Thank you. It's a bit urgent."


I hung up and Ayush texted me the address and number immediately. I took a deep breath before calling Neel. Time to face the wrath of the bestfriend. I called Neel without wasting more time.


"Hello, Neel. Vihaan here."

"What do you want?" he spat.

His anger was the proof of him knowing everything. Obviously he knows. He is the best friend.

"I am sorry, Neel. I know that you know about what happened last night. And I am really sorry. I did not mean to hur--"

"Cut the crap.Why are you calling?"

"Where is she? I want to meet her."

He laughed bitterly, "do you really think I will tell you where she is? And meet her? Seriously? Not even in your dreams fucktard."

"Please Neel, tell me very she is?" my voice was a bit intimidating now.


He hung up. What an asshole! I am a very short tempered guy. Though I pleaded so much, Neel was treating me like trash. I know I messed up, big time but that does not mean he will treat me like a stray dog and now that he hung up on me, It was enough for me to lose all of it. I was furious.

I am going to get my wife back. I rushed out of my house and the next thing I did was get inside the car and drive off to Neel's place on full speed. I wish I had an Ashton Martin right now. In the middle of all this I had sent a quick message to Rajiv and Akash and asked them to come to Neel's place directly.

Today we had gone to talk to the HoD (Head of the Department) about my continuation to which he happily agreed. His words were still playing in my ears, I quote 'Rishita Arora, you are one of the toppers of our college. You deserve to be a successful lawyer and not just be a housewife. We are more than happy to welcome you back. The hostel will be arranged by tomorrow and if you need extra help you can seek help from me or your teachers any time.'


My heart had filled up by his words. Such people really exist in this cruel world where a child gets raped, a woman is forced into a marriage and woman don't have the right to study. Well, I might have drifted off the topic right now but that's the condition of the nation.

Currently I am sprawled on Neel's bed with his laptop and chicken wings. I can have chicken 24x7. Neel was in the shower, he had just returned from gym.

The bell rang and I groaned. I did not want to get up. I hit the spacebar and rushed to the door. Without checking from the peephole I opened the door and the person who I did not want to see stood in front of me.

Vihaan stood there with his two friends in the doorway looking handsome as ever. His hair were messed up but it still suited him. One thing that didn't look good on him were those bags under his eyes.

That means even he has had those sleepless nights. Good! He deserved it.

He ogled me from head to toe and that's when realization hit me, I was wearing cotton shorts and Neel's extra large t-shirt. The t-shirt was sooo big for me that my shorts were literally invisible. I mentally face palmed myself and made a mental note to always look at my attire before leaving my bed.

Vihaan clenched his jaw. I know what he is thinking and I don't blame him, I blame my attire for it. Anyone would think that....

I had no expressions on my face, both of us stood there. I wanted to hug him, kiss him; but I can't. Because he ruined my life. He objectified me. Those memories made me turn my face from his in disgust.

He opened his mouth to say something when Neel decided to show up in nothing but a towel. Way to go, best friend. Stop adding oil to the already lit fire. I rolled my eyes and turned towards Vihaan.

He was red, with anger. Bloody idiot!

"Yes dude, we did it. All night long," Neel declared pecking me on my head.

Both Vihaan and I looked at him with wide eyes. What the fuck was this moron up to?

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