《Love Bands?》Console.


"Riri, Riri, Riri, wake up babe,"

I was lifeless at the moment. No sorrow, no pain, no feelings, I was numb. All the crying from the party had drained me of everything I had inside me.

Heartbreaks suck!

"Riri, please wake up babe. I can't see you like this," Neel pleaded and a drop of water fell on my eyelids.

Was Neel crying? I shot my eyes open and saw Neel wiping his tears with one hand. My heart aches seeing him like this. Neel hardly cries. Last time he cried was when Pogo had died. Pogo was his Labrador had died that was six years ago. He was crying because of me.

"You are awake," Neel kissed my forehead and I flashed him a genuine smile.

I cannot fake around him for fuck's sake. Even if I try my level best he could easily see through my facade.

"Why are you crying babe? What happened?"

"You thought that I died? That's why you were crying?" I tried to change the topic and fortunately it worked but I don't know for how long?

"Yes, I was worried that maybe the condom which I gave you was old or of low quality and it broke and you are pregnant and that's why you came crying to me."

"Oh shit! You caught me," I went with the flow because that's what I am supposed to do.

A woman is supposed to go with the flow, go through all the shit she gets from her husband and in-laws. A man can have a mistress, he can bet on her, he can joke about his friend sleeping with her, and what not. But a woman cannot do the same nor raise her voice against it.

"I must say his sperm is really quick."

"Eww, that's gross. Shut up!" I scrunched my noose in fake horror.

We both burst into fits of laughter, but soon our laughter ceased.

"What happened, babe? I know something is wrong. I can feel it," Neel asked carefully. He knows how to handle me.

That was it. My dam just broke and could not control my tears. I sobbed hysterically and Neel enveloped me inside his safe arms. I clutch his shirt like my life was dependent on it. I cried for I don't know how long.


Neel was constantly saying soothing words in my ears and rubbing circles on my arm. The were like an antidote to me because soon I found my sobs ceasing.

"He broke my heart, Neel."


"It was all a lie. A motherfucking bet, but irony is the bet was about fucking me."


"You heard me, it's the truth. He made a bet with his friends. Two months, if he slept with me in fucking two months he with me he would win but if he failed then--," I felt like throwing up at the next sentence.

"If he failed then what, Riri?"

"His friend Alvin would come after me and fuck me right on our bed," I said with disgust.


"KRISTEN," I spat.

Even taking her name makes me barf. She is a bitch, a grade A bitch. Neel was furious by now, if it was in his hands he would have buried them, all three of them six feet under by now.

"I don't want to talk about it, Neel, please?" I pleaded and I know Neel understood because he hugged me with everything he had in him. He made a wall around me, not a cage sort of wall but a protective one. He swore one thing that if Vihaan will try to come near me, he for sure is going to get his ass beaten up by Neel. I did not say anything to that because I know Neel would never listen to me, because the matter was pretty intense. And deep inside even I did not want him to listen to me, because I was hurt, in many ways that I cannot even explain.

It felt like I had been raped by my own husband.


I feel disgusted by myself. A comfortable silence hung between us. It was peaceful, really safe. It felt like home.

"Riri?" Neel decided to break the silence.


"What are you going to do now?"

I very well know what he was asking about, but the atmosphere was pretty tense so I decided to lighten up his mood.

"Nothing much, really. Just get changed then order some food and sit cuddle with you. Oh, and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I really need my therapy and my therapist," I said flicking his nose.

"I did not mean that, but nice idea. Go freshen up, I will order pizza by then. Then we will cuddle, watch, eat and well, talk. Okay?"


I rummaged my luggage to find my clothes. All the stuff was messed up as I had packed my bag in a hurry. Something caught my eye, it was the frame that I was about to gift Vihaan. I wanted to throw it and see the glass shatter int pieces, just like my dreams, like my life. But throeing it would be instigating Neel to punch Vihaan and basically murder him.

I went in the bathroom after keeping the frame aside and taking some fresh clothes. As soon as the door closed behind me I leaned onto it and cried. The frame brought back all the memories. The time we had spent together, it felt so real.


It was nothing but a lie.

I don't know for how long I was inside the washroom because I heard Neel call me from outside. I quickly took a shower and came out of the bathroom.

"What took you so long?"

"Periods happened," I lied.

Neel's mouth formed into an 'O' shape while I laughed.

"That does not mean. that I am going to miss out on the series, pizza and cuddles. Heck! I need cuddles," I said with a pout earning a chuckled from Neel.

That chuckle lightened up my mood.


Both Neel and I were sprawled on his bed and his comfy blanket was on top of us. Although it is April we are in a blanket because Mr. Fucktard here decided to turn on the AC on 16° and on top of that turn on the cooler in full speed. I know, he is fucking-not-so-brilliant. But I love him way too much to disown him.

"Now let's talk," Neel announced.


"What do you want to do, Riri?"

"I don't know as of now, but thing is for sure. I am not going back to both the cages. I don't want to see Vihaan or even face my parents. My parents will never understand what I am going through and Vihaan," I let out a bitter laugh making Neel stiffen but I held his hand just to calm him. "Neel?"


"You are my best friend, right? Actually more like a brother, right?"

"Any doubts?"

"Not even in my wildest dreams. Anyways, that's not what I wanted to say."

"I know."

"You always know. And you know how much I love studying, and how desperately I want to be a lawyer?"


"So, I was thinking of continuing my studies again. I have already missed half of the semester. I need to work hard in order to ace the upcoming exams. I actually know most of the stuff because I regularly used to get the notes. So all I need to do is apply for a hostel. Will you help me with it? Actually not with it but will you help me hide from the two Hitlers?"

"Obviously, but I don't understand why a hostel when you can stay at my place?"

"Because, dumbo. They all know this is the first place I would come to."

"Point. You are smart. But, as of now let's focus on F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Advocate Rishita."

"I love hearing that, it feels so good. Yep, F.R.I.E.N.D.S it is."

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