《Love Bands?》Party.


We all were waiting for Vihaan to show up at the hotel Neel had booked. I had messaged him to come here directly so that he can have a meet up with Neel and sort things out between the two of them. I hope, I hope he likes the surprise.

I was nervous as hell as we all waited for the birthday boy to turn up. I had not wished him since morning and neither had his parents. It was supposed to be a surprise for a reason. He has been throwing hints at us a numerous times during breakfast and we had subtly ignored it. After giving up, he went to office like a depressed kid.

I had already bought a gift for him and it was packed and kept in our bedroom. I'm planning on giving it to him exactly before his birthday ends.

I hope he likes this.

"Alright everyone, Vihaan is downstairs, get ready. Lights off, " Akash, Vihaan's best friend announced and the lights went off.

"He is going to love it, you know," Neel said standing beside me giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Hopefully," my voice was nervous.

As soon as the door opened a confused Vihaan was spotted along with Rajiv and Kristen? I don't recollect calling her, not even in my wildest dreams.

"Surpriseee!" We all shouted and his expressions changed from confusion to shock to happy.

"Happy Birthday Vihaan beta," my mother in law hugged him.

Next came his father and all his friends. I was just standing there absorbing all his happiness that was bursting out from his face. A huge smile was plastered on my face after seeing my surprise plan was going to be a success.

After everyone wished him, he spotted me and gave one of his rare smiles. That smile which he always gives me. My very personal smile. It light ups my world. He walked towards me and hugged me in front of everyone.


"Vihaan, what are you doing?" I said slightly uncomfortable.

"Hugging my wife?" He said pulling away slightly.

"Everyone is looking," I said as blush crept up on my face making my face go red.

"You think I care?" He said raising his eyebrow.

I laughed and pushed him away completely. A pout formed on his face to which he earned my giggles.

"Happy Birthday Mr. Vihaan Malhotra. You are an ass for not telling me on our honeymoon that your birthday is today but I forgive you," I said with a wink.

"Well, thank you Mrs. Malhotra. Pardon me milady for such a huge mistake I made," He said in a posh tone and then wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him and whispered in my ear,

"Thank you for all this. I love you soo fucking much."

"I love you too."

"Now, now, can we please separate the two love birds?" Akash said interrupting our moment.

"Way to interrupt us, fucker," Vihaan said rolling his eyes.

Kristen, Alvin, Rajiv, Akash all were standing in front of us. Vihaan's hand was still wrapped around my waist keeping me close to him. It felt good, really really good; actually the best! I had not invited Kristen and Alvin. I have no idea how they showed up.

"Bhabhi, where is your family? They didn't come?" Rajiv asked scanning around the room.

"Yeah, where are they? I did not see mom, dad or even Ayush?" Vihaan asked.

A clot formed in my throat remembering that day. They never showed up at the party neither did they call Vihaan to wish him. I ignored the lump in my throat and brimming tears and with a smile and said, "Ayush's exams are coming up so they won't be coming today, but they have sent you their wishes and blessings."


Vihaan frowned at my expression and gave me a 'we will talk about this later' look. I gave him a slight nod till then Neel joined our little group.

"Hey." I said smiling at him.

"Heya, jerk face."

"At least don't call me that in front of Vihaan's friends, piggy."

"Shut the fuck up!"

Everyone laughed and I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

"Shut up all of you."

Everyone started talking among themselves. Neel has become a part of the group because I could see Rajiv, Akash and Neel laugh and share hugs. I personally like Rajiv and Akash. They seem to be nice, friendly people unlike Alvin and Kristen.

Vihaan pulled me from the group and whispered in my ears but the music was too loud for me to process his words. He pulled me to one corner of the hotel where the music was faint.

"Rishi, where is my present?"

"My presence is your present. This is the best gift I could ever give you."

"How thoughtful!" he said in a bored tone.

"Someone likes gifts," I chuckled and Vihaan frowned.


"You will get it tonight," I said with a wink and where everyone was.

I am sure Vihaan might be thinking about sex because I said it that way. Let him think, it is more fun that way. I requested everyone to gather for the cake cutting ceremony. Vihaan cut the cake while everyone sang for him. He fed the first piece to his father followed by this mom. Then he took a big piece and turned towards me. A smirk was plastered on his face. I went closer and took some cake in my hand.

He thinks he is smart, but let me tell you I am motherfucking lawyer and I am ten times smarter. I fed him some cake and he did the same but then all of a sudden he covered my face and hair with the cake he had in his hands.

Why should boys have all the fun?

I mocked his steps and attacked his face and hair. We were literally like two kids in the middle of a party covered in cake. We both giggled after we were done with our cake-holi.

"You both fight like kids. Go wash your face," Vihaan's mom said in between her laughs.

I was red with embarrassment so I excused myself and walked to the washroom. Vihaan followed me but I heard someone say use the 'Men's Washroom, bro'. I bet it was Akash.

I entered the washroom and stood in front of the mirror smiling like a lunatic, little did I know my whole world was about to come crashing down.

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